100% of our research impact is ranked outstanding (1st in the UK) (Research Excellence Framework 2021)
Our research directly impacts public health policy
Contemporary statistics brought to life by our enthusiastic subject experts
Shape the Future of Medical Research and Public Health with Advanced Statistical Expertise.
Medical statisticians are pivotal to the success of medical research and the development of new treatments. They design and analyse clinical trials, evaluate public health initiatives, and identify the causes and risk factors of diseases. Here at Lancaster, our world-leading researchers provide you with a firm foundation in statistical theory alongside both classical and modern practical techniques. This specialist knowledge allows you to graduate with the contemporary skills need to contribute to evidence-based decision-making in health and medical research.
With a growing demand for medical statisticians, this MSc Medical Statistics is the gateway to making a difference in the future of global health.
Who is this programme for?
The MSc in Medical Statistics is ideal for those with an undergraduate background in Mathematics or Statistics, or other quantitative disciplines which provide a strong grounding in probability and linear algebra.
Looking ahead to employability
Our Master’s degrees in statistics are long established and many of our graduates work in leading industries and research. Often, our graduates already have employment secured before they graduate, such is the demand for highly skilled medical statisticians. You will develop:
Your technical and mathematical aptitude
Confidence in your computing expertise through application to data analysis and manipulation, problem-solving and quantitative reasoning
The ability to devise appropriate designs for medical studies to ensure the research question can be answered in a definitive and efficient manner, avoiding sources of bias
Effective communication of statistical results to specialist and non-specialist audiences
An awareness of ethical issues in the design and analysis of medical studies and the responsibilities of medical statisticians within a research team
What to expect
Build your statistical foundations and develop your ability to apply statistical models as a data science with core training in statistical inference, algorithms, and computing. Focusing on the critical skills required for the medical and pharmaceutical industries, you will determine the appropriate sample size for a clinical trial to ensure it has the correct statistical power, explore design and analysis-based study designs to avoid confounder bias in epidemiological studies, model the effects of covariates on survival outcomes and determine the appropriate correlation structure to model longitudinal data. This specialised training provides you with the expertise needed to tackle the statistical challenges of modern healthcare.
Over the summer, you will work on an individual dissertation project, selected from a range of topics and supervised by leading experts. With opportunities to collaborate with industry partners, your dissertation will allow you to apply your skills to real-world medical challenges, cementing your knowledge and research abilities.
Three things our statistics students would like you to know
You will become proficient in coding in R and Python
You may have the opportunity to base your dissertation on a project set by an industry partner
Many past graduates of our Master’s programme are now leaders, or future leaders, in medical and pharmaceutical research both in industry and academia.
You might also be interested in...
Our other statistics based Master’s degrees. We offer an MSc Statistics for those wanting to study broad based options, and an MSc Statistics and Artificial Intelligence for those wishing to gain an understanding of the statistical foundations behind AI models and machine learning.
Faculty of Science and Technology Scholarships for 2025 entry
We are delighted to offer a selection of scholarships for master’s programmes in the Faculty of Science and Technology for 2025 entry.
International students
Your qualifications
Programme cost without scholarship
Science and Technology Dean's Award
Lancaster Global Scholarship
Total Scholarship amount
You pay
1st class degree
2:1 degree
We also offer a dedicated Science and Technology Country Scholarship for international students who are nationals of, or whose permanent home address is within one of the following countries: Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Home students
Your qualifications
Programme cost without scholarship
Lancaster Master's Scholarship
You pay
1st class degree
Scholarships will be applied automatically if you meet the criteria.
2:1 Hons degree (UK or equivalent) in Mathematics or Statistics.
We may also consider non-standard applications where you have studied a degree in other quantitative subjects that include courses in probability, statistics, linear algebra, and calculus, or you have a 2:2 honours degree equivalent result combined with extensive relevant experience.
You should clearly be able to demonstrate how your skills have prepared you for relevant discussions and assessments during postgraduate study.
If you have studied outside of the UK, we would advise you to check our list of international qualifications before submitting your application.
English Language Requirements
We may ask you to provide a recognised English language qualification, dependent upon your nationality and where you have studied previously.
We normally require an IELTS (Academic) Test with an overall score of at least 6.5, and a minimum of 6.0 in each element of the test. We also consider other English language qualifications.
Delivered in partnership with INTO Lancaster University, our one-year tailored pre-master’s pathways are designed to improve your subject knowledge and English language skills to the level required by a range of Lancaster University master’s degrees. Visit the INTO Lancaster University website for more details and a list of eligible degrees you can progress onto.
Course structure
You will study a range of modules as part of your course, some examples of which are listed below.
Information contained on the website with respect to modules is correct at the time of publication, but changes may be necessary, for example as a result of student feedback, Professional Statutory and Regulatory Bodies' (PSRB) requirements, staff changes, and new research. Not all optional modules are available every year.
core modules accordion
Clinical trials are planned experiments on human beings designed to assess the relative benefits of one or more forms of treatment. For instance, we might be interested in studying whether aspirin reduces the incidence of pregnancy-induced hypertension, or we may wish to assess whether a new immunosuppressive drug improves the survival rate of transplant recipients.
This module combines the study of technical methodology with discussion of more general research issues, beginning with a discussion of the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of medical studies. The module will provide a definition and estimation of treatment effects. Furthermore, cross-over trials, issues of sample size determination, and equivalence trials are covered. There is an introduction to flexible trial designs that allow a sample size re-estimation during the ongoing trial. Finally, other relevant topics such as meta-analysis and accommodating confounding at the design stage are briefly discussed.
Students will gain knowledge of the basic elements of clinical trials. They will develop the ability to recognise and use principles of good study design, and will also be able to analyse and interpret study results to make correct scientific inferences.
Hierarchical data arise in a multitude of settings, specifically whenever a sample is grouped (or clustered) according to one or more factors with each factor having many levels. For instance, school pupils may be grouped by teacher, school and local education authority. There is a hierarchical structure to this grouping since schools are grouped within local education authority and teachers are grouped within schools. If multiple measurements of a response variable, say test score, are made for each pupil across multiple measurement times, the data are also longitudinal.
This module motivates the need for statistical methodology to account for these kinds of hierarchical structure. The differences between marginal and conditional models, and the advantages and disadvantages of each, will be discussed. Linear mixed effects models (LMMs) for general multi-level data will be introduced as an extension to the linear regression model. Longitudinal data will be introduced as a special case of hierarchical data motivating the need for temporal dependence structures to be incorporated within LMMs. Finally, the drawbacks of LMMs will be used to motivate generalised linear mixed effects models (GLMMs), with the former a special case of the latter. GLMMs broaden the scope of data sets which can be analysed using mixed-effects models to incorporate all common types of response variable.
All modelling will be carried out using the statistical software package R.
The three month dissertation period (mid-June to mid-September) will involve the application of statistical methodology to a substantive problem. This dissertation is written by the student under the direction of a supervisor. Some projects are collaborative: examples include GlaxoSmithKline; AstraZeneca; Wrightington Hospital; Royal Lancaster Infirmary; Leahurst Veterinary Centre; and the Department of the Environment.
Students will gain a thorough understanding of advanced statistical methods which go beyond the scope of MSc taught components, and will learn about the development of original statistical methodology which will contribute to a fuller understanding of existing methodology. Students are required to make innovative use of the statistical method, leading to substantive findings which would not readily be obtainable by routine application of standard techniques.
Introducing epidemiology, the study of the distribution and determents of disease in human population, this module presents its main principles and statistical methods. The module addresses the fundamental measures of disease, such as incidence, prevalence, risk and rates, including indices of morbidity and mortality.
Students will also develop awareness in epidemiologic study design, such as ecological studies, surveys, and cohort and case-control studies, in addition to diagnostic test studies. Epidemiological concepts will be addressed, such as bias and confounding, matching and stratification, and the module will also address calculation of rates, standardisation and adjustment, as well as issues in screening.
This module provides students with a historical and general overview of epidemiology and related strategies for study design, and should enable students to conduct appropriate methods of analysis for rates and risk of disease. Students will develop skills in critical appraisal of the literature and, in completing this module, will have developed an appreciation for epidemiology and an ability to describe the key statistical issues in the design of ecological studies, surveys, case-control studies, cohort studies and RCT, whilst recognising their advantages and disadvantages.
This module is only core for those with the required mathematical background to complete it. Some students may require an introduction to the area, at the graduate level, and they will study the core module titled ‘Statistical Fundamentals I’. If you complete this module, you will not be required to take Statistical Fundamentals I.
The areas that will be covered are statistical inference using maximum likelihood and generalised linear models (GLMs). Building on an undergraduate-level understanding of mathematics, statistics (hypothesis testing and linear regression) and probability (univariate discrete and continuous distributions; expectations, variances and covariances; the multivariate normal distribution), this module will motivate the need for a generic method for model fitting and then demonstrate how maximum likelihood provides a solution to this. Following on from this, GLMs, a widely and routinely used family of statistical models, will be introduced as an extension of the linear regression model.
This module will develop the core topic of maximum likelihood inference previously introduced in MATH501 Statistical Fundamentals I by expanding on numerical and theoretical aspects. Numerical aspects will include obtaining the maximum likelihood estimate using numerical optimisation functions in R, and using the profile likelihood function to obtain both the maximum likelihood estimate and confidence intervals. Theoretical elements covered will include derivation of asymptotic distributions for the maximum likelihood estimator, deviance and profile deviance.
The second half of the module will introduce Bayesian inference as an alternative to maximum likelihood inference. Building on existing knowledge of the likelihood function, the prior and posterior distributions will be introduced. For simple models, analytical forms for the posterior distribution will be introduced and point estimates for the parameter obtained. For more complex models, numerical methods of sampling from the posterior distribution will be demonstrated.
This module provides a practical introduction to statistical learning from model training to deployment. The student will learn about optimisation as a means for model training; the statistical principles and methods that underpin model selection, and the application of classification and regression models to real data problems.
A variety of supervised learning models and their estimation will be covered, including linear models and their connection to kernel based methods; feed-forward neural networks; and tree based models. Tree based models will be extended to their use in random forests and gradient boosted models. In addition topics relevant to big-data problems including dimensionality reduction variable selection; and stochastic gradient descent will be covered.
Students will be introduced to the widely-used statistical computing package R, which will be the primary tool for data analysis and modelling in this module. In addition to learning how to use R effectively and efficiently, students will also be encouraged to compare and contrast with their existing or developing knowledge of general-purpose languages such as Python.
The aim of this module is to provide students with a range of skills that are necessary for applied statistical work including team-working, oral presentation, statistical computing, and the preparation of written reports including statistical analyses. All students will obtain a thorough grasp of R (including R objects and functions, graphs, basic simulations and programming) and be given an introduction to a second statistical computing package.
Students will also learn how to utilise LaTex for writing a complex and structured scientific report that may include mathematical formulae, tables and figures, as well as learn the intricacies of effective scientific writing style such as grammar, referencing, and the presentation of results in appropriate tables and graphs. They will enhance their oral presentation technique using LaTex Beamer to create slides that include complex mathematical formulae, as well as embark on an in-depth team project using Git, R Markdown or iPython notebooks.
This module addresses a range of topics relating to survival data; censoring, hazard functions, Kaplan-Meier plots, parametric models and likelihood construction will be discussed in detail. Students will engage with the Cox proportional hazard model, partial likelihood, Nelson-Aalen estimation and survival time prediction and will also focus on counting processes, diagnostic methods, and frailty models and effects.
The module provides an understanding of the unique features and statistical challenges surrounding the analysis of survival avant history data, in addition to an understanding of how non-parametric methods can aid in the identification of modelling strategies for time-to-event data, and recognition of the range and scope of survival techniques that can be implemented within standard statistical software.
General skills will be developed, including the ability to express scientific problems in a mathematical language, improvement of scientific writing skills, and an enhanced range of computing skills related to the manipulation on analysis of data.
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to apply a range of appropriate statistical techniques to survival and event history data using statistical software, to accurately interpret the output of statistical analyses using survival models, fitted using standard software, and the ability to construct and manipulate likelihood functions from parametric models for censored data. Students will also gain observation skills, such as the ability to identify when particular models are appropriate, through the application of diagnostic checks and model building strategies.
There may be extra costs related to your course for items such as books, stationery, printing, photocopying, binding and general subsistence on trips and visits. Following graduation, you may need to pay a subscription to a professional body for some chosen careers.
Specific additional costs for studying at Lancaster are listed below.
College fees
Lancaster is proud to be one of only a handful of UK universities to have a collegiate system. Every student belongs to a college, and all students pay a small College Membership Fee which supports the running of college events and activities. Students on some distance-learning courses are not liable to pay a college fee.
For students starting in 2025, the fee is £40 for undergraduates and research students and £15 for students on one-year courses.
Computer equipment and internet access
To support your studies, you will also require access to a computer, along with reliable internet access. You will be able to access a range of software and services from a Windows, Mac, Chromebook or Linux device. For certain degree programmes, you may need a specific device, or we may provide you with a laptop and appropriate software - details of which will be available on relevant programme pages. A dedicated IT support helpdesk is available in the event of any problems.
The University provides limited financial support to assist students who do not have the required IT equipment or broadband support in place.
For most taught postgraduate applications there is a non-refundable application fee of £40. We cannot consider applications until this fee has been paid, as advised on our online secure payment system. There is no application fee for postgraduate research applications.
For some of our courses you will need to pay a deposit to accept your offer and secure your place. We will let you know in your offer letter if a deposit is required and you will be given a deadline date when this is due to be paid.
The fee that you pay will depend on whether you are considered to be a home or international student. Read more about how we assign your fee status.
If you are studying on a programme of more than one year’s duration, tuition fees are reviewed annually and are not fixed for the duration of your studies. Read more about fees in subsequent years.
Scholarships and bursaries
You may be eligible for the following funding opportunities, depending on your fee status and course. You will be automatically considered for our main scholarships and bursaries when you apply, so there's nothing extra that you need to do.
Unfortunately no scholarships and bursaries match your selection, but there are more listed on scholarships and bursaries page.
The information on this site relates primarily to 2025/2026 entry to the University and every effort has been taken to ensure the information is correct at the time of publication.
The University will use all reasonable effort to deliver the courses as described, but the University reserves the right to make changes to advertised courses. In exceptional circumstances that are beyond the University’s reasonable control (Force Majeure Events), we may need to amend the programmes and provision advertised. In this event, the University will take reasonable steps to minimise the disruption to your studies. If a course is withdrawn or if there are any fundamental changes to your course, we will give you reasonable notice and you will be entitled to request that you are considered for an alternative course or withdraw your application. You are advised to revisit our website for up-to-date course information before you submit your application.
More information on limits to the University’s liability can be found in our legal information.
Our Students’ Charter
We believe in the importance of a strong and productive partnership between our students and staff. In order to ensure your time at Lancaster is a positive experience we have worked with the Students’ Union to articulate this relationship and the standards to which the University and its students aspire. View our Charter and other policies.