Please contact the Staff Wellbeing Engagement Group, thank you.
There are many definitions of wellbeing, for example, the Sunday Times Best 100 Companies/Best Not for Profits 2018 defines wellbeing as “How staff feel about the stress, pressure and the balance between their work and home lives.”
The Oxford English Dictionary defines wellbeing as “the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy”.
Meanwhile, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development refers to workplace wellbeing covering both physical and mental states.
Most of the world’s population (58%) spend one-third of their adult life at work (WHO 2018). Our working lives are therefore going to contribute to our overall sense of wellbeing.
According to Mental Health Charity Mind, wellbeing is important for mental health. They talk about the mental health continuum, where work pressures can create positive and negative stress.
One of the reasons why we’ve developed these webpages is to make it easier for staff to find out about the wide-ranging wellbeing support that is available at Lancaster University.
For example, as a Lancaster staff member, you have access to a free and confidential Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) and includes a Wellbeing Portal. See our Be Aware section for more details of this and other support that is available.
Do also remember that your line manager is here to support you and that colleagues, or someone like a mentor, can also be a good source of support. The important thing is to know that wellbeing matters at Lancaster and if something doesn’t feel right, do reach out somewhere.
Lancaster-based students- Undergraduate, Postgraduate and PhD, can access the Student Mental Health Service provided by Student and Education Services.
Staff who are concerned about a student could: Phone: 01524 592690 or Email: mentalhealth@lancaster.ac.uk
There is a huge range of specialist local, national and global wellbeing related support.
We have developed a specialist support page that helps you see what’s available all in one place.
See our Wellbeing Apps page.
See our Be Informed section to find out about support and training from around the University.
Please contact the Staff Wellbeing Engagement Group, thank you.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing is a set of evidence-based public mental health messages aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole population. They were developed by the New Economics Foundation as the result of a commission by Foresight, the UK government's futures think-tank, as part of the Foresight Project on Mental Capital and Wellbeing.
Please see our Be Connected page.
Please see our Books & Self-Analysis tools page.
Emergency Support
Telephone Helpline Tel: 0800 1116 387*
Your EAP includes a free-phone confidential and unlimited helpline service, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Calls are answered by accredited counsellors or information specialist’ dependent on whether the need is for emotional or practical support.
Making that call to ask for help can be a big step to make, so please see our First Steps- Making The Call page for more information to help you think about when and where to make the call, and understand the process.
Other useful emergency contacts:
- Emergency Services for life-threatening incidences call 999 on the internal telephone system rather than a mobile. The call is channelled through Security, who can meet the ambulance and quickly direct to the scene.
- NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do
*Please note that there will be a connection fee if on a PAYG mobile. To avoid this fee please email using the above address or contact your line manager who can call on your behalf.
Lancaster University is committed to ensuring fairness and support for staff and students of all sexual orientations, and for those who have undergone, or who are considering undergoing, gender reassignment.
Lancaster has an LGBTQ+ Network group.
For more information or to join the LGBTQ+ Network, please email lgbtstaffnetwork@lancaster.ac.uk

Still have a question?
Still have a question? Please contact the Wellbeing Work Group and we will try to help you.