Recognising and Developing our Research Community

This is one of the four themes within the Research excellence Culture action Plan (ReCAP). Information about some key projects within this theme are below.

Researchers and research enabling staff at conference

Recognising and Developing our Research Community

There are four sub-themes:

Enhancing Recruitment and Induction Processes 

Effective Training and Development 

Celebrate and Reward Success 

Retain Talent 

An infographic representation of the themes in the Research excellence Culture Plan - showing the four sub-themes as described in the inset text.

Developing our Researchers

As part of our commitment to the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers all Lancaster Research staff are entitled to 10 development days a year (pro rata). Please see the Researcher development days guidance on how to make the most of your 10 Researcher Development days. Follow these instructions to log your development days on People XD (HR portal), so that you, your line manager and the institution are confident that this opportunity is being taken.

Our Code of Practice for Lancaster’s researchers, researcher managers and for the Institution puts the principles within the Concordat in a Lancaster context.

Lancaster’s Organisational Development (OD) and Curriculum and Educational Development Academy (CEDA) teams run an extensive range of programmes. Researcher development is also supported by the Library, who provide support activities and dedicated space for researchers to meet and collaborate with others from across disciplines and the Research Services Office, provide additional information and guidance.

To help you succeed as an academic and researcher, each of these programmes has been mapped against Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework, The Royal Societies’ Resume for Researchers and Lancaster’s own Promotional Criteria.

Research careers and career pathways are varied. Support is available through the career development webpages and Prosper's open-access portal. You can also access support through dedicated academic careers workshops and the annual Preparing for Promotion event.

You should also explore a range of alternative development options and experiences including: seminars; conferences; volunteer for a committee or offer to mentor colleagues.

If you need support identifying your development needs, we recommend talking to your mentor, your line manager, or contact Organisational Development:

Three researchers walking through the grounds of the HIC building

Researcher Career Development (Bridging) Scheme

The Researcher Career Development (Bridging) Scheme is being supported through our Research England QR Enhancing Research Culture Fund and offers financial and tailored support to researchers who are coming to the end of their indefinite contract with end date and expect a gap before a new contract starts at Lancaster. The funding will cover salary costs for up to a maximum of 3 months, extending the existing contract from no earlier than Monday, 17 February with a maximum end date of Thursday, 31 July 2025.

Applications to the scheme are open now until 31 January 2025, with outcomes communicated in mid-February.

Details of the eligibility criteria are within the short Researcher Career Development (Bridging) Scheme Application Form.

There is a limited budget and priority will be given to those with a long service record, who articulate a clear contribution to research culture and cases that if not supported could create a risk to the institution.

Researcher sat a table writing on flip paper

Researcher Career and Development (RCAD) Groups

Each faculty has an RCAD/Research Staff Network, led by and for researchers.

They offer:

  • Career development events
  • Social and moral support
  • Information and advice
  • A direct link into opportunities within the faculty/university
  • Peer to peer learning

Click on 'show more' for contact details.


FASS (Research Staff Network)



Two researchers chatting over coffee

100 Black Women Professors Now

Lancaster is working with the Women's Higher Education Network (WHEN) to explore actions and changes to create a strong pipeline of black women professors. The aim of the programme is to provide black women academics with the most inclusive, impactful and bespoke support for their career development and unblock organisational barriers getting in the way of equity and progression.

For more information on the project visit the WHEN webpages.

Picture representing a Black women professor
Lancaster University staff at a conference

Academic Probationers' Conference Participation Fund

The Academic Probationers' Conference Participation Fund exists to support the careers of researchers and high-quality research outcomes linked to conference participation (in person or online). Specifically, up to £1,000 is available to support probationers in meeting their probationary conference participation requirements.

Priority will be given to those in the final year of their probationary period, where the probationary conference participation requirements have not yet been met.

Further details are within the application form.

Contact Us

We welcome input from our community and encourage colleagues to share their feedback on our research culture.

For any questions or enquiries, please feel free to get in touch via email at: