A Lancaster University professor has been awarded a prestigious senior fellowship to bring about a step change in data-driven environmental science.
A dramatic flooding image got a Lancaster University photographer shortlisted for the Environmental Photographer of the Year award.
Tiny magnetic particles from air pollution have for the first time been discovered to be lodged in human brains– and researchers think they could be a possible cause of Alzheimer’s disease.
Statisticians have created a model to work out the answers to one of the biggest questions asked by sports fans around the world – what were the best track athletics performances of all time?
A team of scientists from Lancaster and Durham Universities has monitored, for the first time, the evolution of meltwater ponds on the surface of a glacier at the coast of East Antarctica.
A ‘go-to’ guide for the UK’s solar park community allowing them to qualify and, where possible, quantify and value the ecosystem services of current and planned parks, is planned.
Researchers are looking at better ways of helping grieving people let go of emotionally-charged digital content after the death of loved ones or the break-up of relationships.
Personalised wearable digital technology can help adults diagnosed with autism understand and manage their anxiety.
Just why are people so trusting online? How will our smart watches know us better then we know ouselves? And exactly what are the latest techniques for detecting deception?
The world should consider ways to limit data growth on the internet to prevent run-away energy consumption and help limit carbon emissions, say leading computer scientists.