Harnessing auditory neuroscience for green energy production by Dr Patrick May

Tuesday 22 June 2021, 7:30pm to 8:30pm


Live Online

Open to

All Lancaster University (non-partner) students, Alumni, Applicants, External Organisations, Postgraduates, Prospective International Students, Prospective Postgraduate Students, Prospective Undergraduate Students, Public


Registration not required - just turn up

Event Details

Join us for a series of interactive live talks from experts in the Department of Psychology at Lancaster University, accessible and open to everyone.

Each seminar lasts 30 minutes, with 30 minutes for questions.

Join each seminar by clicking the link by each talk – it will go live 30 minutes before the talk is scheduled to start. You can join a seminar anonymously via any internet browser. You can type questions during the talk for the speaker to answer.

All times given are British Summer Time (GMT+1).

To join Dr May's talk, click here.


May Patrick

Psychology, Lancaster University

Contact Details

Name Emily Reece


