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The MA International Law and International Relations examines global politics and international law and the interplay between the two. Jointly delivered by the Law School and the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion (PPR), it enables you to explore the theory and the practice of international relations and international law, and deepen your understanding of the ways that legal principles apply to inter-state relations.
Our Law School is home to the Centre for International Law and Human Rights, Centre for Crime, Law and Justice, the Centre for Law and Society, and the Centre for Child and Family Justice. These influential centres underpin our postgraduate teaching and you will have access to the expertise of academics researching in the field of international relations, international law and other legal and socio-legal issues.
The pathway for the MA ensures a duality: a total of five modules from the Law School and PPR, and a 20,000 word dissertation, enabling you to pursue your own interests whilst becoming practiced at looking at issues from different perspectives.
Your core modules are International Law, Major Approaches to the Study of International Relations, Theory and Methods in Postgraduate Studies or Research Methods in Law and the MA Dissertation.
You will study further elective modules from the Law School and PPR. We pride ourselves on the breadth of options available and you can focus on the issues that most interest you. Elective modules typically include (among many others): Theorising Security and War; Environmental Law; International Relations and Politics of the Middle East; Law and Global Health; Conflict Management and Contemporary Conflicts; and, the Rights of Peoples.
The dissertation is an independent, in-depth inquiry into a research topic of your choosing. The topic will link to a key legal and/or political question or issue and may also directly relate to your professional/career interests. This is your opportunity to make a contribution to the academic community with new, original research and writing. A dissertation supervisor can provide you with support and introduce you to relevant research; their personal research interests will closely align with your chosen topic wherever possible.
Our teaching approach is international in scope and comparative by nature, and we actively encourage you to build a beneficial network of academics, peers and alumni during your time with us. All of this will help you to broaden your experience, deepen your understanding, and prepare for your next step.
Your postgraduate MA degree can open doors to a wide range of careers and provides a training opportunity for those pursuing careers in areas such as foreign and international affairs, national and international non-governmental organisations, journalism and international business.
Whilst on this degree you will have the chance to develop: the skills required to critically evaluate cutting-edge research; inter-disciplinary skills; and, analytical and communications skills. All of which can be a real boost in any sector and highly prized by employers.
The MA is also an ideal stepping stone to PhD study and academia.
Please note: We welcome applications from students without prior study of politics, law or international relations, but you would be expected to work hard to make up the gap to master advanced level study of these subjects.
A focus on International relations
The MA International Law and International Relations examines global politics and the interplay between international relations and international law. Jointly delivered by the Law School and the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion (PPR), the course enables you to explore the theory and the practice of international relations and deepen your understanding of the ways that legal principles apply to inter-state relations.
Formed in 1959, and based in the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion, the Richardson Institute is the oldest peace and conflict research centre in the UK. Since 2012 it has provided an internship programme that gives students the opportunity to work with different organisations on issues of peace and conflict.
Master's Programmes in Politics and International Relations
Discover the key features of a master's degree in Politics and International Relations at Lancaster University. Learn from a teaching team who have extensive experience in the world of research and policymaking.
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Entry requirements
Academic Requirements
2:1 degree in a related subject is normally required. We will also consider applications where you have a degree in other subjects, have a 2:2 or equivalent result and/or extensive relevant experience. In these cases, you should clearly demonstrate how your experience and skills have prepared you for postgraduate study.
If you have studied outside of the UK, we would advise you to check our list of international qualifications before submitting your application.
English Language Requirements
We may ask you to provide a recognised English language qualification, dependent upon your nationality and where you have studied previously.
We normally require an IELTS (Academic) Test with an overall score of at least 6.5, and a minimum of 5.5 in each element of the test. We also consider other English language qualifications.
Delivered in partnership with INTO Lancaster University, our one-year tailored pre-master’s pathways are designed to improve your subject knowledge and English language skills to the level required by a range of Lancaster University master’s degrees. Visit the INTO Lancaster University website for more details and a list of eligible degrees you can progress onto.
Course structure
You will study a range of modules as part of your course, some examples of which are listed below.
Information contained on the website with respect to modules is correct at the time of publication, but changes may be necessary, for example as a result of student feedback, Professional Statutory and Regulatory Bodies' (PSRB) requirements, staff changes, and new research. Not all optional modules are available every year.
core modules accordion
The module involves the negotiation, design and delivery of a research project whose precise topic will be determined by the student and the project supervisor.
The dissertation will be up to 20,000 words in length. The process of producing it is designed to provide students with the opportunity to consolidate their existing knowledge and skills base while developing new knowledge and skills made possible by its project-orientated nature.
The rules, laws and customs that govern inter-state relationships come into sharp focus in this module. It provides you with a base from which you can further your study of specific areas of international law.
As we explore the essential elements of international law, and the way that they are used to shape the world in which we live, you will have the chance to gain an in-depth understanding of both theory and practice. You will be given ‘real’ examples of international law to critically assess, allowing you to identify its shortcomings and challenges.
We will cover fundamental principles and concepts of international law and some topical issues such as:
the nature and sources of international law
the relationship between international and national law
statehood and self-determination
state responsibility
dispute settlement
use of force
Our Law School is home to research-active academics, you will have the chance to benefit from some of their expertise as many teach on areas closely aligned with their own research interests.
Major Approaches to the Study of International Relations will explore the development of International Relations (IR) theory in the 20th and 21st centuries and examine it in the light of major historical developments and contemporary events. The module aims at providing the students with the necessary skills and background knowledge to engage critically with the world that we live in. To do so, the module pays special attention to the unequal power relations and Western dominance in the study of IR and politics, and to how they have become embedded into our institutions, theories and methods. The module will also introduce students to theories and debates in human and environmental sustainability.
Learning Outcomes
compare and contrast the major international relations theories and apply them to contemporary international relations, security and sustainability issues and problems;
understand the different historical contexts behind these theoretical developments and see how they change and develop over time;
understand the different political implications of the main IR theories and how these interact with different political movements;
better understand specialised debates in international relations, security and foreign policy, including a knowledge of specialised terminology;
put into historical context, understand and criticise debates about international relations, security and sustainability;understand the larger theoretical framework in which international relations are positioned;
provide space to engage in critical discussions about power, gender and race in IR, and help in developing a more critical eye to the challenges and possibilities of different approaches to and visions of IR;
obtain an introductory knowledge of environmental sustainability.
This module serves to consolidate postgraduate research and learning support by enabling students to engage with theories, methods, and skills relevant to your studies. The module is core for all PPR PGT politics students and complements core subject and discipline-specific provision in religious studies and philosophy. Through this module we aim to equip you with the ability to reflect upon the processes and implications of research project planning, design and execution in Politics, Philosophy and/or Religion.
The first part of the module examines the principles of research, including different disciplinary traditions of knowledge production. It goes on to set out the process of structuring a research project and explores how to develop and apply theory. The second part of the module examines a range of methods for conducting research, including interviews, surveys, and case studies. The final section covers questions of ethics and goes through how to write up and present research. Through the module, students will design research projects, develop writing and critical evaluation skills, and have the opportunity to present their research ideas as part of the annual MA conference. The module involves a combination of lectures, small group discussion, and presentations covering the following areas:
The academic research process.
Project planning, design and process management.
Ethics in postgraduate research.
Resource identification and review processes.
Data acquisition techniques and issues.
Analytical and interpretative approaches.
Academic conventions (e.g. making an argument, writing, referencing).
Assessment is by 5,000 word research proposal.
optional modules accordion
The relationship between business activities and human rights problems have been on the human rights agenda for several decades. This module will be addressing this debate, and you will be able to study the various initiatives that have been taken internationally to hold business enterprises accountable for human rights abuses. The module will in particular address the development of a treaty on business and human rights under the auspices of the United Nations. The module is usually based on seminar/workshops and you will analyse real situations where corporations have impacted upon the human rights of individuals around the world. You will also have the opportunity to carry out a case-study as a basis for your coursework in the module.
The course aims to explore a variety of approaches to conflict management in contemporary conflicts, by third parties and parties in conflict, and critically assesses their effectiveness and potential. The course draws its theoretical foundations from peace and conflict research but is aimed at enabling students to learn to assess the scope for conflict management and peace- building in practice. The module includes both academic literature as well as policy relevant papers.
The focus of the course is on analysing peace processes and practical problems of conflict prevention, conflict management and peace-building in a range of contemporary international, internal, ethnic, community and environmental conflicts.
Students will be divided up into groups of two or three, and each group will take responsibility for identifying and investigating a specific approach to conflict management in a conflict of their choice. The choice of cases will vary with the interest of students. In recent year topics included Afghanistan, Chechnya, Georgia, Kashmir, Kosovo, Macedonia, Northern Ireland, Liberia/Sierra Leone, Timor Elste, conflict prevention and the emergent global climate change negotiations, and peace-building in contemporary Africa and Asia.
The course is taught in 10 2-hour lecture seminars, with the first half devoted to the lecture and the second half dedicated to substantial presentations by the student / group.
How have the principles of environmental law developed? How effective is the environmental law of England and Wales?
Law students and students from Lancaster Environment Centre study side by side on this module. This presents you with a rare interdisciplinary opportunity to share ideas and perspectives between lawyers and scientists. Together, we will explore the sources, principles and effectiveness of environmental law in England and Wales.
Within your studies you will investigate the efficacy and effect of environmental law. Topics analysed include: water pollution, the history of environmental law, green criminology and the protection of the countryside. The module then builds upon this critical analysis to explain how the aqueous, atmospheric and terraneous environments are protected by law.
Environmental law is typically taught by research-active academics who will introduce you to their research into green criminology, access to the countryside, market mechanisms and environmental protection. This research often informs their teaching and you can choose an essay based on these topics or develop your own question with the support of our lecturers.
Globalisation has become a buzzword in the social sciences and lay discourse. It is often related to the speeding up of global communication and travel, and the transnationalisation of economic, political, social and cultural institutions. The meaning and causes of globalisation are highly debatable. For the purposes of this module globalisation is defined as a complex, paradoxical set of processes, which are multi-scalar, multi-temporal, multi-centric, multi-form, and multi-causal. It produces fragmentation and integration, divergence and convergence as well as continuities and discontinuities. Their overall effect is to reconfigure asymmetries of power and knowledge and this, in turn, raises questions about governance, inequalities, and resistance in and across different parts of the world. Selected themes range from MacDonaldization through to Wal-Martization and the current financial crisis.
The course is taught on the basis of ten weekly two-hour seminars with short lectures, a 15-20 min. student presentation, and a general discussion in which all are expected to participate. The topics include: the world market, finance and production, labour and migration, global cities, global media and global culture, sovereignty and nation-states, global governance, global cities as well as financial globalization and crisis.
Select Bibliography:
Bauman, Z., Globalization: the Human Consequences
Chossudovsky, M and Marshall, A. The Global Financial Crisis
Grant, R & Short, J., Globalization and the Margins
Holton, R. Globalization and the Nation-State (2nd edition)
Panitch, L. and Gindin, S. The Making of Global Capitalism
Perrons, D., Globalization and Social Change
Schirato, T & Webb, J., Understanding Globalization
Short, J., Global Dimensions
Steger, M., Globalization: The New Market Ideology
This module will enable you to develop your independent research skills in preparation for your dissertation module. It also provides you with the opportunity to study an area of law that is currently unavailable within our optional modules.
You will have the opportunity to:
Identify and define a discrete research topic in Law
Carry out a literature review of the relevant field, incorporating a comprehensive range of relevant legal materials
Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the selected legal issues through independent research
Construct and sustain a cohesive argument within your writing
Outline the implications of your findings and how they may inform further research, policy or practice
This is your chance to make a contribution to the legal and academic community with new and original research and writing on a legal issue.
Typically the module structure includes a seminar on Research, Methodology and Writing, workshop sessions and meetings with your supervisor to track your progress and help you to set work plans.
We live in a world where an increasing amount of business is conducted across international borders. International Business Law and Institutions (WTO) considers the role of law, institutions, law makers and regulators in the international business environment.
In this module we will look at the international legal and institutional framework that regulates transnational business and you will analyse the nature of legal and regulatory arrangements, such as:
national laws affecting international investment (and their regulation)
forms of international law affecting transnational business (bilateral and multilateral treaties, codes of conduct, decisions of international organisations)
the basic principles of GATT
the structure and role of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
the interplay between the WTO and other areas of global regulation (health and environmental protection)
product standards
international aspects of intellectual property rights
regulatory aspects of the internationalisation of services (especially financial)
A combination of independent reading and seminars with our research-active lawyers and academics will provide you with the opportunity to gain a sound grasp of this legal area.
Three main questions arise when civil and commercial disputes before the English courts contain an international element. These are the questions that you will tackle in this thought-provoking module:
How do we decide which court can legitimately claim jurisdiction in relation to the dispute?
Which system of law will the court claiming jurisdiction apply to the dispute?
And, once a decision has been reached by the courts in one country, under what circumstances will that decision be recognised or enforced in the other country or countries?
For example: a contract between an English company and a French company is to be performed in Germany. Should the French, the German or the English courts hear the dispute? Should the contract be governed by French, German or English law? And, if the dispute is decided in England by an English court applying French law, can this decision be enforced against a German defendant in Germany?
This module is delivered through a series of seminars which aim to facilitate the discussion between you, your peers, and the lecturer who is typically in the field of commercial conflict of laws. The module is informed by the lecturer's research on issues of legal knowledge. You will be encouraged to form your own considered views on contentious issues
What are the merits of international criminal justice? And what are the main challenges that present themselves in this area of law?
This module provides you with an opportunity to consider these key questions as you benefit from an introduction to substantive international criminal law.
You will explore the central theme of international crimes, deepening your understanding of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Within your analysis, you will address the role of international courts and tribunals, mixed and hybrid courts and tribunals, as well as developments in national courts.
This is your chance to critically engage with stimulating examples of prosecution and punishment, which are central to the subject of international criminal law. Your studies will be informed by the convenor’s cutting-edge research on transitional criminal justice and retrospective justice.
A combination of independent reading and regular seminars will provide you with a sound grasp of this fascinating legal discipline.
Our world is facing an ever-increasing number of global environmental challenges. This engaging module examines the international legal response to those challenges.
We will delve into the socio-economic, political and scientific implications of environmental problems. As we do so, we will assess the impact of those implications on law and policy-making.
The module focuses on a number of contemporary environmental problems: climate change, marine pollution, the protection of international watercourses, fisheries and biodiversity, and the relationship between trade and the environment. You will assess the strengths and inadequacies of the law in regulating each of these issues.
We also typically cover topics such as:
fundamental concepts and principles of international environmental law
sustainable development and the precautionary principle
how international environmental law operates (law-making, environmental governance and institutional structure)
compliance with environmental rules and standards
You will be taught by academics in the field many of whom are active researchers. Typically, research within the teaching team informs this module.
How do international laws protect, govern and shape your human rights?
This module provides an overview of the various rights that are protected through international instruments: civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
You will also be given a general introduction to regional and universal systems for human rights protection and promotion. This will focus on the UN human rights system but you will be encouraged to take a comparative view of regional human rights protection systems.
You will have the opportunity to gain a substantive and procedural knowledge of human rights through the international system. And you’ll engage with some key debates in this legal arena, such as the development of human rights and the human rights obligations of non-state actors.
To get the most from this module, you will have some knowledge of general international law and have a law or social science background.
Our Law School is home to research-active academics, you will have the chance to benefit from some of their expertise as many teach on areas closely aligned with their own research interests.
The course will begin with a look at the history of the subcontinent, covering ancient, medieval and modern times. This will help us to understand the historical and cultural roots of the region and what impact modernisation has had on it. Since most states of the region have adopted western political institutions, it is important to inquire if these are working satisfactorily and if they are not, what is the alternative? This necessitates an examination of political systems. However, in order to further our understanding of South Asian politics, we also need to look at ethnicity and nationalism in the region. An examination of the relations between the states in the region as well as their relations with the rest of the world is important in understanding the foreign policy goals of each state and their contribution to the regions overall development. Important issues that need to be examined include efforts to promote regional cooperation and South Asias role in the global political economy.
Introducing South Asia
Perspectives on the history of the Indian subcontinent
India: The Construction of a Nation State
Pakistan and Bangladesh: Weakness of Internal Sovereignty
Sri Lanka: The Failure of Multiculturalism
South Asian Security: Its Different Dimensions
India: A Heavyweight in Regional Politics?
Pakistan: Survival is the key Concern
Sri Lanka/Bangladesh/Bhutan/Nepal: Small State Psyche
South Asian Regional Cooperation: SAARC
Concluding the Course
Assessment is by 5,000 word essay.
Terrorism continues to be one of the greatest global challenges we face in the pursuit of international peace, stability and security.
This is a stimulating module that explores concepts from many areas of the law, including civil liberties, international law, criminal justice and human rights.
During the course of your studies you will look at the legal definitions of terrorism – from a regional, national, and international perspective. And you will have the opportunity to use counter-terrorism case studies to examine specific aspects of preventative justice measures.
This is a fast-moving and unpredictable area of law, so the material that we cover may change in order to track the prevailing issues and latest developments. However, typically you will consider civil liberties alongside some of the contemporary challenges facing domestic and international legal systems.
The examination of the topics is carried out through a vigorous interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach – offering you greater understanding and appreciation of the subject matter.
Our Law School is home to lawyers and research-active academics - you will benefit from their expertise as they teach on areas closely aligned with their own research interests.
Diplomacy and Foreign Policy are central to the understanding of international politics. The structure of the international system induces a constant need for political dialogue and negotiations. Besides war, diplomacy is the common language states are using to interact on the world stage.
Complementing the first core module on Diplomacy and Foreign Policy, which provides theoretical understanding of the subject, this module applies these theoretical tools to contemporary diplomatic and negotiation issues and great power politics (PPR.430 is NOT a prerequisite though). Indeed, the teaching and learning strategy of Diplomacy and Foreign Policy is designed to give you both theoretical and practical understanding of contemporary issues in diplomacy and foreign policy. Academic teaching will thus be complemented by guest lectures (e.g. by a practitioner) and in-class activities such as mock negotiation exercises.
The syllabus is likely to draw upon the following: Nuclear weapons and foreign policy, Arms control and diplomacy, International climate negotiations, South-North relations and development, and some in-class mock negotiation exercises.
The Clinical Legal Education module will allow you to provide legal advice in real-life cases. You will take instructions from a client, identify the relevant issues at hand, conduct research on an appropriate strategy to resolve this dispute legally and communicate advice to the client. By doing this, you will have the opportunity to develop your legal skills, particularly your research, fact-analysis and legal analysis. It will provide an insight into how law operates in practice and how those providing legal advice are bound by codes of ethics. In doing this, you will be under the supervision of a professionally-qualified solicitor or barrister.
To study this module, students are required to have a Qualifying Law Degree for England and Wales.
This course familiarises you with the major issues in the politics and international relations of the contemporary Middle East region. The countries covered include all Arab states and non- Arab states such as Iran and Israel. Deliberately, the course will start with a hard look at the contemporary picture in the region and, from that, ask the questions about how we got there. Digging back will include a broad introduction to the people, society, history and politics of the Middle East. The course will then explore the interplay of factors such as religion, ethnicity, gender and class in the politics of the region; the role played by internal and external actors; issues of conflict in the region; political economies; foreign policies of major states and the perception of what those policies might be; regional integration; the concepts of political Islam and the challenge of democracy and Islam.
The aim of the course is not in the first place to cover in detail all of the most recent events, and it will be assumed that you follow current affairs in the region. Rather, the aim is to undertake a deeper exploration of the region: to help you understand and analyse the dynamics involved in these events and processes. In other words: why did things evolve the way they did, why are they what they appear to be today, and what does this tell us about where they are likely to go in the future? This will be done through guided reading, seminar discussion, and your own research and writing.
The topics covered in the course include:
The Middle East after the Arab Spring(s); the shi’i/sunni pulls for influence
“Political Islam” and the concept of the state; the “war on terror”
Where did all this come from? People, society, tribes, money and politics
Voices of the Middle East: religion, ethnicity, gender and class, salafis, language and the Qur’an
Internal and External Actors in the Middle East; diplomacy
Political economies of the region: oil power or dependency?
The Arab-Israeli conflict
Wars now in the region; containment, intervention and persuasion
Democracy in the Middle East; shi’a and sunna; the “gates of ijtihad”
This is your opportunity to learn about policymaking theories and policy analysis.
You'll explore both theoretical and practitioner perspectives in public policy from the UK and beyond. This knowledge will enable you to use and apply public policy insights in your work.
The module covers important topics such as:
What is policy? Why is it needed? Who makes policy?
Theories of policymaking: policymaking cycle and the policymaking environment, how does policy change, policy instruments and policy tools, policy learning and transfer.
Critical Policy Studies: issues of power in policymaking and alternative approaches to policymaking, critical theories such as feminism and anti-racism.
Policy analysis: identifying steps that policy analysis should follow. Practical analysis of a policy problem and possible solutions in areas such as economic, social, justice/home affairs and foreign policy.
Policy implementation and administration including the role of street level bureaucrats.
Policy evaluation: methods for evaluation policy against objectives to assessing the extent to which the policy was implemented correctly and, if so, had the desired effect.
This module is an essential element in developing skills and understanding of research and writing methods at an advanced level. You will have the opportunity to develop understanding and insights into how to carry out good academic work, what characterises ethical research, how to be conscientious about research methods, and how choices of methods will impact on their research and outcomes. You will also have the chance to address how to design research projects, approach research and writing in an analytical and critical manner, and how to reference correctly. The module will include sessions on critical writing, and how to get one’s own voice through in the text. Typically, the final part of the module will be devoted to preparing you for the dissertation planning and writing.
StreetLaw is an international network that promotes the teaching of law to schools and community groups. It allows you and others to put together a presentation on topical issues of the law that will be of interest to a selected audience (which may include primary school children, secondary school children, college students, university students, SureStart or other community groups including domestic violence refuges, homeless shelters etc). You will identify a relevant topic and research the practical aspects of that law, before putting together a presentation that is accessible to the audience, setting out the key issues they need to know about.
This module examines the United Nations in international law. The UN is the only truly global international institution and creates the framework in which much of international law is developed and applied.
The module will explore the UN’s structure, history, legal personality, membership and law-making. It will also look at how the organisation can be legally responsible for its acts, in particular the activities of UN peacekeepers. Lastly, it will investigate the functions of the International Court of Justice as the UN’s principal judicial organ.
The convenor of this module has recently contributed a chapter on International Organisations for the Oxford Handbook on Jurisdiction
National and ethnic tensions lie at the heart of many contemporary international conflicts. But what are the rights of peoples, national minorities and indigenous peoples under international law?
Our Rights of Peoples module takes an in-depth look at this key question and encourages you to critically explore the idea of a national identity and relations between groups within states.
Typically, you will examine:
questions of statehood
the borders of states
their form of government
the allocation of resources
protection of the environment
A combination of independent reading and seminars with research-active lawyers and academics will provide you with the opportunity to gain a sound grasp of this legal area.
This course examines the changing character of war and security in a time of rapid and disruptive technological and geopolitical/ecological change. The course combines analysis of contemporary policy documents with the interdisciplinary insights of intellectuals – such as Zygmunt Bauman and Paul Virilio – who have examined how war has changed in the modern age.
Students are introduced to a range of concepts that are currently significant in the debates about the future of war – concepts such as ambiguous war, the gray zone, unrestricted warfare, the third offset strategy, and the three block war.
While the course is grounded in broader debates from social and political thought about war and modernity, it explores a range of evolving and inter-related case studies that are central to understanding how war is changing: cybersecurity/artificial intelligence; cities and urban war; drones and the future of robotics; climate change and ecological insecurity.
Assessment is by 5,000 word essay.
Diplomacy and Foreign Policy are central to the understanding of international politics. The structure of the international system induces a constant need for political dialogue and negotiations.
This module introduces students to ways of conceptualizing diplomacy and foreign policy in the 21st century:
Why do states rely on diplomacy?
What are the current forms and features of diplomacy and foreign policy?
Is diplomacy the only form of international dialogue besides war?
How do states (and statesmen) negotiate?
How has diplomacy evolved throughout history?
Does ‘global governance’ exist?
The teaching and learning strategy of Diplomacy and Foreign Policy is designed to give students both theoretical and practical understanding of contemporary issues in diplomacy and foreign policy. Academic teaching can be complemented by lectures and in-class activities carried out by practitioners (e.g. diplomats, civil servants, etc.).
There may be extra costs related to your course for items such as books, stationery, printing, photocopying, binding and general subsistence on trips and visits. Following graduation, you may need to pay a subscription to a professional body for some chosen careers.
Specific additional costs for studying at Lancaster are listed below.
College fees
Lancaster is proud to be one of only a handful of UK universities to have a collegiate system. Every student belongs to a college, and all students pay a small College Membership Fee which supports the running of college events and activities. Students on some distance-learning courses are not liable to pay a college fee.
For students starting in 2025, the fee is £40 for undergraduates and research students and £15 for students on one-year courses.
Computer equipment and internet access
To support your studies, you will also require access to a computer, along with reliable internet access. You will be able to access a range of software and services from a Windows, Mac, Chromebook or Linux device. For certain degree programmes, you may need a specific device, or we may provide you with a laptop and appropriate software - details of which will be available on relevant programme pages. A dedicated IT support helpdesk is available in the event of any problems.
The University provides limited financial support to assist students who do not have the required IT equipment or broadband support in place.
For most taught postgraduate applications there is a non-refundable application fee of £40. We cannot consider applications until this fee has been paid, as advised on our online secure payment system. There is no application fee for postgraduate research applications.
For some of our courses you will need to pay a deposit to accept your offer and secure your place. We will let you know in your offer letter if a deposit is required and you will be given a deadline date when this is due to be paid.
The fee that you pay will depend on whether you are considered to be a home or international student. Read more about how we assign your fee status.
If you are studying on a programme of more than one year’s duration, tuition fees are reviewed annually and are not fixed for the duration of your studies. Read more about fees in subsequent years.
Scholarships and bursaries
You may be eligible for the following funding opportunities, depending on your fee status and course. You will be automatically considered for our main scholarships and bursaries when you apply, so there's nothing extra that you need to do.
Unfortunately no scholarships and bursaries match your selection, but there are more listed on scholarships and bursaries page.
The information on this site relates primarily to 2025/2026 entry to the University and every effort has been taken to ensure the information is correct at the time of publication.
The University will use all reasonable effort to deliver the courses as described, but the University reserves the right to make changes to advertised courses. In exceptional circumstances that are beyond the University’s reasonable control (Force Majeure Events), we may need to amend the programmes and provision advertised. In this event, the University will take reasonable steps to minimise the disruption to your studies. If a course is withdrawn or if there are any fundamental changes to your course, we will give you reasonable notice and you will be entitled to request that you are considered for an alternative course or withdraw your application. You are advised to revisit our website for up-to-date course information before you submit your application.
More information on limits to the University’s liability can be found in our legal information.
Our Students’ Charter
We believe in the importance of a strong and productive partnership between our students and staff. In order to ensure your time at Lancaster is a positive experience we have worked with the Students’ Union to articulate this relationship and the standards to which the University and its students aspire. View our Charter and other policies.