Lancaster PhD students join Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics

Lancaster PhD students Sophie Bennett and Cindy Ge travelled to Lisbon last July to participate the 2023 edition of the Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics.
The 8th edition of this event took place in July 3-7, 2023 at NOVA University Lisbon. The summer school brought together leading international scholars and over 50 early-career researchers from Portugal, Africa and Europe. This year’s faculty included Professor Vicky Chondrogianni (Edinburgh) and Professor Joan Carles Mora (Barcelona).
Sophie Bennett said: “The summer school was an excellent opportunity to meet experts in my research field and to broaden my network of researchers and other PhD students who are also working on innovative projects in these research areas.” Sophie attended both Professor Chondrogianni’s and Professor Mora’s courses.
Yuxin (Cindy) Ge attended Professor Mora’s course and added: “Professor Mora's expertise and engaging teaching style facilitated a deep understanding of various research methodologies, task designs, and derived measures employed in L2 speech research. This course not only expanded my theoretical knowledge but also equipped me with practical skills crucial for advancing research in the field of L2 speech.”
Participation in the summer school was made possible by the financial support of Lancaster University’s Camões Institute Chair (Cátedra) for Multilingualism and Diversity. To learn more about the Cátedra, please visit our webpage.
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