Katherine Bellamy
PhD studentResearch Overview
I am a History PhD student at Lancaster University, researching the altepetl, an indigenous geopolitical unit, in Central Mexico between the Late Postclassic (1325-1521) and the Early Colonial periods (1521-1585). This research focuses on representations of space, place and landscape, drawing on a variety of archaeological and historical information, including the work being produced as part of the Digging into Early Colonial Mexico’ project. More broadly, my research interests lie in the application of Digital Humanities methods for historical study, with a particular focus on Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Spatial Humanities in Latin America
Murrieta-Flores, P., Bellamy, K. 9/09/2022'Expand All Layers': Embedding worlds within a spatial analysis of the altepetl
Bellamy, K. 8/09/2022