Three students in a lab wearing white lab coats. Student in middle is holding a pink pipette.

Subject events

In addition to our information, advice and guidance offerings, we also offer a variety of subject-specific activities and events.

Student reading book next to library bookshelves

Library Research Days

We offer visits to our Library to support students studying towards qualifications such as Extended Project Qualifications (EPQs), A-levels and the International Baccalaureate. A Research Day includes access to a wide range of academic resources, both physical and electronic, with dedicated support from Faculty Librarians and Library Service Advisers.

The Library is also open to students (Year 12 and 13) from local schools and colleges who wish to come onto campus, where they will find a friendly welcome, a comfortable study environment and will be able to use books in the library for reference.

Our library webpages

Further opportunities

Some of our faculties and departments offer events and activities for school groups and our world-leading researchers are keen, where possible, to engage with schools and young people. For more information about subject opportunities for school groups, please visit our faculty pages.