Physics Taster - New Space Science Discovery from the South Pole

Thursday 10 June 2021, 4:15pm to 5:35pm


Live Stream Online

Open to

Applicants, Prospective Undergraduate Students, Public


Free to attend - registration required

Registration Info

Complete the Booking Form to attend

Event Details

Experience a real Physics lecture about an exciting new discovery. Find out what studying Physics is really like. Take the opportunity to ask current students and staff your questions.

Would you like to find out more about studying Physics? Not completely sure which subject to study at university? Our Taster Lectures are an excellent opportunity to find out what it’s like to study at a research-intensive, world leading university. You will gain a real insight into studying the subject you are passionate about and have the chance to ask current staff and students any of your questions. There will be a lecture on cutting edge topics and then time for you to speak to current students and ask questions.

These events are perfectly suited to students in year 12 thinking about making the next step to university. Why not attend 2 or 3 different taster lectures to help you make the decision on which subject you want to study?


Michael Kosch

Physics, Lancaster University

Contact Details

Name Joshua Cooper