A major strength of Lancaster University is its thriving ecosystem of interdisciplinary research. This collaborative approach is fostered by our mixture of formal and informal structures - including Institutes and University Research Centres - bringing together experts from different disciplines to address regional, national and global challenges.

Security Lancaster
Working with government and industry to find new ways for individuals, organisations and societies to secure and protect themselves.
Data Science Institute
Taking a joined-up approach to data-driven research challenges, from infrastructure and fundamentals to global problems and the legal and ethical issues of 'big data'.
Materials Science
Home to a field of study practiced at a handful of world-class, research-led UK universities and equivalent universities globally.
Social Futures
Combining social science and humanities with science and technology research to discover routes to the futures we want and need.
Centre for Ageing Research
Growing a centre of excellence for interdisciplinary research around ageing, older people and age-related disease.
The Ruskin
Home to the leading collection of the works of John Ruskin (1819-1900), the epoch-defining writer, artist and social thinker.
Energy Lancaster
Experts from across Lancaster University working with global partners to the develop secure and sustainable energy supplies.
Centre for Mobility Studies
Combining social theory with research and innovation to bring long-term sustainability to mobile life.
The Pentland Centre
A world-class hub for transdisciplinary research on sustainability in business.
Centre for Global Eco-Innovation
Delivering solutions for clean and sustainable growth at scale with businesses, communities and wider partners.