Accounting and Finance
- Accounting and Finance BSc Hons N400
- Accounting and Finance (Industry) BSc Hons N401
- Accounting and Management BSc Hons NN24
- Accounting and Management (Industry) BSc Hons NN25
- Accounting, Finance and Mathematics BSc Hons NG41
- Accounting, Finance and Mathematics (Industry) BSc Hons NG42
- Economics and Finance BSc Hons NL31
- Economics and Finance (Industry) BSc Hons NL32
- Finance BSc Hons N300
- Finance (Industry) BSc Hons N301
- Mathematics with Finance BSc Hons GN13
- Mathematics with Finance (Placement Year) BSc Hons GN1J
- Biology BSc Hons C100
- Biology MSci Hons 1M66
- Biology (Placement Year) BSc Hons C104
- Biology (Study Abroad) BSc Hons C105
- Biology (with a Foundation Year) BSc Hons C10F
- Biology with Psychology BSc Hons C1C8
- Biology with Psychology (Placement Year) BSc Hons C1C9
- Zoology BSc Hons C300
- Zoology (Placement Year) BSc Hons C302
- Zoology (Study Abroad) BSc Hons C304
Biomedical Science/Biomedicine
- Biomedical Science BSc Hons B990
- Biomedical Science MSci Hons B992
- Biomedical Science (Study Abroad) BSc Hons B991
- Biomedical Science (with a Foundation Year) BSc Hons B99F
- Biomedicine BSc Hons C701
- Biomedicine MSci Hons C703
- Biomedicine (Placement Year) BSc Hons C708
- Biomedicine (Study Abroad) BSc Hons C709
- Biomedicine (with a Foundation Year) BSc Hons C71F
Business and Management
- Business Analytics BSc Hons N2N1
- Business Analytics (Industry) BSc Hons N1N3
- Business Analytics (Study Abroad) BSc Hons N1N4
- Business Management BSc Hons N102
- Business Management (Entrepreneurship) BSc Hons N1N2
- Business Management (Entrepreneurship) (Industry) BSc Hons N2N2
- Business Management (Entrepreneurship) (Study Abroad) BSc Hons N2N3
- Business Management (Industry) BSc Hons N104
- Business Management (Study Abroad) BSc Hons N103
- International Business Management (Canada - Brock University) BSc Hons N202
- International Business Management (France) BSc Hons N2R1
- International Business Management (Germany) BSc Hons N2R2
- International Business Management (Italy) BSc Hons N2R3
- International Business Management (Mexico) BSc Hons N2R5
- International Business Management (Spain) BSc Hons N2R4
- International Management BSc Hons N123
- International Management (Industry) BSc Hons N124
- International Management (Study Abroad) BSc Hons N125
- Management and French Studies BA Hons RN12
- Management and German Studies BA Hons RN41
- Management and Human Resources BSc Hons N600
- Management and Human Resources (Industry) BSc Hons N602
- Management and Human Resources (Study Abroad) BSc Hons N601
- Management and Information Technology BSc Hons GN51
- Management and Information Technology (Industry) BSc Hons GN52
- Management and Spanish Studies BA Hons RN22
- Management, Politics and International Relations (Industry) BSc Hons N230
- Politics, International Relations and Management BSc Hons LN30
- Psychology and Management BA Hons CN82
- Chemical Engineering BEng Hons H800
- Chemical Engineering MEng Hons H811
- Chemical Engineering (Study Abroad) BEng Hons H812
- Chemical Engineering (with a Foundation Year) BEng Hons H80F
- Chemistry BSc Hons F100
- Chemistry MChem Hons F101
- Chemistry (Study Abroad) MChem Hons F1T7
- Chemistry (with a Foundation Year) BSc Hons F10F
- Chemistry (with Industrial Placement) MChem Hons F102
Computing and Data Science
- Computer Science BSc Hons G400
- Computer Science (Study Abroad) BSc Hons G403
- Computer Science (with Industrial Experience) MSci Hons G404
- Computer Science and Mathematics BSc Hons GG14
- Computer Science and Mathematics MSci Hons GG1K
- Computer Science and Mathematics (Placement Year) Bsc Hons GG1L
- Cyber Security BSc Hons I900
- Cyber Security (Study Abroad) BSc Hons I901
- Cyber Security (with Industrial Experience) MSci Hons I902
- Data Science BSc Hons G900
- Data Science (Placement Year) BSc Hons G901
- Data Science (Study Abroad) BSc Hons G902
- Data Science (with Industrial Experience) MSci Hons G903
- French Studies and Computing BSc Hons GR41
- German Studies and Computing BSc Hons GR42
- Management and Information Technology BSc Hons GN51
- Management and Information Technology (Industry) BSc Hons GN52
- Software Engineering BSc Hons G602
- Software Engineering (Study Abroad) BSc Hons G603
- Software Engineering (with Industrial Experience) MSci Hons G601
- Spanish Studies and Computing BSc Hons GR44
Drama, Theatre and Performance
- Drama, Theatre and Performance BA Hons W440
- Drama, Theatre and Performance (Placement Year BA Hons W441
- Drama, Theatre and Performance (Study Abroad) BA Hons W442
- Film and Theatre BA Hons PW34
- Film and Theatre (Placement Year) BA Hons PW35
- Film and Theatre (Study Abroad) BA Hons PW36
- Fine Art and Theatre BA Hons WW14
- Fine Art and Theatre (Placement Year) BA Hons WW17
- Fine Art and Theatre (Study Abroad) BA Hons WW13
- French Studies and Theatre BA Hons WR41
- German Studies and Theatre BA Hons WR42
- Spanish Studies and Theatre BA Hons WR44
- Theatre and Chinese Studies BA Hons W4T1
- Theatre and Creative Writing BA Hons WW48
- Theatre and Creative Writing (Placement Year) BA Hons WW49
- Theatre and Creative Writing (Study Abroad) BA Hons WW50
- Theatre and English Literature BA Hons WQ43
- Theatre and English Literature (Placement Year) BA Hons WQ44
- Theatre and English Literature (Study Abroad) BA Hons WQ45
Ecology and Conservation
- Business Economics BSc Hons 4V13
- Business Economics (Industry) BSc Hons 4V11
- Economics BA Hons L110
- Economics BSc Hons L100
- Economics (Industry) BA Hons L111
- Economics (Industry) BSc Hons L105
- Economics (Study Abroad) BSc Hons L101
- Economics and Finance BSc Hons NL31
- Economics and Finance (Industry) BSc Hons NL32
- Economics, Politics and International Relations BA Hons LL22
- Economics, Politics and International Relations (Industry) BA Hons LL20
- Geography and Economics BA Hons LL71
- Geography and Economics (Placement Year) BA Hons LL72
- Mathematics with Economics BSc Hons G1L1
- Mathematics with Economics (Placement Year) BSc Hons G1L2
- Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics (MORSE) BSc Hons GLN0
- Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics (MORSE) (Industry) BSc Hons GLN1
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA Hons L0V0
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Placement Year) BA Hons L0V1
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Study Abroad) BA Hons L0V2
- Chemical Engineering BEng Hons H800
- Chemical Engineering MEng Hons H811
- Chemical Engineering (Study Abroad) BEng Hons H812
- Chemical Engineering (Study Abroad) MEng Hons H813
- Chemical Engineering (with a Foundation Year) BEng Hons H80F
- Chemical Engineering with Placement Year BEng Hons H814
- Chemical Engineering with Placement Year MEng Hons H815
- Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng Hons H607
- Electronic and Electrical Engineering MEng Hons H606
- Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Study Abroad) BEng Hons H608
- Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Study Abroad) MEng Hons H609
- Electronic and Electrical Engineering (with a Foundation Year) BEng Hons H60F
- Electronic and Electrical Engineering with Placement Year BEng Hons H610
- Electronic and Electrical Engineering with Placement Year MEng Hons H611
- Engineering BEng Hons H100
- Engineering MEng Hons H102
- Engineering (Study Abroad) BEng Hons H103
- Engineering (Study Abroad) MEng Hons H104
- Engineering (with a Foundation Year) BEng Hons H10F
- Engineering with Placement Year BEng Hons H106
- Engineering with Placement Year MEng Hons H105
- Mechanical Engineering BEng Hons H300
- Mechanical Engineering MEng Hons H303
- Mechanical Engineering (Study Abroad) BEng Hons H305
- Mechanical Engineering (Study Abroad) MEng Hons H306
- Mechanical Engineering (with a Foundation Year) BEng Hons H30F
- Mechanical Engineering with Placement Year BEng Hons H307
- Mechanical Engineering with Placement Year MEng Hons H308
- Mechatronic Engineering BEng Hons HH63
- Mechatronic Engineering MEng Hons HHH6
- Mechatronic Engineering (Study Abroad) BEng Hons HH64
- Mechatronic Engineering (Study Abroad) MEng Hons HHH7
- Mechatronic Engineering (with a Foundation Year) BEng Hons HH6F
- Mechatronic Engineering with Placement Year BEng Hons HH65
- Mechatronic Engineering with Placement Year MEng Hons HHH8
- Nuclear Engineering BEng Hons H820
- Nuclear Engineering MEng Hons H821
- Nuclear Engineering (Study Abroad) BEng Hons H822
- Nuclear Engineering (Study Abroad) MEng Hons H823
- Nuclear Engineering (with a Foundation Year) BEng Hons H82F
- Nuclear Engineering with Placement Year BEng Hons H824
- Nuclear Engineering with Placement Year MEng Hons H825
English Language and Linguistics
- Chinese Studies and Linguistics BA Hons T1Q1
- English Language BA Hons Q304
- English Language (Placement Year) BA Hons Q305
- English Language (Study Abroad) BA Hons Q311
- English Language and Chinese Studies BA Hons TQ13
- English Language and Creative Writing BA Hons Q3WV
- English Language and Creative Writing (Placement Year) BA Hons Q4WV
- English Language and Creative Writing (Study Abroad) BA Hons Q5WV
- English Language and French Studies BA Hons QR31
- English Language and German Studies BA Hons QR32
- English Language and Linguistics BA Hons QQC3
- English Language and Linguistics (Placement Year) BA Hons QQC4
- English Language and Linguistics (Study Abroad) BA Hons QQC6
- English Language and Literature BA Hons Q302
- English Language and Literature (Placement Year) BA Hons Q303
- English Language and Literature (Study Abroad) BA Hons Q306
- English Language and Spanish Studies BA Hons QR34
- French Studies and Linguistics BA Hons QR11
- German Studies and Linguistics BA Hons QR12
- Language Sciences BSc Hons Q110
- Language Sciences (Placement Year) BSc Hons Q111
- Language Sciences (Study Abroad) BSc Hons Q112
- Linguistics BA Hons Q100
- Linguistics (Placement Year) BA Hons Q101
- Linguistics (Study Abroad) BA Hons Q103
- Linguistics and Philosophy BA Hons QV15
- Linguistics and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons QV16
- Linguistics and Philosophy (Study Abroad) BA Hons QV17
- Psychology and Linguistics BA Hons CQ81
- Spanish Studies and Linguistics BA Hons QR14
English Literature and Creative Writing
- Chinese Studies and English Literature BA Hons T1Q3
- English Language and Creative Writing BA Hons Q3WV
- English Language and Creative Writing (Placement Year) BA Hons Q4WV
- English Language and Literature BA Hons Q302
- English Language and Literature (Placement Year) BA Hons Q303
- English Language and Literature (Study Abroad) BA Hons Q306
- English Literature BA Hons Q300
- English Literature (Placement Year) BA Hons Q301
- English Literature (Study Abroad) BA Hons Q307
- English Literature and Creative Writing BA Hons QW38
- English Literature and Creative Writing (Placement Year) BA Hons QW39
- English Literature and Creative Writing (Study Abroad) BA Hons QW40
- English Literature and History BA Hons QV31
- English Literature and History (Placement Year) BA Hons QV32
- English Literature and History (Study Abroad) BA Hons QV33
- English Literature and Philosophy BA Hons QV35
- English Literature and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons QV34
- English Literature and Philosophy (Study Abroad) BA Hons QV38
- English Literature and Politics BA Hons QL32
- English Literature and Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons QL33
- English Literature and Politics (Study Abroad) BA Hons QL34
- English Literature with Creative Writing BA Hons Q3W8
- English Literature with Creative Writing (Placement Year) BA Hons Q3W9
- English Literature with Creative Writing (Study Abroad) BA Hons Q3W7
- Film and Creative Writing BA Hons PW38
- Film and Creative Writing (Placement Year) BA Hons PW39
- Film and Creative Writing (Study Abroad) BA Hons PW40
- Film and English Literature BA Hons PQ33
- Film and English Literature (Placement Year) BA Hons PQ34
- Film and English Literature (Study Abroad) BA Hons PQ35
- Fine Art and Creative Writing BA Hons WW18
- Fine Art and Creative Writing (Placement Year) BA Hons WW19
- Fine Art and Creative Writing (Study Abroad) BA Hons WW20
- French Studies and English Literature BA Hons RQ13
- German Studies and English Literature BA Hons RQ23
- Spanish Studies and English Literature BA Hons RQ43
- Theatre and Creative Writing BA Hons WW48
- Theatre and Creative Writing (Placement Year) BA Hons WW49
- Theatre and Creative Writing (Study Abroad) BA Hons WW50
- Theatre and English Literature BA Hons WQ43
- Theatre and English Literature (Placement Year) BA Hons WQ44
- Theatre and English Literature (Study Abroad) BA Hons WQ45
Environmental and Earth Sciences
- Earth and Environmental Science BSc Hons FF68
- Earth and Environmental Science MSci Hons 4R71
- Earth and Environmental Science (Placement Year) BSc Hons FF78
- Earth and Environmental Science (Study Abroad) BSc Hons FF7V
- Earth and Environmental Science (Study Abroad) MSci Hons FF86
- Environmental Science BSc Hons F750
- Environmental Science MSci Hons F850
- Environmental Science (Placement Year) BSc Hons F752
- Environmental Science (Study Abroad) BSc Hons F756
- Environmental Science (Study Abroad) MSci Hons F851
Film Studies
- Film and Creative Writing BA Hons PW38
- Film and Creative Writing (Placement Year) BA Hons PW39
- Film and Creative Writing (Study Abroad) BA Hons PW40
- Film and English Literature BA Hons PQ33
- Film and English Literature (Placement Year) BA Hons PQ34
- Film and English Literature (Study Abroad) BA Hons PQ35
- Film and Philosophy BA Hons PV35
- Film and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons PV36
- Film and Philosophy (Study Abroad) BA Hons PV37
- Film and Sociology BA Hons PL33
- Film and Sociology (Placement Year) BA Hons PL34
- Film and Sociology (Study Abroad) BA Hons PL35
- Film and Theatre BA Hons PW34
- Film and Theatre (Placement Year) BA Hons PW35
- Film and Theatre (Study Abroad) BA Hons PW36
- Film Studies BA Hons P303
- Film Studies (Placement Year) BA Hons P304
- Film Studies (Study Abroad) BA Hons P305
- Film, Media and Cultural Studies BA Hons PL36
- Film, Media and Cultural Studies (Placement Year) BA Hons PL37
- Film, Media and Cultural Studies (Study Abroad) BA Hons PL38
- Fine Art and Film BA Hons WP13
- Fine Art and Film (Placement Year) BA Hons WP14
- Fine Art and Film (Study Abroad) BA Hons WP15
- French Studies and Film BA Hons R1P3
- German Studies and Film BA Hons R2P3
- Spanish Studies and Film BA Hons R4P3
Fine Art
- Fine Art BA Hons W100
- Fine Art (Placement Year) BA Hons W101
- Fine Art (Study Abroad) BA Hons W102
- Fine Art and Creative Writing BA Hons WW18
- Fine Art and Creative Writing (Placement Year) BA Hons WW19
- Fine Art and Creative Writing (Study Abroad) BA Hons WW20
- Fine Art and Design BA Hons W1W2
- Fine Art and Design (Placement Year) BA Hons W1W3
- Fine Art and Design (Study Abroad) BA Hons W1W4
- Fine Art and Film BA Hons WP13
- Fine Art and Film (Placement Year) BA Hons WP14
- Fine Art and Film (Study Abroad) BA Hons WP15
- Fine Art and Theatre BA Hons WW14
- Fine Art and Theatre (Placement Year) BA Hons WW17
- Fine Art and Theatre (Study Abroad) BA Hons WW13
- French Studies and Geography BA Hons LR71
- Geography BA Hons L700
- Geography BSc Hons F800
- Geography MArts Hons L702
- Geography MSci Hons 4R61
- Geography (Placement Year) BA Hons L704
- Geography (Placement Year) BSc Hons F803
- Geography (Study Abroad) BA Hons L705
- Geography (Study Abroad) BSc Hons F804
- Geography (Study Abroad) MArts Hons L703
- Geography (Study Abroad) MSci Hons 4R62
- Geography and Economics BA Hons LL71
- Geography and Economics (Placement Year) BA Hons LL72
- German Studies and Geography BA Hons LR72
- Human Geography BA Hons L720
- Human Geography (Placement Year) BA Hons L723
- Human Geography (Study Abroad) BA Hons L724
- Physical Geography BSc Hons F840
- Physical Geography MSci Hons 4R63
- Physical Geography (Placement Year) BSc Hons F841
- Physical Geography (Study Abroad) BSc Hons F848
- Physical Geography (Study Abroad) MSci Hons 4R64
- Spanish Studies and Geography BA Hons LR74
- Chinese Studies and History BA Hons T1V1
- English Literature and History BA Hons QV31
- English Literature and History (Placement Year) BA Hons QV32
- English Literature and History (Study Abroad) BA Hons QV33
- French Studies and History BA Hons RV11
- German Studies and History BA Hons RV21
- History BA Hons V100
- History (Placement Year) BA Hons V101
- History (Study Abroad) BA Hons V103
- History and International Relations BA Hons VL12
- History and International Relations (Placement Year) BA Hons VL13
- History and International Relations (Study Abroad) BA Hons VL14
- History and Philosophy BA Hons VVC5
- History and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons VVC6
- History and Philosophy (Study Abroad) BA Hons VVC7
- History and Politics BA Hons LV21
- History and Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons LV22
- History and Politics (Study Abroad) BA Hons LV23
- History, Philosophy and Politics BA Hons V0L0
- History, Philosophy and Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons V0L1
- History, Philosophy and Politics (Study Abroad) BA Hons V0L2
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies BA Hons V125
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Placement Year) BA Hons V126
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Study Abroad) BA Hons V127
- Chinese Studies and English Literature BA Hons T1Q3
- Chinese Studies and Film BA Hons T1P3
- Chinese Studies and French Studies BA Hons R1T1
- Chinese Studies and German Studies BA Hons R2T1
- Chinese Studies and History BA Hons T1V1
- Chinese Studies and Linguistics BA Hons T1Q1
- Chinese Studies and Mathematics BA Hons T1G1
- Chinese Studies and Philosophy BA Hons T1V5
- Chinese Studies and Politics BA Hons T1L2
- Chinese Studies and Spanish Studies BA Hons R4T1
- English Language and Chinese Studies BA Hons TQ13
- English Language and French Studies BA Hons QR31
- English Language and German Studies BA Hons QR32
- English Language and Spanish Studies BA Hons QR34
- French Studies BA Hons R120
- French Studies and Computing BSc Hons GR41
- French Studies and English Literature BA Hons RQ13
- French Studies and Film BA Hons R1P3
- French Studies and Geography BA Hons LR71
- French Studies and German Studies BA Hons RR12
- French Studies and History BA Hons RV11
- French Studies and Linguistics BA Hons QR11
- French Studies and Mathematics BA Hons GR11
- French Studies and Philosophy BA Hons RV15
- French Studies and Politics BA Hons RL12
- French Studies and Spanish Studies BA Hons RR14
- French Studies and Theatre BA Hons WR41
- French Studies with Italian BA Hons R1R3
- German Studies BA Hons R220
- German Studies and Computing BSc Hons GR42
- German Studies and English Literature BA Hons RQ23
- German Studies and Film BA Hons R2P3
- German Studies and Geography BA Hons LR72
- German Studies and History BA Hons RV21
- German Studies and Linguistics BA Hons QR12
- German Studies and Mathematics BA Hons GR12
- German Studies and Philosophy BA Hons RV25
- German Studies and Politics BA Hons RL22
- German Studies and Spanish Studies BA Hons RR24
- German Studies and Theatre BA Hons WR42
- German Studies with Italian BA Hons R2R3
- International Business Management (France) BSc Hons N2R1
- International Business Management (Germany) BSc Hons N2R2
- International Business Management (Italy) BSc Hons N2R3
- International Business Management (Mexico) BSc Hons N2R5
- International Business Management (Spain) BSc Hons N2R4
- Management and French Studies BA Hons RN12
- Management and German Studies BA Hons RN41
- Management and Spanish Studies BA Hons RN22
- Modern Languages BA Hons R800
- Modern Languages and Cultures MLang Hons R810
- Psychology and Chinese Studies BA Hons C8T1
- Psychology and French Studies BA Hons CR81
- Psychology and German Studies BA Hons CR82
- Psychology and Spanish Studies BA Hons CR84
- Spanish Studies BA Hons R410
- Spanish Studies and Computing BSc Hons GR44
- Spanish Studies and English Literature BA Hons RQ43
- Spanish Studies and Film BA Hons R4P3
- Spanish Studies and Geography BA Hons LR74
- Spanish Studies and History BA Hons RV41
- Spanish Studies and Linguistics BA Hons QR14
- Spanish Studies and Mathematics BA Hons GR14
- Spanish Studies and Philosophy BA Hons RV45
- Spanish Studies and Politics BA Hons RL42
- Spanish Studies and Theatre BA Hons WR44
- Spanish Studies with Italian BA Hons R4R3
- Theatre and Chinese Studies BA Hons W4T1
Mathematics and Statistics
- Chinese Studies and Mathematics BA Hons T1G1
- Computer Science and Mathematics BSc Hons GG14
- Computer Science and Mathematics MSci Hons GG1K
- Computer Science and Mathematics (Placement Year) Bsc Hons GG1L
- French Studies and Mathematics BA Hons GR11
- German Studies and Mathematics BA Hons GR12
- Mathematics BSc Hons G100
- Mathematics MSci Hons G101
- Mathematics (Placement Year) BSc Hons G102
- Mathematics (Study Abroad) MSci Hons G103
- Mathematics (with a Foundation Year) BSc Hons G10F
- Mathematics and Philosophy BA Hons GV15
- Mathematics and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons GV16
- Mathematics with Economics BSc Hons G1L1
- Mathematics with Economics (Placement Year) BSc Hons G1L2
- Mathematics with Finance BSc Hons GN13
- Mathematics with Finance (Placement Year) BSc Hons GN1J
- Mathematics with Statistics BSc Hons G1G3
- Mathematics with Statistics MSci Hons G1GJ
- Mathematics with Statistics (Placement Year) BSc Hons GCG3
- Mathematics with Statistics (Study Abroad) MSci Hons G1GH
- Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics (MORSE) BSc Hons GLN0
- Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics (MORSE) (Industry) BSc Hons GLN1
- Spanish Studies and Mathematics BA Hons GR14
- Theoretical Physics with Mathematics BSc Hons F3GC
- Theoretical Physics with Mathematics MSci Hons F3G1
- Theoretical Physics with Mathematics (Study Abroad) MSci Hons F3G5
Media and Cultural Studies
- Film, Media and Cultural Studies BA Hons PL36
- Film, Media and Cultural Studies (Placement Year) BA Hons PL37
- Film, Media and Cultural Studies (Study Abroad) BA Hons PL38
- Media and Cultural Studies BA Hons LP63
- Media and Cultural Studies (Placement Year) BA Hons LP64
- Media and Cultural Studies (Study Abroad) BA Hons LP65
Medicine and Surgery
Natural Sciences
- English Literature and Philosophy BA Hons QV35
- English Literature and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons QV34
- Film and Philosophy BA Hons PV35
- Film and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons PV36
- Film and Philosophy (Study Abroad) BA Hons PV37
- French Studies and Philosophy BA Hons RV15
- German Studies and Philosophy BA Hons RV25
- Global Religions and Philosophy BA Hons V651
- Global Religions and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons V652
- Global Religions and Philosophy (Study Abroad) BA Hons V653
- History and Philosophy BA Hons VVC5
- History and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons VVC6
- History and Philosophy (Study Abroad) BA Hons VVC7
- History, Philosophy and Politics BA Hons V0L0
- History, Philosophy and Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons V0L1
- Linguistics and Philosophy BA Hons QV15
- Linguistics and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons QV16
- Linguistics and Philosophy (Study Abroad) BA Hons QV17
- Mathematics and Philosophy BA Hons GV15
- Mathematics and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons GV16
- Philosophy BA Hons V500
- Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons V501
- Philosophy (Study Abroad) BA Hons V502
- Philosophy and Politics BA Hons VL52
- Philosophy and Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons VL53
- Philosophy and Politics (Study Abroad) BA Hons VL54
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA Hons L0V0
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Placement Year) BA Hons L0V1
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Study Abroad) BA Hons L0V2
- Spanish Studies and Philosophy BA Hons RV45
- Physics BSc Hons F300
- Physics MPhys Hons F303
- Physics (Study Abroad) MPhys Hons F305
- Physics (with a Foundation Year) BSc Hons F30F
- Physics with Astrophysics BSc Hons F3FM
- Physics with Astrophysics MPhys Hons F3F5
- Theoretical Physics BSc Hons F340
- Theoretical Physics MPhys Hons F321
- Theoretical Physics with Mathematics BSc Hons F3GC
- Theoretical Physics with Mathematics MSci Hons F3G1
- Theoretical Physics with Mathematics (Study Abroad) MSci Hons F3G5
Politics and International Relations
- Chinese Studies and Politics BA Hons T1L2
- Economics, Politics and International Relations BA Hons LL22
- Economics, Politics and International Relations (Industry) BA Hons LL20
- English Literature and Politics BA Hons QL32
- English Literature and Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons QL33
- English Literature and Politics (Study Abroad) BA Hons QL34
- French Studies and Politics BA Hons RL12
- German Studies and Politics BA Hons RL22
- Global Religions and International Relations BA Hons VL01
- Global Religions and International Relations (Placement Year) BA Hons VL02
- Global Religions and International Relations (Study Abroad) BA Hons VL03
- Global Religions and Politics BA Hons LV01
- Global Religions and Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons LV02
- Global Religions and Politics (Study Abroad) BA Hons LV03
- History and International Relations BA Hons VL12
- History and International Relations (Placement Year) BA Hons VL13
- History and International Relations (Study Abroad) BA Hons VL14
- History and Politics BA Hons LV21
- History and Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons LV22
- History and Politics (Study Abroad) BA Hons LV23
- History, Philosophy and Politics BA Hons V0L0
- History, Philosophy and Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons V0L1
- History, Philosophy and Politics (Study Abroad) BA Hons V0L2
- International Relations BA Hons 6T99
- International Relations (Placement Year) BA Hons 6T91
- International Relations (Study Abroad) BA Hons 6T92
- Law with Politics LLB Hons M1L2
- Management, Politics and International Relations (Industry) BSc Hons N230
- Peace Studies and International Relations BA Hons LL92
- Peace Studies and International Relations (Placement Year) BA Hons LL93
- Peace Studies and International Relations (Study Abroad) BA Hons LL94
- Philosophy and Politics BA Hons VL52
- Philosophy and Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons VL53
- Philosophy and Politics (Study Abroad) BA Hons VL54
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA Hons L0V0
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Placement Year) BA Hons L0V1
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Study Abroad) BA Hons L0V2
- Politics BA Hons L200
- Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons L202
- Politics (Study Abroad) BA Hons L203
- Politics and International Relations BA Hons L250
- Politics and International Relations (Placement Year) BA Hons L251
- Politics and International Relations (Study Abroad) BA Hons L252
- Politics and Sociology BA Hons LL23
- Politics and Sociology (Placement Year) BA Hons LL24
- Politics and Sociology (Study Abroad) BA Hons LL25
- Politics, International Relations and Management BSc Hons LN30
- Spanish Studies and Politics BA Hons RL42
- Biology with Psychology BSc Hons C1C8
- Biology with Psychology (Placement Year) BSc Hons C1C9
- Criminology and Psychology BA Hons CL86
- Marketing with Psychology BSc Hons N5C8
- Psychology BSc Hons C800
- Psychology (Study Abroad) BSc Hons C801
- Psychology and Chinese Studies BA Hons C8T1
- Psychology and French Studies BA Hons CR81
- Psychology and German Studies BA Hons CR82
- Psychology and Linguistics BA Hons CQ81
- Psychology and Management BA Hons CN82
- Psychology and Spanish Studies BA Hons CR84
- Global Religions BA Hons V600
- Global Religions (Placement Year) BA Hons V601
- Global Religions (Study Abroad) BA Hons V602
- Global Religions and International Relations BA Hons VL01
- Global Religions and International Relations (Placement Year) BA Hons VL02
- Global Religions and International Relations (Study Abroad) BA Hons VL03
- Global Religions and Philosophy BA Hons V651
- Global Religions and Philosophy (Placement Year) BA Hons V652
- Global Religions and Philosophy (Study Abroad) BA Hons V653
- Global Religions and Politics BA Hons LV01
- Global Religions and Politics (Placement Year) BA Hons LV02
- Global Religions and Politics (Study Abroad) BA Hons LV03
Social Work
- Criminology and Sociology BA Hons LM39
- Criminology and Sociology (Placement Year) BA Hons LM40
- Film and Sociology BA Hons PL33
- Film and Sociology (Placement Year) BA Hons PL34
- Politics and Sociology BA Hons LL23
- Politics and Sociology (Placement Year) BA Hons LL24
- Sociology BA Hons L300
- Sociology (Placement Year) BA Hons L301
- Sociology (Study Abroad) BA Hons L302
Sports and Exercise Science
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