Human rights breaches. Defamatory social media posts. Law permeates all spheres and sectors. Join us to explore how law shapes society. From real casework to advising clients, practical experience is central to this course, including working in the Law School’s Law Clinic. Ready to take your first steps into a career in law?
Why Lancaster?
- Learn from world-class researchers, practising lawyers, and benefit from tutors committed to innovative teaching and student support
- Gain valuable real-world experience in our Law Clinic by taking on casework under the supervision of professional experts
- Benefit from our strong links to chambers and law firms across the UK, including international Magic Circle firms
- Unravel technical legal topics and uncover how law shapes our society
- Join our student-run Law Society, build your professional network and make useful connections
- Prepare for success. Our Law Fair is attended by top lawyers and their recruitment teams and we have regular visits from top alumni
A Law degree for the future
Law is one of the most fascinating and intellectually challenging subjects you can choose, and one that prepares you for a very wide range of career paths. Here at Lancaster, our Law School staff combine extensive expertise in teaching with cutting edge research in areas such as Human Rights, International Law and Diplomacy, Commercial and Environmental Law. This guarantees that your classes will include the very latest knowledge in each field.
Study how law shapes society
Our Law degree (Clinical Learning) is designed to give you a good understanding of Law in context and wider societal issues. Building on the foundations of legal knowledge, you’ll also learn about issues that are right at the heart of our society. In your final year you can choose a dissertation topic in an area that interests you.
Boost your career with real-world experience
This course is designed to enhance your legal studies by giving you hands-on practical experience centred on the legal profession, legal skills, and professional knowledge.
During the degree, under the supervision of a qualified solicitor or barrister, you will provide professional legal advice to clients in the Law School’s Legal Advice Clinic. Taking instruction from the client, you will identify the relevant issues at hand, conduct research on an appropriate strategy to resolve this dispute legally and communicate advice to the client. You’ll gain an insight into how law operates in practice and how those providing legal advice are bound by codes of ethics. Through this experience, you will acquire the competencies of a lawyer particularly in research, fact-analysis and legal analysis. You’ll also have the satisfaction of helping members of the public.
You can also join the Street Law project and deliver interactive sessions out in the community on topics like cyberbullying. Further hands-on experience can be gained through volunteering and past students have worked with organisations such as RAIS (Refugee Advocacy, Information and Support) and an Environmental Charity, the Wyre Rivers Trust.
If you are planning to continue in the legal profession, you’ll acquire the knowledge and skills you need to qualify as a solicitor by passing the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) or to start professional training to be a barrister.
Networking opportunities
We have strong links to Chambers, Law firms and related professions from across the UK, including Magic Circle firms from London. We usually host alumni visits and lectures, and a Law Fair, which is typically attended by lawyers (including trainees, associates and partners) and members of their recruitment teams. All of this should help you to make professional connections, learn more about their firms, and get a head start on your career in Law.
As a Law student you can join the Law society which is led by students for students. Here you can take part in a range of activities such as mooting in our purpose-built Mock Court Room complete with state of the art technology it offers you the opportunity to get a real courtroom experience and develop your courtroom skills and confidence.
To develop your professional networks, you can also take part in career events and negotiation competitions judged by barristers and members of the judiciary. An example of recent student success was at the British and Irish University Commercial Awareness Competition, hosted in London where a group of Lancaster students won work experience and networking opportunities. Our staff encourage and mentor you to participate in these career boosting events.
It’s not all work, there are social activities too. Recent events have included a Law Dinner and Ball, movie night, and sporting events including netball and football. You will find yourself part of a friendly student and staff community where you will feel at home. Many of our students make friends for life.
Great student support, great student experience
At Lancaster Law school we work hard to make sure you are supported throughout your degree. You will have your own academic advisor to guide you through your studies and our Legal Academic Writing Space (LAWS) provides regular advice to help you master your legal writing skills.
Your opinion matters to us and an elected student president will represent you through our student experience, and staff-student liaison meetings with academic staff. You can also drop into the Law school where you can meet up with other students. For extra pastoral support you can turn to our programme team. The supportive and personalised experience we offer is designed to make your time with us memorable, enjoyable and successful.