Applicant Afternoons - Accommodation & The College System

Tuesday 18 May 2021, 5:00pm to 5:45pm


Online event

Open to

Alumni, Prospective International Students, Prospective Undergraduate Students, Public


Free to attend - registration required

Registration Info

Please book using the link below

Event Details

By joining us at Lancaster University you will be joining your very own college community, which you can be part of for the rest of your life, even after you graduate. But, what does this mean? And how does this work?

In addition, join us to find out about the different types of award-winning accommodation we have on campus and in Lancaster town centre, how and when to apply for accommodation plus, how this relates to your college.

We’ll be discussing the key things to consider, to help you when choosing a college as part of the accommodation application. Not planning on living on campus?

You’ll still get to choose which college to be part of, where you can take full advantage of, the sporting rivalries, the events and the support available which comes with being part of a collegiate university.

How involved you get with your college is completely up to you, we try to offer our students as many opportunities as possible. One way in which Lancaster does this, is through our unique college system.

Contact Details

Name Student Recruitment Team