
Language and Communicative Development Lab:

Image:jamesbrandJames Brand, PhD student. Topic of thesis: Language learning and language evolution.

Image:yaningchangYa Ning Chang, Postdoc: Age of acquisition and reading.

Image:rebeccafrost Rebecca Frost, Postdoc: speech segmentation and grammatical categorisation in early language acquisition.

Image:chloenewburyChloe Newbury, PhD student. Topic of thesis: emotional memory, sleep, and hemispheric processing.

Image:johnshawJohn Shaw, PhD student. Topic of thesis: memory binding, sleep, and hemispheric processing.

Image:alastairsmith Alastair Smith, PhD student. Topic of thesis: Sentence processing and computational modelling of visual world paradigms.

Image:gemmataylor Gemma Taylor, Postdoc: learning language from different media.

External collaborators:

Image:mortenMorten Christiansen.Language acquisition, language evolution, and clever science.

Image:falk Falk Huettig. Sentence processing and the visual world paradigm.

Image:marinaMarina Kalashnikova. Word learning, mutual exclusivity and bilingualism.

Image:karenKaren Mattock. Word learning and sound symbolism.

Image:fennapoletiekFenna Poletiek, Cognitive Psychology Department, Leiden University. Acquisition of grammatical structure.

Image:nada Nada Seva. Computational modelling of stress assignment in reading, cross-linguistic and developmental analyses.

Image:richardRichard Shillcock. Reading and hemispheric processing.

Image:yizhongYizhong Xu. Chinese and English speech processing.