Our Volcanology and the Environment MSc is the only course of its kind in the UK
Engage in a community of world-leading researchers
All of our teaching is led by experts in their field
Volcanoes are responsible for creating more than 80% of our planet’s surface and have provided the foundations upon which so much of Earth’s life is built. These fascinating phenomena are simultaneously spectacular and dangerous, with the ability to both create and destroy our habitats and man-made infrastructure in addition to causing disruption and economic impacts. The MSc in Volcanology and the Environment is focussed on understanding how volcanoes interact with, and shape, the wider environment. On this programme, you will study and learn alongside leading volcanologists in one of the largest groups of earth and environmental scientists in the UK.
Who is this programme for?
This MSc is ideal preparation for PhD research or work in the environment/geoscience sector and is suitable for students with a wide range of first degrees including Geography, Geology, and Environmental Science. The programme is also suited for students with academic backgrounds or practical experience in engineering or physics.
Looking ahead to employability
Our MSc attracts many students who are interested in pursuing a PhD in volcanology and progressing into the field of professional volcanology, or otherwise serving as a steppingstone into a career in physical environmental research more generally. Some graduates subsequently develop careers as geohazard specialists or consultants. Whichever route you choose, the MSc provides you with a knowledgebase, skillset and additional professional competencies that together will distinguish you from other candidates.
By choosing this programme, you will also:
Gain crucial field working skills necessary to pursuing further study or careers within the geoscience sector.
Develop your abilities to think critically, assess problems and design solutions, build a rationale for management or intervention, and communicate your ideas effectively.
Have an opportunity to undertake a dissertation-based project in conjunction with either one of our industry partners, or within the wider LEC research environment.
What to expect
This programme immerses you in a holistic approach to the study of volcanoes and the environment. You will develop field, laboratory and computer-based skills to better analyse and evaluate environmental and volcanological phenomena.
You will study six taught modules, which include the core module in physical volcanology, plus optional modules that provide broader learning and practical skills in areas of particular interest to aspiring volcanologists and geo/environmental professionals. Modules are taught by world-leading experts from Lancaster Environment Centre and our partner institutions.
All of our students also have the opportunity to join our active volcanology group and to conduct an independent dissertation research project under the supervision of an internationally recognized researcher, taking advantage of our well-equipped experimental and geochemical laboratories. As a member of the volcanology group, you will have opportunities to participate in research seminars, workshops and discussions throughout the year, allowing you to integrate with the wider volcanology community and learn from your peers and research leaders.
Professor Hugh Tuffen explains how an MSc in Volcanology and Environment can provide you with the skills to safeguard the future by studying these geological wonders, and also pave the way to a career in the geo-environmental sector.
Postgraduate study is carried out in the Graduate School for the Environment. This is a collaboration between Lancaster University's Environment Centre, the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, and Rothamsted Research.
Faculty of Science and Technology Scholarships for 2025 entry
We are delighted to offer a selection of scholarships for master’s programmes in the Faculty of Science and Technology for 2025 entry.
International students
Your qualifications
Programme cost without scholarship
Science and Technology Dean's Award
Lancaster Global Scholarship
Total Scholarship amount
You pay
1st class degree
2:1 degree
We also offer a dedicated Science and Technology Country Scholarship for international students who are nationals of, or whose permanent home address is within one of the following countries: Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Home students
Your qualifications
Programme cost without scholarship
Lancaster Master's Scholarship
You pay
1st class degree
Scholarships will be applied automatically if you meet the criteria.
2:1 Hons degree (UK or equivalent) in Geology, Earth Science, Natural Science, Environmental Science or similar.
We may also consider non-standard applicants at a 2:2 degree level in a related subject, alongside relevant experience or training in volcanology, specific volcanology research, field work or broader contributions to environmental science.
Applicants with a 2:1 degree in Engineering, Maths/Statistics, English or Physics are encouraged to contact is for further information.
If you have studied outside of the UK, we would advise you to check our list of international qualifications before submitting your application.
English Language Requirements
We may ask you to provide a recognised English language qualification, dependent upon your nationality and where you have studied previously.
We normally require an IELTS (Academic) Test with an overall score of at least 6.5, and a minimum of 6.0 in each element of the test. We also consider other English language qualifications.
Delivered in partnership with INTO Lancaster University, our one-year tailored pre-master’s pathways are designed to improve your subject knowledge and English language skills to the level required by a range of Lancaster University master’s degrees. Visit the INTO Lancaster University website for more details and a list of eligible degrees you can progress onto.
Course structure
You will study a range of modules as part of your course, some examples of which are listed below.
Information contained on the website with respect to modules is correct at the time of publication, but changes may be necessary, for example as a result of student feedback, Professional Statutory and Regulatory Bodies' (PSRB) requirements, staff changes, and new research. Not all optional modules are available every year.
core modules accordion
This module is taken by all master's students. This is a piece of research carried out with one-to-one supervision from either a member of LEC staff or one of our research partner organisations or sometimes both. Students can choose their own project (subject to agreement), choose a project from a list published by the department, or can apply for a project in conjunction with an external company.
This module aims to provide you with knowledge of volcanoes and volcanic systems. Its foundations are an understanding of the properties and behaviour of volcanic materials gained through laboratory, theoretical and field study. The module emphasizes the widely-applicable physical and chemical processes that occur during volcanic activity, including variations in solubility, rheology, phase, density and permeability. The interaction of volcanic processes with the biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere are discussed. The products of volcanism, together with the hazard and benefits to life on Earth are studied.
The module aims to train students to Master's level in guided, but self-determined research planning. Forthe subject area of their research project, they will have: familiarity with the broader and specific literature;researched appropriate methodologies; developed a research plan; presented the findings in poster and written formats.
optional modules accordion
After an introduction to the importance and timeliness of civilisation - as both concept and reality - and 'ecological civilisation' in particular, the course will proceed to explore, first, multiple definitions and dimensions of civilisation and, secondly, various accounts of the dynamics of civilisation(s). The first part of the course will thus include consideration of both material and ideational aspects of civilisation, as well as it normative 'light' and 'dark' sides,and issues of the 'more-than-cognitive' that particularly speak to a concern for ‘civilisation’ (vs., say, terms relating to modern social science disciplines such as ‘society’, ‘economy’, ‘polity’). The second part of the course will explore evidence regarding the rise and fall of civilisation(s) and what may be learned regarding ‘where we are today' in trajectories of civilisation and what we could do in response.
*This module is offered in alternate years (e.g. 19/20, 21/22 etc)*
Bringing together the latest methods and applied techniques in catchment hydrology and modelling, students will gain a solid foundation in the key concepts of hydrology, hydrometrics and basic hydrological processes operating at a catchment scale.
Teaching will focus on the practical application of skills and industry standard techniques in the context of the latest legislation, guidance and policy. The module will introduce commercially available models and allow students to critically apply these models in a range of worked case studies and examples.
Students will learn to critically assess the main hydrological assessment and modelling techniques in order to effectively use hydrological data. However, they will also be expected to deal with instances where there is an absence of local data, to the extent that they will know which estimation or modelling technique to choose when faced with uncertainty in a real world situation.
This module aims to explore and reconfigure the ways in which climate change is understood through a focus on the social, rather than the scientific-environmental discourses that have dominated the policy and politics of climate change. This module give you a wide-ranging and intensive introduction to the politics, cultures and theories of climate change research in the social sciences and humanities. You will be able to critically evaluate different theoretical perspectives on a range of climate change debates and present alternative arguments.
*This module is offered in alternate years (e.g. 18/19, 20/21 etc)*
Students will learn about the processes that lead to coastal erosion and flood risk, including tides, storm surges and waves. They will be introduced to estimation and computational techniques used to calculate extreme sea level and wave heights and for the production of tidal graphs for flood inundation modelling.
It will be delivered in the context of applying these technical approaches and concepts to decision making faced by coastal asset owners, planners, developers, etc. and will also introduce the concepts of predicting climate change impacts, the principles of adaptation, resilience and uncertainty, and how to incorporate these into flood risk management.
Students will gain an understanding of different types of numerical and physical models available for coastal flood modelling (e.g. empirical, 2D or 3D grid-based, offshore circulation, wave transformation), their strengths and weaknesses and how to deal with uncertainty.
Students will also gain skills in how to assess, quantify and mitigate the risks to coastal assets, people and the environment. In addition, this module encourages comprehension and assessment of coastal processes reports, wave overtopping studies and coastal flooding studies.
This module will provide you with a broad view of issues related to contaminated land, in particular: typical contamination problems; methodologies for assessing the extent and seriousness of contamination; and the applicability and effectiveness of remediation techniques as a function of contaminant and site conditions.
The legislation pertaining to and the processes used to assess the risk associated with contaminated land will be appraised, as will risk-based approaches to contaminated land assessment in general. The fate and behaviour of contaminants in the environment will also be examined. Students will gain knowledge in these matters via the risk assessment and remediation case studies.
An awareness of the scale of contaminated land in the UK will be acquired, and students will gain the ability to scientifically discuss the processes which control the behaviour of chemicals in soil.
This module focuses on data processing and visualisation to support dissertation work, and will provide students with advanced scientific numeracy skills. It includes introductory elements of MATLAB and Simulink, the industry standard for programming language, and students will learn to design, modify, run and debug simple MATLAB programs. They will be able to adapt the skills learnt to other programming languages such as Fortran and C.
Students will be taught the main programming elements, such as data input, processing, output in numerical and graphical forms, programming tools and structures (loops, conditional statements and other flow control).The module also introduces selected principles of dynamic systems analysis such as transfer functions applied to environmental systems in the form of examples and case studies.
Coursework will include writing brief MATLAB scripts based on the scripts used during workshops, as well as an essay on selected problems of environmental systems modelling linked with these scripts. Tests will be taken which will involve writing code snippets related to simple numerical and graphical problems.
Current approaches to cutting-edge research in the environmental sciences are highly dependent on digital data, and a wide variety of different data types can now be accessed relatively easily. You only need to consider the data required to understand climate change to appreciate the diversity of information that is currently available, and which is needed to address the biggest global issues.
In this module you will learn the fundamentals of retrieving, annotating, analysing and interpreting digital data from a variety of sources, applying integrated, scientific methodologies. You will develop data manipulation skills and an awareness of the tools available to maximise the value of heterogeneous digital data. We demonstrate everyday problems in data collection, both avoidable and unavoidable, and explore techniques that minimise their impact. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of current software for data mining and visualisation, and you will get hands-on experience of data integration using spreadsheet, database and GIS technologies.
This module provides a grounding in statistics and data analysis for non-mathematicians, by starting with the basics then developing the skills required to successfully analyse data generated through dissertation projects.
Students will familiarise themselves with the open-source statistical package 'R' for analysis. The materials covered include describing data, producing figures, comparing differences between groups, correlation and associations, regression analysis and experimental design.
The module also provides a brief overview of methods beyond the module to provide awareness and a direction for further progress.
*This is a distance learning module and not taught on Campus*
Students will gain a critical understanding of key concepts, principles, tools and techniques for the management of natural resources and the environment. Particular attention is given to the challenges of dealing with complexity, change, uncertainty and conflict in the environment, and to the different management approaches which can be deployed in ‘turbulent’ conditions.
Contemporary environmental problems will be examined and interpreted from both an academic and policy perspective. In order to do this effectively, students will learn to evaluate and critique arguments and evidence related to environmental problems, and will demonstrate advanced understanding of alternative management concepts through constructive debate.
*This module is offered in alternate years (e.g. 19/20, 21/22 etc)*
Forecasting and Extreme Event Response will provide students with an introduction to the latest hydrological and meteorological forecasting methods and a solid foundation in the concepts and processes involved in flow forecasting. It will introduce commercially available models for real time flood forecasting and warning systems and the concepts of variability, uncertainty and accuracy in short term forecasting. It will also introduce longer term climate prediction and the concepts and principals of uncertainty.
The course will include a simulated flood response exercise to enable students to understand how forecasting is applied and how uncertainty and variability in forecasting is dealt with in a real world context. This will utilise JBA’s Exercise Management System software which simulates hydrometric data, displaying rainfall and river level information, automatic alarms, radar imagery and exercise injects to test response to realistic flooding scenarios.
This module introduces students to the fundamental principles of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) and shows how these complementary technologies may be used to capture/derive, manipulate, integrate, analyse and display different forms of spatially-referenced environmental data. The module is highly vocational with theory-based lectures complemented by hands-on practical sessions using state-of-the-art software (ArcGIS & ERDAS Imagine).
In addition to the subject-specific aims, the module provides students with a range of generic skills to synthesise geographical data, develop suitable approaches to problem-solving, undertake independent learning (including time management) and present the results of the analysis in novel graphical formats.
Taking a broad look at geological hazards, this module will cover everything from contemporary events to those that have shaped the Earth over geological time. The module explores in depth the fundamental processes involved in these events and how and to what extent such events can be predicted. Case histories of national and international disasters will be used to illustrate these hazards, and the inherent risks and potential mitigation measures will be discussed.
A demonstration and elaboration of the geological processes responsible for the occurrence, recurrence and magnitude of hazards will be given. Students will also learn to apply and report on the methods of prediction and mitigation strategies of geological hazards, and will apply simple prediction scenarios of geological hazard occurrence using geological datasets.To this end, students will develop skills in integrating sparse quantitative measurements and qualitative observations in order to derive interpretations from relevant datasets.
The module underscores far-reaching concepts such as using the past to inform the future and environmental risk. It will ultimately develop a sense of human-place in the geological world, promoting an understanding of how the geological world impacts human society, and what can be done to limit that impact.
The aim of this module is to introduce the concept of the Earth system and how the different components (atmosphere, ocean, ice and ecosystems) all interact with each other to shape the Earth's climate and control how the climate might change. The module will cover issues related to recent climate change, including natural and human drivers of the change. It will introduce the computer models and global observation networks that scientists use to understand the Earth system. It will also discuss the role of atmospheric chemistry and climate in the Earth system, including issues related to air quality, greenhouse gases and aerosols.
Overall, this module aims to provide an introduction to the physical processes which influence global climate change, leading to a better understanding of Earth system science.
Students will cultivate an appreciation of the scale and variety of groundwater resources within the UK and overseas. The vulnerability of these resources and the various procedures and challenges for the implementation of policies for their protection will also be a major focus during this module.
The module will introduce the principles of groundwater flow and transport for which both physical and mathematical aspects of groundwater systems need to be discussed. Use will be made of computer models to solve practical problems relevant to the water industry. The students will also gain hands-on experience of groundwater investigation methods in the field.
Those who take this module will learn to apply a specific groundwater model (MODFLOW) to a number of problems, after considering the different methods that are widely used for investigating groundwater systems. Students will then learn to state the limitations of such models for practical use and will numerically evaluate the model results that they gather.
This module will ultimately impart the skills needed to prepare reports for a Head of Section as if working for an organisation such as the Environment Agency.
*This module is offered in alternate years (e.g. 19/20, 21/22 etc)*
This module will deliver an introduction to flood risk management in the context of UK policies, legislation and spatial planning. It will provide a grounding in flood risk related responsibilities and will teach students the key concepts in urban hydrology and sustainable drainage systems (SuDS). To this end, the module will cover the design of SuDS systems, from outline design concepts to assessment of performance, estimation of flow and water quality loading.
Students will come to understand the capabilities and applications of the commercially available hydraulic models (e.g. Microdrainage, MUSIC) and the relative advantages/disadvantages of each, plus the data requirements. They will also learn how to plan, design, construct and manage a SuDS scheme in accordance with the relevant legal and regulatory framework.
By the end of this module, students will demonstrate the skills required to undertake a Flood Risk Assessment and will be able to select and apply the best techniques and models for estimating design flows in urban drainage systems.
This module is designed to give students a foundation in the numerical skills required for studying environmental science. It focuses on developing explicit links between mathematical analysis and the physical processes that govern environmental systems. Workshop sessions with members of teaching staff provide an informal atmosphere for you to refresh your mathematical knowledge, to learn how numerical skills can enrich your understanding of the environment, and to develop a scientific approach to solving a range of environmental problems. We employ environmental case studies throughout the module and analyse a number of environmental data sets.
Depending upon degree programme, students who hold an AS-level in maths do not have to take this module and as such will have a further optional module to choose from.
Following the earlier module ‘Numerical Skills I’, students will gain a more complete understanding of the numerical skills required for studying the environment. Environmental case studies will be used in a mixture of lectures and workshops where students will learn to manipulate trigonometric equations, describe the basic principles of calculus and solve simple equations. These concepts will be applied to environmental examples including radioactive decay, atmospheric pressure scale height and chemical kinetics.
Depending upon degree programme, students who hold an AS-level in maths do not have to take this module and as such will have a further optional module to choose from.
*This module is offered in alternate years (e.g. 18/19, 20/21 etc)*
Students will be provided with a solid foundation in key hydraulic processes, the impact of structures and an overview of the generic types of river model during this module. This includes how to select the most appropriate model for a particular application for flood risk management e.g. flood warning, flood risk mapping for spatial and emergency planning, broad scale screening studies, detailed feasibility and design of flood mitigation measures.
In addition to this, commercially available 1D, 2D and integrated models will be available to use during the module. Students will critically evaluate these commercially available models and select the best model for a specific application. This involves learning to identify and quantify where uncertainty exists in data and modelling, and how it should be dealt with.
Students will benefit from the availability of a mobile hydraulic flume. It is owned by the JBA Trust for educational purposes and will be used to demonstrate hydraulic principles relating to good river weir and culvert design.
With this knowledge gained from these tools, students will be able to apply industry standard flood estimation and modelling techniques to solve real problems in the context of flood risk management and the latest legislation and policy.
*This module is offered in alternate years (e.g. 18/19, 20/21 etc)*
The module will cover the concepts and theory involved in river restoration techniques and introduce a geomorphological approach to sustainable river management. It will be based on case studies and examples of river restoration projects, delivered in the context of the developing legislative and policy drivers, such as the Water Framework Directive (WFD). It will also include a field trip to visit a local river (the River Lune) to demonstrate assessment techniques, identify sustainable solutions and provide case study material.
Students will learn how the Water Framework Directive (WFD), the ‘Catchment Based Approach’ (CaBA) and the principles of Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) influence and drive river and catchment management. They will also consider the main hydro-ecology and hydromorphology assessment techniques. This will enable students to understand the process, techniques and key steps involved in designing a sustainable river restoration scheme.
This module will allow you to improve your practical and theoretical knowledge of volcanic processes through a residential field course held on an active basaltic volcano. We start off with classroom sessions to introduce the field site and provide insight into some of the magmatic and tectonic processes involved. Then, in the field, you will visit key localities and unravel the complex links between magma properties and eruptive style. We will examine effusive (lavas) and explosive (tephra) products, and will discuss and observe the roles of dykes, fissures and conduits at first hand. The module is usually held on Mount Etna, Sicily, although the location may change in future years.
There may be extra costs related to your course for items such as books, stationery, printing, photocopying, binding and general subsistence on trips and visits. Following graduation, you may need to pay a subscription to a professional body for some chosen careers.
Specific additional costs for studying at Lancaster are listed below.
College fees
Lancaster is proud to be one of only a handful of UK universities to have a collegiate system. Every student belongs to a college, and all students pay a small College Membership Fee which supports the running of college events and activities. Students on some distance-learning courses are not liable to pay a college fee.
For students starting in 2025, the fee is £40 for undergraduates and research students and £15 for students on one-year courses.
Computer equipment and internet access
To support your studies, you will also require access to a computer, along with reliable internet access. You will be able to access a range of software and services from a Windows, Mac, Chromebook or Linux device. For certain degree programmes, you may need a specific device, or we may provide you with a laptop and appropriate software - details of which will be available on relevant programme pages. A dedicated IT support helpdesk is available in the event of any problems.
The University provides limited financial support to assist students who do not have the required IT equipment or broadband support in place.
For most taught postgraduate applications there is a non-refundable application fee of £40. We cannot consider applications until this fee has been paid, as advised on our online secure payment system. There is no application fee for postgraduate research applications.
For some of our courses you will need to pay a deposit to accept your offer and secure your place. We will let you know in your offer letter if a deposit is required and you will be given a deadline date when this is due to be paid.
The fee that you pay will depend on whether you are considered to be a home or international student. Read more about how we assign your fee status.
If you are studying on a programme of more than one year’s duration, tuition fees are reviewed annually and are not fixed for the duration of your studies. Read more about fees in subsequent years.
Scholarships and bursaries
You may be eligible for the following funding opportunities, depending on your fee status and course. You will be automatically considered for our main scholarships and bursaries when you apply, so there's nothing extra that you need to do.
Unfortunately no scholarships and bursaries match your selection, but there are more listed on scholarships and bursaries page.
A number of our programmes offer bursaries for excellent students applying for specific degree schemes. These bursaries include the Heatherlea and Peter John Vincent prizes.
You will find yourself taking advantage of several laboratory facilities at Lancaster Environment Centre. There are our £4.4 million Teaching Labs, for example, as well as specialist facilities for Environmental Chemistry, Noble Gas, and Plant and Soil Ecology.
Research Facilities
There are no fewer than 15 purpose-built glasshouse modules, 16 controlled environment plant growth rooms, 4 solar domes based at the Hazelrigg Weather Station and a suite of ultraviolet radiation research facilities that can truly claim to be world-class.
Field Sites
You could find yourself working at a range of catchment science sites across England and Wales, including the local River Eden Valley, or they can travel much further afield to the tropical forests of the Amazon and Borneo.
Cutting-Edge Technologies
You can be trained to use a range of equipment, such as our Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer Facility, X-ray CT Scanner, Magnetometer or the LI-COR Portable Photosynthesis System, which has the capacity to measure plant gas exchange with exceptional speed and precision.
Rich Data Resources
Dedicated support staff with expertise in GIS, statistics, modelling, information technology and programming are available to provide specialist training in all aspects of data acquisition, processing and analysis.
Important Information
The information on this site relates primarily to 2025/2026 entry to the University and every effort has been taken to ensure the information is correct at the time of publication.
The University will use all reasonable effort to deliver the courses as described, but the University reserves the right to make changes to advertised courses. In exceptional circumstances that are beyond the University’s reasonable control (Force Majeure Events), we may need to amend the programmes and provision advertised. In this event, the University will take reasonable steps to minimise the disruption to your studies. If a course is withdrawn or if there are any fundamental changes to your course, we will give you reasonable notice and you will be entitled to request that you are considered for an alternative course or withdraw your application. You are advised to revisit our website for up-to-date course information before you submit your application.
More information on limits to the University’s liability can be found in our legal information.
Our Students’ Charter
We believe in the importance of a strong and productive partnership between our students and staff. In order to ensure your time at Lancaster is a positive experience we have worked with the Students’ Union to articulate this relationship and the standards to which the University and its students aspire. View our Charter and other policies.