Vacation travel partners

Embark on a journey that combines personal growth, professional development, and global citizenship.

Group of students sat looking out over a viewing point in Fiji

Unique opportunities

Students have the opportunity to engage with our vacation travel partners across a wide variety of locations. These experiences are carefully selected to align with our focus on sustainability and social impact.

Our vacation travel experiences offer:

  • Enhanced employability: gain valuable skills and stand out in the job market.
  • Once-in-a-lifetime experiences: immerse yourself in diverse cultures and unique projects.
  • University-approved opportunities: all programmes are thoroughly vetted to ensure quality and safety.
  • Sustainability-focused projects: contribute to meaningful initiatives with a positive impact.
  • Volunteering opportunities: make a difference while gaining hands-on experience.

Application deadline: Friday 28th February 2025

Students with ThinkPacific partner in Fiji


  • EcoSwell - Peru

    We design and implement sustainability projects aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, following a bottom-up approach working jointly with developing communities to make a positive impact.

  • ThinkPacific - Fiji

    Through our Foundation, we support local charities and community groups in our network with resources, donations and support. Areas we support include public health promotion, mental health services, youth training and education, community cyclone preparedness, environmental protection and enterprise creation.

  • Green Camp - Bali

    Green Camp is located at Green School Bali, one of the greenest and most innovative campuses in the world. Our “wall-less” campus is surrounded by educational gardens, shaded outdoor learning areas, a workshop space made entirely out of bamboo and an outdoor field – you’ve never seen a place like this!


Lancaster University seeks to remove financial barriers from students taking part in overseas opportunities. The majority of opportunities we have listed below align with the requirements for the Turing Scheme, which is applicable to all students; open to all degree levels, fee paying status and backgrounds.

Students who do meet certain widening participation criteria will be allocated an enhanced grant and access to other financial support.

Meeting widening participation criteria is not required to participate in this scheme, but additional support is available for students that do.

How to apply

You will need to complete this online application form with your personal details and the programme you are interested in.

Application deadline: Friday 28th February 2025

Please note that:

  • The Information Pages within the application form contain vital details for you to read. Make sure you are familiar with the funding expectations before you begin your application.
  • Students will need to use their Lancaster email addresses in the application, not their username format.
Apply now
Lancaster students taking a selfie during the EcoSwell project in Lobitos Peru.

EcoSwell - Peru

We design and implement sustainability projects aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, following a bottom-up approach working jointly with developing communities to make a positive impact.

It all started with great friendships and a wonderful surf trip. Four lifelong friends (our co-founders) travelled along the Peruvian coast in search of waves. One of the locations they went to was the off-the-beaten-track town of Lobitos. Whilst there, they caught some of the best waves of their lives, met some of the kindest people imaginable and were exposed to breath-taking natural beauty and wildlife.

Seeing the environmental and social constraints the town was enduring, contrasting with the natural beauty of the locality, made them realise that if nothing was done Lobitos' essence would not be a lasting one. EcoSwell is the manifestation of this call to action.

Internship positions are available in the following areas:

  • NGO/Social Enterprise Management volunteer intern
  • Renewable Energy volunteer intern
  • Reforestation and ecosystem restoration volunteer intern
  • Research volunteer intern
  • Medical and dentistry volunteering/electives
  • Water and Sanitation volunteer Intern
  • Marketing and Communications volunteer intern

Dates to participate are flexible and are determined by which programme students would like to participate in. To get signed up, please contact EcoSwell directly to enquire for availability.

Two students celebrating the end of the ThinkPacific project in Fiji with project leaders.

ThinkPacific - Fiji

Through our Foundation, we support local charities and community groups in our network with resources, donations and support. Areas we support include public health promotion, mental health services, youth training and education, community cyclone preparedness, environmental protection and enterprise creation.

Experience the culture, customs and way of life of the South Pacific islands. Make lifelong friendships and shared memories on a challenging team project, whilst developing unique skills, boosting your confidence and making a real contribution.

You join a traditional village and Fijian family, working together in youth, sports, health and building initiatives

Our projects are based in rural parts of Fiji, a world away from the usual crowds and tourists. The villages and communities you’ll have the privilege of living in are accessible only by Chiefly invitation, which means you can sample a way of life that few people will ever be fortunate enough to see!

You can choose to participate in 16-day*, 1 month or 2 month long projects in:

  • Community Building: Construct a village health clinic
  • Youth Empowerment: Collaborating with Fijian youths
  • Mental Health: Promotion and Advocacy Initiative
  • Sport Development: Community Sport Coaching and Engagement
  • Global Team Internship: Work for NGO's in Suva
  • 2-Month Project

You can find out more details on the ThinkPacific Projects pages.

*Please note: 16-day projects are not eligible for funding via the Turing Scheme.

Dates are subject to availability based on your chosen programme. For more details on what's possible, please contact ThinkPacific directly.

Green Camp Bali campsite

Green Camp - Bali

Green Camp is located at Green School Bali, one of the greenest and most innovative campuses in the world. Our “wall-less” campus is surrounded by educational gardens, shaded outdoor learning areas, a workshop space made entirely out of bamboos and an outdoor field – you’ve never seen a place like this!

Join Green Camp for a hands-on experience at their eco-friendly site. Immerse yourself in Bali’s culture and sustainability practices with Green Camp. Explore rice heritage, build with sustainable bamboo, and support mangrove conservation. Dive into coral gardening, seaweed farming, and volcanic immersion for a truly unique experience in this tropical paradise.

We at Green Camp aim to inspire campers to develop a strong sense of connection within themselves and nature as well as planting the seed to live a more a sustainable life. We believe that experiential education focused on sustainability helps campers to better understand the world around them and their personal impact in a fun and memorable way.

Dates for the programme are 1st August to 28th August 2025*. To register your place, please complete the Green Camp Bali Participant Information Form

*Minimum numbers for participation is 15. We will unfortunately not be able to run this camp, if the minimum is not met.

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