Environmental Science
The following modules are available to incoming Study Abroad
students interested in Environmental Science.
Alternatively you may return to the complete list of Study Abroad
Subject Areas.
LEC.101: Global Environmental Challenges
- Terms Taught: Full Year Course
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
- ECTS Credits: 8 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: None
Course Description
At the beginning of a student's university experience it is important that a wide-angle view of the environmental world is taken. The importance lies in exposing students to the breadth of topic and approach taken to successfully characterise and solve environmental problems in the broadest context. The module deliberately links themes from the natural and social sciences to focus on key processes and issues in ways that are relevant to students on all LEC degree schemes. Whilst avoiding specialist technical and theoretical details (these are dealt with in subject-specific modules), the module avoids superficiality by placing emphasis on the complex interactions between key environmental and societal processes, and on breadth of new knowledge. Topical themes are taught at a variety of scales, with emphasis on linking the global and the local. At the end of the module students are very well informed of the subject diversity they could study on progression to Part 2 and, therefore, equipped to make educated decisions about the direction of their degrees.
Educational Aims
Through lectures and tutorials the module will teach students critical thinking skills and will require students to understand and evaluate key contemporary environmental issues from a variety of perspectives. Key research, communication and safety skills that underpin the attainment of environmental knowledge and understanding are delivered through small group, team and individual work.
Outline Syllabus
Global Environmental Challenges emphasises the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches that must be taken in order to understand and solve environmental problems. The module syllabus is aimed at providing LEC Part 1 students with an appreciation of these holistic approaches in relation to their individual backgrounds and degree schemes in terms of both introductory academic knowledge and foundation skills. The curriculum adopted is based around LEC's three research actions. This has the very important embedded benefit of giving new LEC students a clear view of LEC activities as well as introducing 60% of LEC academic staff and their associated areas of expertise. Delivery of academic material is through 38 bi-weekly presentations whilst key skills are nurtured through 11 fortnightly small-group tutorials that support a project-based approach. The generic curriculum is given below, followed by a more detailed specification.
Understanding a changing planet
The global environment and society are now threatened by unprecedented changes resulting from human activities, including intensive agriculture and fossil fuel use, as well as facing natural hazards such as volcanic eruptions or climatic extremes. "Global Environmental Challenges" explores these threats through a series of research-informed presentations from a broad cross-section of expert LEC staff. LEC recognises the need to balance disciplinary and interdisciplinary understanding that addresses the physical, chemical, biological and social aspects of "Global Environmental Challenges". We work together to contribute to finding sustainable approaches to resilience and adaptation. LEC.101 aims to start students on the road to understanding and contributing to addressing "Global Environmental Challenges".
Improving global stewardship
The environment supplies the resources on which the health, wealth and wellbeing of all societies depend; however, unsustainable resource use is damaging to societal wellbeing. Interdisciplinary interactions that embrace both the social and natural sciences improve environmental resource management in ways that respect not only the need for environmental protection but also sustainable development that is just, equitable and inclusive. "Global Environmental Challenges" explores sustainable approaches to food production, clean air and water; energy and essential minerals, as well as the ecosystems that provide a range of services from fertile soils and sustainable pest control to cultural wellbeing.
Innovation for a better environment
LEC recognises that sustainable development depends on promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and production as well as protecting and managing the natural resources vital for economic and social development. "Global Environmental Challenges" encompass, therefore, eco-innovation, which is innovation that reduces the environmental impact of products, processes and services or improves the efficient and responsible use of resources.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 40%
- Exam: 60%
LEC.103: Environmental Processes and Systems
- Terms Taught: Full Year Course
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
- ECTS Credits: 8 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: None
Course Description
Environmental Processes and Systems introduces the Earth as a system comprising air, water, land and life. Environmental processes and their impacts are explored, at a range of spatial scales, within different parts of the system. Emphasis is placed on the interconnections between the different domains of the system. Key themes include (1) global climate and environmental change, (2) Earth surface materials and the flows that produce distinctive and dynamic landscape forms, and (3) the processes that influence the development of soils and associated ecosystems at the land surface.
Educational Aims
Environmental Processes and Systems aims to develop the ability of students to think critically and to build a reasoned logical argument. It introduces and justifies methodologies and subjects that are likely to be applied and studied later in the degree programme. The module develops the ability of students to integrate evidence from the literature, laboratory experiments and field investigations in order to understand environmental processes in an Earth system science context.
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction to module
- Evidence for past climates and techniques used to determine past climates
- Climate fluctuations of Earth's history; emphasis on record of past glaciations
- How the climate system works and how we affect it
- Earth surface materials and landforms
- Introduction to the field trail exercise
- Environmental flow processes
- Soils, the biosphere, biotic change and ecosystems
- Exam revision
- Laboratory and field practical introduction - Michaelmas term
- Evidence of past climates field excursion - Michaelmas term
- Flows and sediment transport - Lent term
- Self-guided field trail - Lent term (if possible)
Assessment Proportions
LEC.171: The Earth's Interior
- Terms Taught: This module runs in weeks 1-5 of Michaelmas term only
- US Credits: 2 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: High school mathematics and/or physics.
Course Description
This course covers the internal structure and dynamics of the Earth, evidence for continental drift and sea floor spreading, how plate tectonics works, and some environmental consequences of the Earth’s internal processes. The course includes nine hours of laboratory (lab) work.
Educational Aims
- To understand the internal structure and dynamics of the Earth, and how plate tectonics works.
- To introduce some environmental consequences of the major internal processes.
Outline Syllabus
Lecture Outline
- A brief history of the Earth
- Seismology and the Earth's layers
- The Earth's core and geomagnetism
- The ocean basins and seafloor spreading
- Continental drift and plate tectonics
- How and why plates move
- Cooling the Earth
- Continents - past and future
- Melting the mantle
- Mantle plumes
- Environmental consequences of Earth's internal processes
- 1. Continents and ocean basins
- 2. The Earth's fractured surface (map-based workshop)
- 3. Environmental consequences of the Earth's internal processes
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.172: Geology
- Terms Taught: This module runs in weeks 6-10 of Michaelmas Term Only.
- US Credits: 2 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: High school science.
Course Description
This course aims to convey why it is important for scientists, whatever their discipline, to have a basic understanding of geological processes. Emphasis is placed on the dynamic way in which the Earth works. The following five geological processes are studied: formation of minerals, volcanism, metamorphism, sedimentation and deformation. The course includes nine hours of lab work.
Educational Aims
- Describe the structure of minerals.
- Describe the causes and effects of selected geologic processes (e.g. volcanism, deformation, sedimentation, metamorphism).
- Identify common rocks and minerals.
- Use a petrological microscope.
- Use geologic maps to interpret the geologic history of a region.
Outline Syllabus
Lecture Outline
- Background to course.
- Geologic time and space. Relative geologic timescale.
- Absolute geologic timescale. Formation of minerals.
- Structure of minerals. Minerals through the microscope.
- Volcanism case history.
- Plutonism versus volcanism. Classification of igneous rocks.
- Style of volcanic eruptions and volcano geomorphology.
- Origins of magma. Introduction to poster exercise of practical 3.
- Deformation (stress and strain).
- Deformation (folds, faults and joints).
- Metamorphism; regional metamorphism.
- Metamorphism; contact and dynamic metamorphism.
- 1. The Mineral Kingdom.
- 2. Volcanoes and Magma Chambers.
- 3. Sediments and Geological Maps, Geology and the Environment posters.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.173: Biogeochemical Cycles
- Terms Taught: This module runs in weeks 1-5 of Lent Term Only.
- US Credits: 2 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: High school chemistry, and mathematics and/or physics.
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to some key biogeochemical processes occurring in the atmosphere, natural waters and soils. It also shows how biogeochemical processes fit into the bigger picture of biogeochemical cycling and Earth Systems Science and gives examples of biogeochemical cycles of elements on various spatial and time scales. The practical sessions reinforce the lecture material and introduce you to related modelling and experimental skills. The course includes nine hours of lab work.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Explain the nature and significance of key biogeochemical processes (photosynthesis, respiration, chemical weathering, free radical reactions, cloud chemistry, atmospheric loss processes).
- Describe the biogeochemical cycles of selected elements.
Outline Syllabus
- Module overview. Introduction to Earth System Science and related importance of biogeochemical processes. Introduction to box-model approach to quantifying the dynamic behaviour of environmental systems. Related concepts, e.g. mass balance, conservative versus non-conservative behaviour, residence times, steady versus non-steady state.
- Chemical weathering and its environmental significance.
- Nature and significance of photosynthesis and respiration in terms of their effects on the Earth's chemical environment.
- Photolysis and free radical chemistry, clouds and cloud chemistry, atmospheric loss processes (wet and dry deposition).
- Examples of biogeochemical cycles, e.g. N, S and Hg.
- Box-modelling practical.
- Laboratory experiment on chemical weathering rates of limestone.
- Acid-rain laboratory experiment.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.174: Hydrology: Water in the Environment
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms Only
- US Credits: 2 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: High school mathematics and/or physics.
Course Description
The course aims to introduce the science of hydrology through an appreciation of the transfer of precipitation to evaporation, groundwater and river flow. Emphasis is given to hands-on experience of various gauging techniques. Case studies of a) the physical impacts of rainforest logging (Borneo) and b) assessment of potential water contamination by a buried radionuclide repository (West Cumbria) are used. The course includes nine hours of lab and fieldwork.
Educational Aims
On completion of this module a student will be able to:
- Measure waterflows and soil/rock properties
- Manipulate algebraic equations
- Relate physical theory to the solution of environmental problems
- Describe and manipulate the water balance equation and the groundwater flow equation
Outline Syllabus
Lecture Outlines
- Water catchment issues
- Precipitation
- Evapo-transpiration
- Riverflow
- Water pathways and erosion hazard
- Subsurface water
- Soil water and solute travel times
- Summary and revision session
- End-of-module test
- Fieldwork in White Scar Cave (gauging and guided visit)
- Laboratory practicals using 6 pieces of apparatus (flumes, model catchments, groundwater test apparatus, etc)
- Guided course text reading
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.175: Atmosphere, Weather & Climate
- Terms Taught: This module runs in weeks 1-5 of Summer Term Only.
- US Credits: 2 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: High school mathematics and/or physics.
Course Description
This course introduces, by lectures and laboratory work, basic observations of the Earth’s atmosphere and outlines a mainly descriptive framework for understanding its physical behaviour. The course includes nine hours of lab work.
Educational Aims
On completion of this module a student will be able to:
- Write a laboratory report that presents results clearly and relates results to subject-specific knowledge.
- Manipulate algebraic equation
- Recognise derivatives and their importance in problem-solving
- Recall the temperature and pressure structure of the atmosphere.
- Discuss the nature, significance, and reliability of meteorological observations
- Relate measurements and charts of weather to basic principles governing the atmosphere
- Compute atmospheric variables using the Equation of State and the hydrostatic relation.
- Define stability, lapse rate, and potential temperature, and compute potential temperature
Outline Syllabus
Lecture Outline
- An initial overview
- Meteorological observations
- Global radiative equilibrium
- The behaviour of gases and the atmosphere's pressure structure
- Atmospheric thermodynamics and the thermal structure of the atmosphere
- The water cycle and clouds
- The Coriolis force and large-scale weather systems
- The physical basis of meteorology and meteorological Observation.
- Meteorological analysis
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.181: Numerical Skills I
- Terms Taught: This module runs in weeks 1-5 of Michaelmas Term Only.
- US Credits: 2 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: None
Course Description
This course is designed to give you a foundation course in the numerical skills required for studying environmental science. The course concentrates on explicit links between the mathematical analysis and physical processes involved with environmental systems. In this regard, environmental case studies are employed throughout the course and a number of environmental data sets are analysed.
Educational Aims
On completion of this module a student will be able to:
- Manipulate basic mathematical equations.
- Prepare basic graphical presentations of data.
- Describe logarithmic and exponential functions.
- Use dimensional and/or unit analysis on simple equations.
- Calculate statistical measures from small datasets.
- Apply the concepts outlined in the generic outcomes to environmental examples including radioactive decay, atmospheric pressure scale height and chemical kinetics.
Outline Syllabus
Lecture Outline
- Simple Arithmetical Principles, Units and Dimensions: SI unit system; unit conversion; dimensional analysis; exercises based on environmental examples.
- Simple Algebra: what symbols mean; arranging symbols into equations; rearranging equations; brackets and negative numbers; fractions; calculator skills.
- Introductory Graphs and Linear Functions: axes; plotting points; clear presentation; plotting equation of a straight line y=mx+c; slope and gradient. Exercises based on environmental examples, e.g. field data from a variety of sources.
- Simultaneous and quadratic equations: extracting values for parameters from a series of related equations; factorisation; roots. Introducing concepts of model calibration. Practicing your algebra!
- Basic Trigonometry: Sine, Cosine, Tangent. Degrees and radians; The right angled triangle; Oscillatory behaviour and Periodicity; Seasonal variation; Exercises based on environmental examples, e.g. atmospheric CO2 data.
- Environmental Statistics and data analysis: mean; mode; median; quantiles - relate to standard error bars on measurement points; errors in data (where do they come from).
- Supervised paper exercises on material from the lectures.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.182: Introduction to Environmental Chemistry
- Terms Taught: This module runs in weeks 6-10 of Michaelmas Term Only.
- US Credits: 2 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: High school mathematics and/or chemistry.
Course Description
This is a support course for students weak in Chemistry. It provides a basic treatment of relevant aspects of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry; discussions of their relevance to environmental chemistry; practical sessions giving training in basic chemical laboratory skills and an introduction to chemically and instrumentally based analytical methods. The course includes nine hours of lab work.
Educational Aims
On completion of this module students will be able to:
- Work safely and competently in a chemical laboratory.
- Describe the basic chemical characteristics of substances.
- Explain what is meant by a chemical reaction and why reactions occur.
- Explain the difference between chemical equilibrium and kinetics.
- Explain the nature and importance of interactions between electromagnetic radiation and matter.
- Provide environmental examples to illustrate previous outcomes.
Outline Syllabus
Lecture Outline
- Atomic structure; isotopes; radioactivity; electron configuration of atoms; chemical bonds and structure of molecules; properties of matter; gas laws; and the periodic table.
- Introduction to organic compounds.
- Aqueous solutions and ions.
- Chemical reactions and energy. Chemical equations and reversibility.
- Kinetics: first order reactions; rate constants.
- Chemical equilibrium: equilibrium constants.
- Interactions of electromagnetic radiation and matter, illustrated by reference to spectroscopy and environmental reactions (photochemistry).
- Atomic structure
- Molecular properties
- Instrumental chemical analysis.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.183: Numerical Skills II
- Terms Taught: This module runs in weeks 1-5 of Lent Term Only.
- US Credits: 2 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: None
Course Description
The course follows up the foundation course (LEC.181) in this subject and is designed to give you a more comprehensive grounding in the numerical skills required for studying environmental science. Relevant examples from other LEC modules are employed. There are 12 two-hour workshops, with a 30-minute introductory presentation followed by 90 minutes of hands-on practice.
Educational Aims
On completion of this module a student will be able to:
- Manipulate trigonometric equations
- Describe the basic principles of calculus
- Solve simple differential equations
- Apply the generic skills learnt here to numerical problems encountered in other courses
- Apply the concepts outlined in the generic outcomes to environmental examples including radioactive decay, atmospheric pressure scale height and chemical kinetics
Outline Syllabus
Lecture Outline
- Algebra: this most essential of numerical skills often causes great difficulty and impedes progress in other areas of numerical work. Here we concentrate on the components of equations (constants, variables, operators) and how to manipulate them into more useful forms.
- Exponential and logarithmic functions: integer and fractional (surds) powers; negative powers; e; log10; ln; relationship between logs and exponents; plotting logarithmic and exponential functions; Examples: radioactive decay, Growth of a populations and chemical kinetics.
- The Log/Log Graph: Power law; Transformation to linear form.
- The Semi-Log Graph: Exponential Law; Transformation to linear form.
- Differentiation : Notation; Basic definition; Rates of change; gradient.
- Area under a curve: trapezium rule; Simpson's Rule.
- Integration: Notation; Basic definition; Inverse of differentiation.
- Supervised paper exercises on material from the lectures.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.185: Natural Hazards
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms Only
- US Credits: 2 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 4 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: High school mathematics and/or physics.
Course Description
This course describes the distribution of, and hazards associated with, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and extremes of weather, and identifies various ways of reducing human vulnerability to these natural hazards. The course includes nine hours of lab work.
Educational Aims
On completion of this module a student will be able to:
- Contour spatial data by hand.
- Apply simple equations and graphical methods to determine earthquake location, magnitude and intensity.
- Describe the distribution, causes and effects of various natural hazards, and methods of monitoring, prediction and mitigation, giving appropriate examples.
- Interpret ground deformation data in terms of magma movement inside a volcano.
Outline Syllabus
Lecture Outline
- Introduction to hazards and risk analysis.
- Volcanic eruptions - distribution, explosive and non-explosive volcanism, hazards, monitoring, prediction and mitigation.
- Earthquakes - distribution, magnitude, intensity, hazard assessment and mitigation.
- Tsunamis - causes, speed, amplitude, hazards and mitigation.
- Hurricanes/typhoons/tropical cyclones - distribution, structure, hazards, intensity, mitigation.
- Tornadoes - distribution, structure, hazards and mitigation.
- Floods - causes and effects of river and coastal flooding, and what can be done to reduce human vulnerability to floods.
- Inside Hawaiian volcanoes.
- Measuring earthquakes.
- Earthquake and tsunami early warning systems.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.243: Experimental Design and Analysis
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term Only.
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: None
Course Description
All scientists need to be able to understand the scientific method, to design experiments, to be able to collect data in an unbiased scientific manner, to analyse it using robust statistical techniques and to present it in a clear and concise form, in an appropriate medium and in a way that is appropriate to a relevant audience. The aim of this course is to introduce you to these complementary methods. The course includes 30 hours of practical sessions/workshops.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Relate the notion of the scientific method to their own scientific endeavour;
- Appreciate the importance of variation in environmental and ecological systems, and how to measure and describe it;
- Design and execute experiments which distinguish effectively between variation due to experimental effects and underlying uncontrolled variation;
- Use simple statistical tests to analyse data, taking into account the underlying assumptions of those tests;
- Use a computer-based statistical package (e.g. SPSSx) to analyse data;
- Report their findings in a style appropriate to the audience.
Outline Syllabus
The proposed module will be arranged around 10 lectures and 10 3-hour practicals, comprising field excursions, laboratory sessions, computer practicals and workshops. The exact format will vary from week to week to reflect changing learning outcomes. The module will be taught by staff within the Lancaster Environment Centre and the School of Mathematical Sciences.
The module outline follows:
- Introduction - Overview of the aims of the module, including introduction to history/philosophy of (environmental) science and the scientific method.
- Collecting data - a campus-based excursion to collect data as a class for later analysis - e.g. Quadrat use, insect sampling vegetation measures, etc.
- Designing experiments - Principles of experimental design: hypotheses, replicates, randomisation, blind procedures, etc.
- Summarising data - Introduction to data summaries (using field data in Excel) - e.g. data distributions, histograms, summary statistics, plotting data in different ways.
- Analysing data I - Introduction to computer-based statistics packages (e.g. SPSS): lecture + computer practical.
- Analysing data II - Tests and confidence intervals: t-tests and non-parametric stats.
- Analysing data III - Association, correlation and regression.
- Analysing data VI - Regression analysis.
- Analysing data V - Comparing two or more groups (ANOVA and non-parametric statistics).
- Reviewing scientific literature - How to read and interpret data in papers.
Assessment Proportions
LEC.246: Environmental Physiology
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms Only
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Normally biology or biochemistry majors only.
Course Description
Macroscopic plants and animals interact with their environments in what appear to be fundamentally different ways. Animals, especially humans, possess sophisticated control and co-ordination systems, which regulate their physiology as well as complex patterns of behaviour. Plants, apparently, lack such sophisticated responses, yet both groups are clearly highly successful. Environmental Physiology ‘crosses the great divide’ between animal and plant biology, examining the whole-organism responses of animals and plants to light, pollution and disease-causing micro-organisms. We consider how such responses are controlled and co-ordinated, and how information is communicated between individuals in both animals and plants. The scope of LEC.246 is broad, extending from the consequences of environmental change on human health to communication between plants. The theme is the central role of physiology in determining a wide range of biological responses, with the overall aim of providing an integrated understanding of the mechanisms by which both animals and plants cope with their environment. The course includes nine hours of lab work.
Educational Aims
After completing this course students should be able to:
- Describe how animals and plants perceive light.
- Describe the effects of ultraviolet light on animals and plants and the mechanisms for protection from its damaging effects.
- Show how various pollutants affect the health of plants and humans.
- Describe the various forms of innate immunity in animals and discuss the conservation of anti-microbial defence mechanisms during evolution.
- Show how plants resist infection by microorganisms.
- Describe mechanisms by which plants perceive environmental signals and co-ordinate their responses to them
Outline Syllabus
- Introductory lecture on comparative physiology.
- The nature of "light"
- The environmental physiology of light perception in animals and plants: clock watching and light sensing without eyes.
- The photoecology of UV radiation.
- The effects of pollution on plant health: mechanisms and consequences.
- The effects of pollution on human health: mechanisms and consequences.
- Host defences against parasites and disease. Innate and adaptive immunity in vertebrate and invertebrate animals.
- Plant responses to infection: dealing with infection without an immune system.
- Synthesis and conclusions.
Practicals / Workshops
- Experimental determination of an action spectrum.
- Pollution workshop - Parliamentary Question Time.
- Plant inducible defence practical.
- Plant defence workshop.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.272: Environmental Data Visualisation and Analysis
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: College level environmental science and mathematics.
Course Description
The course focuses on data pre-processing, processing and visualisation for use with dissertation work. It includes introductory elements of Matlab and Simulink, currently a de facto visualisation and numerical processing standard. Some comparison to other programming languages, in particular Fortran and C, is provided. The main programming elements are introduced and used in examples: data input, processing, output in numerical and graphical forms, programming tools and structures (loops, conditional statements and other flow control). The course introduces selected principles of dynamic systems modelling applied to environmental systems in the form of worked examples and case studies.
Educational Aims
On completion of this module a student will be able to:
- Communicate with programming professionals on a basic level.
- Solve basic data processing problems using MATLAB or other programming languages.
- Use a sophisticated, programmable data presentation and visualisation tool; load, process and save data in numerical and graphical form.
- Recognise the most fundamental features of computer programming languages.
- Adapt the obtained MATLAB programming skills to learning of most other programming languages.
- Design, write, run and debug simple MATLAB programs; with a potential to use MATLAB as a comprehensive programming language.
- Relate the concepts of serial, parallel and feedback connections to processes in the environment.
- Formulate Simulink block diagram representations of simple environmental systems.
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction; Aims of programming; Course aims; Basic definitions;
- The scientific method;
- Programming languages: development, common features, application areas;
- Starting and using Matlab; scripts; toolboxes; search paths; variables and expressions; programmer's tools: editor/debugger;
- Program control: loops and nested loops;
- The concept of a dynamic system, transfer function, ADZ model of dispersion in a river;
- Introduction to graphical simulation systems: Simulink, block diagrams analysis;
- More program control: Conditional statements;
- Functions and subroutines;
- Simulink: second order system examples: Gilliland climate model; feedback connections "in the animal and the machine";
- First module test (end of week 24);
- Matlab and general defaults handling; error handling;
- Files and data input and output;
- Computer graphics and visualisation with handle graphics;
- Advanced visualisation (multivariable data) – continued from ENV201;
- Program design, libraries; program development and debugging;
- Summary and revision workshop;
- End of module test (end of week 27);
- Case studies and dissertation data processing clinics.
Assessment Proportions
LEC.275: Catchment Hydrology
- Terms Taught: This module runs in weeks 1-5 of Michaelmas Term Only.
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Equivalent to LEC.174 and LEC.181 or LEC.183
Course Description
The course is designed to introduce plus measurement and analytical techniques used by hydrologists to solve water-related problems in catchments. The course includes nine hours of lab/fieldwork.
Educational Aims
On completion of this module a student will be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to use data and basic models to derive solutions.
- Demonstrate the ability to use literature to help understand theory and limitations
- Demonstrate how to describe catchment hydrological processes, quantitatively
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction to catchment hydrology
- Rainfall: processes & measurement
- Rainfall: analysis
- Evapotranspiration: direct measurement
- Evapotranspiration: processes
- Subsurface flow: states and flows
- Runoff: measurement & basic analysis
- Rainfall-runoff: processes & pathways
- Rainfall-runoff: basic modelling
- Rainfall-runoff: distributed modelling
- Water quality: measurement
- Water quality: treatment
- Revision session
- Research case studies
- End of module test
- Subsurface water practical (Ou catchment)
- Water quality practical involving a guided visit to the Franklaw WTW
Assessment Proportions
Coursework: 100%
LEC.276: Aquatic Biogeochemistry
- Terms Taught: Lent Term Only.
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Equivalent to LEC.173
Course Description
The aims of this course are to introduce you to a) the nature of aquatic systems from a chemical standpoint, b) the main processes and factors governing the chemical composition of natural waters, c) a range of case studies to illustrate a and b and d) various analytical methods and analytical quality control considerations. The course includes eight hours of lab work and four hours of workshops.
Educational Aims
On completion of this module students will be able to:
- Prepare an Excel spreadsheet for data analysis and presentation.
- Apply algebraic and IT skills to aquatic chemistry
- Describe the basic chemical characteristics of natural waters.
- Discuss the factors and processes controlling the chemical composition of natural waters.
Outline Syllabus
Lecture Outline
- The nature of aquatic systems and the properties and characterization of substances present in natural waters.
- Chemical equilibrium.
- Acids, bases, pH, pH buffering, alkalinity, the CO2 system.
- Chemical weathering and clay minerals.
- Redox processes.
- Sorption phenomena and colloids
- Acid rain case study
- Practical concerned with spectrophotometry analysis of Ca and quality assurance
- Practical concerned with CO2 system and pH buffering, including measurement of pH and alkalinity.
- Workshop providing experience of various numerical exercises.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.277: Geoscience in Practice
- Terms Taught: Lent/Summer Terms Only
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Equivalent to LEC.172
Course Description
The landscapes we see today are the consequence of interaction between tectonic uplift (endogenetic) processes and denudational (exogenetic) processes. These processes are continually in flux resulting in a dynamic landscape which evolves and adjusts through time. This course examines tectonic processes and products (rocks), the interaction between uplift and denudation, and looks at how we can recognise and quantify the amounts and rate of change. This is a strongly practical-based course, designed to provide students with key geological skills. Lectures are designed to provide introductory background to the practical and field skills required for the assessed assignments.
Educational Aims
On completion of this module students will be able to:
- Synthesise data from a number of different sources and compile it into a coherent picture.
- Carry out independent thinking, and interpretations of data for which there may be more than one potential answer.
- Be able to identify rocks in the lab, identify minerals in thin section, interpret structural, sedimentological and field data, understand how to interpret isotopic data to date rocks, interpret basic geological maps.
- From the above information, determine how rocks can be used to determine past sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic environments.
- From this information, determine the processes by which deformation and uplift occur, the interaction with erosion in the development of earths surface features, and how the rates at which these processes occur can be quantified.
- Carry out field measurements (structural and sedimentary) and interpret the data.
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction
- Endogenetic processes and product. Epeirogenesis and orogenesis
- Assessed assignment introduction
- Recognising and interpreting exogenetic processes: sedimentary rocks
- Recognising and interpreting endogenetic processes: metamorphic rocks
- Recognising and interpreting endogenetic processes: igneous rocks
- Field trip (where practicable) introduction: determining tectonics and sedimentary facies in the field
- Using a stereonet to determine stress direction from fold data
- Using a stereonet to determine palaeocurrent information from sedimentary structures
- Determining rates of endogenetic and exogenetic processes: isotopic techniques
- Video: tectonic processes. Focused on the Himalaya.
- Compulsory day field trip (where practicable) to Tebay (Assessed Assignment 3)
- Determination of tectonics and deformation from fold, fault and way-up structures
- Determination of facies from palaeocurrent data and depositional environment assessment
- Practical sessions to develop skills needed to complete the assessed assignments (see below), emphasis on developing microscopy skills.
- Development of field skills, measurements and interpretations related to tectonics and sedimentary rocks.
- This module is designed to develop generic skills required by Earth Scientists. Assessment is therefore 100% by coursework (no exam) in order to maximise the amount of time available for the development of these skills.
- Substantial amounts of private lab study are required in order to complete the coursework assessment.
Assessment Proportions
LEC.278: Soil Science
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only.
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Equivalent to LEC.103
Course Description
This course aims to demonstrate the nature and properties of soils in an environmental context. An introduction to soil formation, description, chemical and physical properties, and biology, leads to the application of soil science to a variety of practical problems. The course includes eight hours of lab work and four hours of workshops.
Educational Aims
- Write a standard report describing analysis of soil in the field, the processes and factors responsible for its creation.
- Describe the nature and role of soils in the environment.
- Give a basic account of soil chemical and physical properties, and soil biology.
- Discuss applied aspects of soils, specifically nutrient cycling and carbon storage.
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction to the module
- Why are soils critical for the future of planet Earth?
- Mini field trip (where practicable)
- What is soil and how is it formed - Part 1
- What is soil and how is it formed - Part 2
- Soil and water - Part 1
- Soil and water - Part 2
- Fundamentals of soil chemistry and biology - Part 1
- Fundamentals of soil chemistry and biology - Part 2
- The biggest carbon store on Earth
- Soil nutrient cycling - Nitrogen
- Soil nutrient cycling - Phosphorus
- Soil nutrient cycling - Potassium, Sulphur
- Soil Salinity
- Guest speaker
- And we still treat it like dirt
- Field trip to the Trough of Bowland (where practicable)
- Chemical soil properties
- Soil biology
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.279: Atmospheric Science
- Terms Taught: Lent/Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Equivalent to LEC.175
Course Description
This module aims to develop a deeper understanding of atmospheric physics and chemistry, following on from the basic grounding in meteorology provided in LEC.175. The module begins by laying the foundations with the physical properties of the atmosphere and how they affect the movement of air, and a major objective is to bring familiarity with meteorological analyses and forecasts. We cover topics varying from small scale flow in the atmospheric boundary layer affecting pollutant transport to global scale circulation of the atmosphere including important phenomena such as monsoons and El Niño. Study of mid-latitude synoptic systems, cyclones and fronts will be reinforced by a visit to the Hazelrigg meteorological station. This is built on by giving students sufficient knowledge about the chemical composition of the Earth's atmosphere, of the fluxes of C, S and N to and from the atmosphere and of the main chemical processes that occur in the atmosphere to allow them to understand how the Earth's atmosphere 'works' chemically within the framework of physical process already covered.
Educational Aims
Subject Specific Outcomes:
- Describe the structure and behaviour of the atmosphere with reference to meteorological observations.
- Describe the pathways of atmospheric transport from analysis of meteorological charts.
- Draw schematic diagrams of the general tropospheric circulation and identify the major processes (and underlying forces) that drive this circulation.
- Calculate atmospheric quantities, such as potential temperature, and use the results of these calculations to describe the state of the atmosphere.
- List the components of the unpolluted troposphere, including the trace gases of chemical significance.
- Draw annotated schematic diagrams of the atmospheric cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur.
- Describe in words and using chemical equations, the ozone chemistry of the troposphere and stratosphere.
- Calculate reactant or product concentrations using chemical kinetic data.
Generic Outcomes
Outline Syllabus
Atmospheric structure: the equation of state, the hydrostatic equation, potential temperature and geostrophic flow.
The planetary boundary layer: its structure and diurnal variation, atmospheric turbulence.
The general circulation - global air movements, pressure belts and surface winds, how these arise and how they vary with the seasons.
Tropical meteorology: monsoon systems and the El Niño Southern Oscillation.
Mid-latitude meteorology: the thermal wind, Rossby waves, extra-tropical cyclones and frontal development.
The stratosphere: The Brewer-Dobson circulation, potential vorticity and the polar vortex.
Chemical composition of the atmosphere.
The carbon cycle: carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Particles in the atmosphere.
Gas phase reaction kinetics.
Photochemistry and ozone in the troposphere.
Ozone in the stratosphere.
Visit to Hazelrigg and analysis of meteorological observations.
Geostrophic trajectory analysis of the radioactive cloud from Chernobyl.
Numerical problems class.
Chemical kinetics experiment.
Lead in soils experiment.
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.282: Energy, Economy and Environment
- Terms Taught: Lent/ Summer Terms Only
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: None
Course Description
As a result of increasing energy demand, concerns regarding security of supply and the need to de-carbonise energy supplies to mitigate climate change, sustainable energy provisioning is one of the challenges society faces. This module provides an overview of energy technologies and the energy system within the UK. Following an introduction on why energy is important, forms of energy, energy units and basic calculations and how it is used, the module focuses on each of the key energy technologies in turn. The specifics of each energy technology including how it works, how much is produced, economics, environmental impacts and its current role in the energy mix will be outlined. Energy distribution networks, overall policy drivers and future energy mixes will also be detailed.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Detail the importance of energy
- Outline the forms and uses of energy
- Understand energy units and be able to make basic calculations
- Describe the key energy technologies, including costs and environmental impacts
- Outline the energy distribution system
- Describe the potential role of carbon capture and storage in low carbon energy production
- Describe energy policies
- Discuss potential future energy mixes
Outline Syllabus
The provisioning of affordable, low carbon and secure energy is a central challenge for the UK Government. This module provides an overview of energy technologies and the energy system within the UK. Following an introduction on why energy is important, forms of energy and how it is used, the module will focus on each of the key energy technologies in turn. The specifics of each energy technology including how it works, how much is produced, economics, environmental impacts, relevant policies and its current role in the energy mix will be outlined. Energy distribution networks, overall policy drivers and future energy mixes will also be detailed. The aim is to equip students with a broad understanding of energy technologies and the energy system.
Lecture schedule (50 min each)
- The importance, types and uses of energy
- Energy units and calculations
- Traditional energy sources - coal, oil and gas.
- Nuclear and fusion
- Solar
- Bioenergy
- Wet renewables - hydro, tidal and wave
- Wind
- Geothermal
- Anaerobic digestion and energy from waste
- Carbon capture and storage
- Energy storage
- Energy networks
- Energy policy
- Future projections
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.315: Environmental Remote Sensing and Image Processing
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: College geography or equivalent subject preferred.
Course Description
The course has four aims:
- To illustrate the increasing importance of remotely-sensed data in extending our understanding of environmental processes;
- To enable students to understand the principles on which remote sensing systems operate and how we can derive useful environmental information from remotely sensed data;
- To compare the information provided by remote sensing to that from other means of sampling;
- To develop the image processing skills of students taking the course.
The aims are fulfilled by initially examining the physical basis of remote sensing, electromagnetic radiation and its interactions with the Earth's atmosphere and surface and the sensors and systems, which are used to acquire data. The techniques used to analyse and interpret imagery are then explored.
This is followed by an examination of the environmental applications of remote sensing. Here, examples are used from several areas, in order to illustrate the increasing importance of remotely sensed data in extending the scope of existing studies.
Educational Aims
On completion of this module a student should be able to:
- Understand the basic principles of remote sensing, in terms of the characteristics of electromagnetic radiation and its interactions with the Earth's atmosphere and surface and how sensors and systems operate.
- Recognise the increasing importance of remotely-sensed data in extending our knowledge of environmental processes.
- Be able to critically evaluate the information from RS, particularly by comparison with that from other means of sampling.
- Understand and apply a range of image processing techniques in order to analyse and interpret remotely sensed imagery.
Assessment Proportions
LEC.348: Host-Parasite Interactions
- Terms Taught: Weeks 1-5 of Lent Term only.
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: None
Course Description
Plants and animals in their natural environments interact with a wide range of other living organisms. These include both beneficial interactions and damaging encounters with parasites, pathogens and herbivores. This module seeks to build on introductory material from LEC.246 to introduce students to a more detailed appreciation of the range and complexity of plant and animal interactions with parasitic organisms. We will examine the different kinds of organisms that have evolved a parasitic lifestyle and the ways in which they parasitize their hosts. In parallel, the module will introduce the different strategies that plants and animals use to defend themselves, including the recruitment of other organisms to act as allies. The continuing conflict between hosts and parasites results in a so-called 'evolutionary arms race', and we will cover a range of examples of the co-evolution of host defences and parasite counter-measures which enable successful parasites to overcome these defences. The module will also examine the evolutionary costs and benefits of defence, and the evidence for short and long-term immunological memory.
Since the module is aimed primarily at addressing ecological and physiological questions rather than the biomedical aspects of parasitology, the focus will be on invertebrate rather than vertebrate hosts.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Describe the main groups of parasitic organisms and their lifestyles
- Describe structural and behavioural defences against parasites, pathogens and herbivores in plants and animals
- Describe the key features of innate and adaptive immunity in plants and animals
- Identify the main selective pressures shaping the evolution of host resistance to parasites
- Explain why many defence mechanisms are inducible rather than permanently expressed
- Explain how specialist herbivores and parasites have co-evolved with their hosts to overcome resistance
- Describe examples of the links between genetic, biochemical and physiological processes and ecological scale interactions between different organisms
- Explain the mechanistic basis for, and ecological significance of, immune priming and immunological memory
- Discuss the need for interdisciplinary research in the field of resistance/immunity to pests and diseases
Outline Syllabus
The module will be taught over 5 weeks, with 2 lectures per week, supported by weekly practical and workshop sessions.
Lecture Topics include:
- Introductory lecture on evolutionary parasitology
- Animal defence immunity
- Plant defence against pathogens and herbivores
- Parasite strategies to evade host defences
- Effects on parasitism of interactions with other organisms
- Host defence trade-offs
Workshops Practicals:
- Workshop - Introduction to module using video resources. Coursework setting
- Workshop - Co-evolution of host-parasite interactions
- Practical - Plant-microbe interactions practical - Part 1
- Practical - Plant-microbe interactions practical - Part 2
- Workshop - Data analysis and Exam preparation
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.349: Sustainable Agriculture
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms Only
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: College level biological or environmental science
Course Description
Modern resource-intensive agriculture has proved incredibly successful in delivering relatively abundant, cheap food (at least in the developed world), but sometimes at considerable environmental cost. Therefore the general public is usually keen to embrace ‘sustainable agriculture’ but is generally unaware of the economic and food production costs of proposed changes in crop management. By emphasising the concept of crop resource use efficiency, this course also focuses on the viability of less intensive agricultural systems.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Identify and understand key issues affecting the sustainability of agriculture, and critically appraise the literature on these issues
- Understand the economic / societal issues constraining the adoption of more environmentally sustainable agriculture
- Discuss alternative scenarios and solutions for key environmental problems associated with agriculture
- Write cogently and critically about key environmental problems associated with modern intensive agriculture and alternative, sustainable solutions
Outline Syllabus
The module will be arranged around two 1 hour lectures each week, that cover a wide range of contemporary management practices and technologies relevant to sustainable agriculture (eg. role of GM crops, irrigation management, crop rotation, intercropping, crop protection) that may vary from year-to year. An additional 3 hour workshop (Weeks 2, 3) or laboratory practical (Weeks 1, 4, 5) will occur later in the week where the emphasis will be on:
- Assessed student oral presentations on environmental (water or carbon) footprinting of a selected commodity
- An experiment to test the relative benefits of chemical and biological fertilisers, where experimental design is undertaken by students working in groups
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.351: Coral Reef Ecology
- Terms Taught: Weeks 6-10 of Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Equivalent to LEC.241
Course Description
This module will expand the range of topics covered in the LEC ecology portfolio. Specifically, the module will expand our coverage of marine systems, which is a growing topic across different disciplines in LEC. Although the new module will focus on the ecology of coral reef systems, which are currently not covered elsewhere in LEC, it will nevertheless provide students with the opportunity to apply ecological principles learned in previous years and expose them to some of the global environmental challenges that are a key feature of LECs mission. It will also complement modules on terrestrial tropical systems and link to the new LEC.225 People and the Sea module, which addresses common challenges from a social science perspective.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of how coral reefs form geologically
- Identify key strategies that have enabled evolution of a hyperdiverse ecosystem
- Demonstrate an understanding of coral and reef fish ecology from individual, to ecosystem, scales
- Describe how multiple coral reef associated species interact and coexist
- Identify the broad-scale environmental factors that determine where coral reefs are distributed globally
- Critically assess the impact of threats to coral reefs and the interaction amongst those threats
- Develop the flexibility to think across disciplines to solve contemporary challenges and critical thinking through problem-based learning workshops
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.372: Hydrogeology
- Terms Taught: Lent / Summer Terms only
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Equivalent to LEC.174 and LEC.275
Course Description
This course aims to provide a good understanding of groundwater within the hydrologic cycle; aquifers and the unsaturated zone; introduce and discuss Darcian flow and physical implications; introduce pollutant transport in ground water and the most common contamination instances. It includes 12 hours of lab work.
Educational Aims
- To establish groundwater within the hydrologic cycle
- Discuss aquifers and the role of the unsaturated zone in hydrogeology
- Introduce and discuss Darcian flow mathematical models of groundwater flow
- Outline tools and techniques available for groundwater investigation
- Introduce concepts of groundwater transport
- Highlight the linkage between rivers and aquifers
- Introduce modelling tools for groundwater applications
Outline Syllabus
- Groundwater fundamentals
- Aquifer properties
- Mathematical models of groundwater flow
- Unsaturated and density dependent flow
- Groundwater investigation techniques
- Groundwater geophysics
- Flow to a well: basic principles
- Flow to a well: practical solutions
- Groundwater-surface water interactions
- Natural groundwater quality
- Groundwater transport
- Groundwater pollution remediation and protection
- Groundwater models
- Using models: parameterisation, calibration and application
- Course Summary
- Flow nets and simple groundwater model solutions
- Field visit
- Analysis of slug test data
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.373: Water Resources Management
- Terms Taught: Lent/summer terms only
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: College level environmental science.
Course Description
The aim of this course is to introduce the legislative, policy and procedural issues in the management of water resources within England and Wales. It explains the development and operation of regional water supplies and waste-water treatment systems within the context of the UK water industry. It includes 12 hours of lab work.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
- Apply standard EA statistical procedures to assess chemical water quality.
- Apply standard EA procedures to assess biological water quality.
- Identify the strategy for assessing and managing water quality in the UK.
- Derive simple dilution models to describe pollutant concentrations in river networks.
- Identify and describe the fundamentals of water treatment processes.
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction to module and the UK context of water management
- Sustainable water management and the Water Framework Directive
- Water quality standards
- Chemical water quality assessment
- Biological water quality assessment
- Critical load management
- Water treatment processes I
- Water treatment processes II
- Water treatment processes III
- Diffuse pollution sources, pathways and mitigation
- Climate change and future water management
- Synopsis
- Introduction to EA CWA case study
- Case study computer workshop
- Lancaster WWTW site visit
- Case study computer workshop
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.376: Introduction to Geophysical Techniques
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: No pre-requisite, but college level Mathematics, Science or Geography preferred
Course Description
This course introduces the underpinning aspects of geophysical and remote sensing techniques used to investigate the Earth’s surface (eg GPS, laser and radar measurements) and near-surface (eg seismic, gravity, magnetic, radar and electrical methods). Case studies are used to demonstrate the advantages and limitations of different techniques, including their spatial and temporal coverage and resolution. The course includes 12 hours of lab.
Educational Aims
- Converse with geophysics and remote sensing specialists.
- Relate different environmental measurements in terms of coverage and spatial and temporal resolution.
- Construct an organised report containing geophysical data.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different geophysical and remote sensing techniques.
- Assess appropriate measurement strategies specific environmental problems.
- Identify sources of geophysical measurement error.
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction to traditional geophysical and remote sensing techniques, their advantages and limitations
- Different technique styles and sampled fields: passive/active, dc/ac
- Implications of the geophysical characteristics of materials and how they vary
- Measurement platforms: sub-surface, ground-, air-, space-based instruments
- Electrical methods
- Data processing electrical date
- Electromagnetic
- GPR methods
- Seismic techniques
- Surface (topographic) measurement (e.g. surveying, GPS, inSAR, LIDAR)
- Remote sensing from the ground, air and space
- Case studies ( e.g. contaminated land, water resources)
- Event detection: Seismics (tectonic and volcanic earthquakes, anthropogenic causes e.g. reservoir filling, nuclear monitoring)
- Event detection: Other techniques (e.g. electrical techniques, infrasound, deformation monitoring)
- Gravity technique
- Electrical techniques (field-based)
- Application of remote sensing
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.377: Geological Hazards
- Terms Taught: Lent/ Summer Terms Only.
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites:
- Equivalent to LEC.185
- College level Geology and Mathematics/Physics.
Course Description
This course builds on material covered in LEC.185, and is designed for students who wish to understand more about fundamental geological hazards, the processes responsible, and risk mitigation. Specific hazards addressed are the failure of geological materials (slope stability, rock mechanics, landslides), volcanic hazards (eruption styles, plumes and pyroclastic flows) and earthquakes. It will include case histories of both local and major international disasters and 15 hours of lab and fieldwork.
Educational Aims
At the end of the module, students will have the ability to:
- Describe and explain the processes responsible for the occurrence, recurrence and magnitude of geological hazards.
- Evaluate hazard prediction methods.
- Discuss risk mitigation strategies, with reference to examples from around the world.
- Apply simple principles of analysis of slope failure using a variety of natural hazard situations.
- Demonstrate how simple probabilistic models may be applied to forecasting earthquakes, and discuss the uncertainties inherent in these techniques.
- Co-operate as a team to produce a professional oral presentation on a geological hazard case study.
Outline Syllabus
- Earthquakes in slow motion evidence, theories and uncertainties about how faults rupture.
- Geological responses to seismic shaking, including liquefaction processes and hazards.
- Why earthquakes can't be predicted.
- Probabilistic forecasting of earthquakes, and the role of paleoseismology in understanding recurrence patterns.
- Mitigation strategies for earthquakes and tsunami.
- Hazardous slopes and landslides: We set landslide hazards in context by considering Landslide susceptibility and landslide triggers. We consider types of landslides and relationships to triggering mechanisms and types of processes involved.
- Stress and strength of rocks and engineering soils. We examine the underlying principles of failure in materials, how it can be described and quantified. Cohesion, shear stress and angle of internal friction.
- Stress analysis in engineering soils and rocks. We examine the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria and the role of water in failure mechanisms.
- Predicting landslides: We explore up-scaling issues of strength (laboratory to landscape scale), and how to use simple principles to predict slope failure. We examine case studies, and mitigation measures.
- Landslides, volcanoes and mountain building. We examine at the landscape scale the triggering mechanisms and processes of landslides on volcanoes and mountains, with case studies examined.
- Volcanic Hazards 1 2: Volcanoes are a consequence of heat loss from Earth. Volcanic activity can pose a primary hazard, or on interacting with water, ice and air generate secondary hazards. Here we explore the range of volcanic hazards in terms of physical process, timescale and risk.
- Rheology of flows: Landslides, debris flows, lahars, mud flows and pyroclastic density currents are all mixtures of rock particles, gas and water. This lecture explores how such a mixture responds to an applied force as a function of grain size, water content and the magnitude of the applied force.
- Extreme Events 1 2: There have not been any extreme geological events during recorded human history. Using geological and cosmological insights these lectures consider a range of rare but extreme geological hazards. The long repeat timescales for these events makes them appear remote, and often the subject of 'doomsday' stories, but such extreme events are common in the history of the solar system and will undoubtedly happen again.
- Probabilistic forecasting of earthquakes
- Landslide prediction, based on material properties and simple slope models
- Hekla hazards
- Case study presentations
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.378: Global Change and the Earth System
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term only
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: Equivalent to LEC.175 and (LEC.181 or LEC.183 or A level Maths)
Course Description
This module is intended for students who wish to learn about the ways in which humans are affecting the chemical and physical composition of the Earth's atmosphere, and about the effects these changes are having on Earth's climate. The aim of the module is to introduce the principal sources, reactions, sinks, control methods and effects of the major air pollutants. This includes gases and aerosol particles. Some of these gases and aerosol particles in the atmosphere also affect global climate, and so the module starts with an examination of the global radiative balance (i.e., climate). The module aims to provide an introduction to the physical processes which control the atmospheric aerosol, and the chemical processes affecting gaseous pollutants, leading to a better understanding of the science behind climate prediction. Includes 9 hours of lab.
Educational Aims
On successful completion of this module students will be able to demonstrate subject specific knowledge, understanding and skills and have the ability to:
- Calculate a global 2-compartment radiative budget
- Discuss the major parts of the Earth system and how they interact
- Describe what an Earth system model is
- Discuss pollutant sources and sinks
Outline Syllabus
Fundamentals of climate change science:
- Concept of the Earth system
- Climate dynamics
- Observations
- Energy balance
- Climate sensitivity
Earth system models:
- Construction and application
- Forward and back projections
Atmospheric composition and climate:
- Tropospheric ozone as a greenhouse gas
- Aerosols: nature and climate effects
- Stratospheric ozone depletion and recovery
- Acid rain
Earth system components and feedbacks:
- Atmosphere, oceans and biosphere
- Links/feedbacks between the components
- Volcanoes and atmospheric composition and climate
- Radiative balance of the atmosphere at the Hazelrigg field station
- Computer exercise visualising climate model data
- Short presentations related to main coursework
Fieldtrip (subject to availability)
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
LEC.379: The Causes and Consequences of Environmental Radioactivity
- Terms Taught: Lent/ Summer Terms Only.
- US Credits: 4 Semester Credits.
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS
- Pre-requisites: College level environmental science.
Course Description
Radioactive contamination of our environment causes levels of concern unlike almost any other pollutant. In this course, you will learn the mechanisms by which radiation damages the body and the systems by which we measure and control exposure to radiation. We will then study the sources of naturally occurring radioactivity and radioactive contaminants to the environment and their behaviour in the environment, in order to better understand how people can become exposed. Thus, you should become better equipped to understand and evaluate the risk to human populations of accidents, such as Chernobyl and Fukushima. It includes ten hours of lab work.
Educational Aims
- Manipulate and solve basic radioactive decay law equations.
- Evaluate and synthesise different sources of evidence.
- Identify the sources of natural and artificial radionuclides in the environment.
- Explain the main processes by which radionuclides are distributed through the environment, illustrating them with examples.
- Apply the principles of dose assessment to determine the impact of environmental exposure to radioactivity.
- Evaluate the consequences of nuclear accidents.
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction to radioactivity
- Radioactive decay and ingrowth
- Interactions of radiation with matter
- Human radiation dose & detriment
- The effects of ionising radiation
- Radiation protection in the UK
- Sources of radioactivity in the environment
- The nuclear fuel cycle
- Behaviour of radioactive contaminants in the marine environment
- Behaviour of radioactive contaminants in the terrestrial environment
- Radioactive decay and ingrowth
- Radiation dose estimation
- Radon in homes
Assessment Proportions
- Coursework: 50%
- Exam: 50%
PPR.296: Environmental Politics and Policy
- Terms Taught: Michaelmas Term Only
- US Credits: 4 Semester credits
- ECTS Credits: 7.5 ECTS Credits
- Pre-requisites: At least one entry-level course in politics or international relations.
Course Description
This module aims to...
- provide an introduction to environmental politics,
- enable students to understand the connection of environmental politics to other areas of politics,
- encourage critical thinking about the political causes and potential policy solutions to climate change.
Educational Aims
Students who pass this module should be able to...
LO1: explain the political nature of environmental problems and debates
LO2: critically discuss the role of various political actors in the politics of the environment
LO3: demonstrate knowledge of the connection between environmental and other political issues
LO4: analyse proposed policy solutions to the issue generated by climate change.
Outline Syllabus
This course introduces students to the politics surrounding a key challenge of our time: climate change and environmental collapse. We will consider how environmental concerns are reflected and framed in political debate and behaviour, as well as the unequal distribution of the effects of climate change and how domestic and international institutions have responded to the crisis. The module will consider both current and future environmental issues, as well as the policymaking in this area.
Topics covered will typically include:
- The history of the politics of the environment
- Arenas of contesting the climate emergency
- The role of markets and political agents in environmental exploitation
- Climate change justice and the unequal burdens of climate change
- Resource security and the environment
- Institutional and individual responses to climate change
- Climate propaganda
- Policymaking and climate change
Assessment Proportions
The module will have one essay, due towards the end of the module, of 2250-2500 words, which will comprise 40% of the overall mark. The module will also have an exam, comprising 60% of the mark, and will have a completion time of 2hrs.
The coursework will particularly assess critical engagement and the construction of developed arguments, while the examination will particularly assess breadth of knowledge and understanding of topics covered.