How do mountain belts form?

Geologist Dr Yani Najman looks at how the Himalayas formed in a free public lecture at 7pm on Wednesday December 5th.
Every autumn, the Faculty of Science and Technology presents a series of free public lectures, held at The Storey in Lancaster.
This year there are five lectures on topics ranging from dark matter in the Universe to driverless cars, the psychology of decision making and self-designing software systems.
Dr Yani Najman from Lancaster Environment Centre said: “Today the mountains of the Himalaya rise to over 80,00 m. Yet seashells have been found at the top of mount Everest, which shows that the rocks now located on the roof of the world, used to lie at the bottom of the ocean.
“So how did this mountain belt form, and what processes caused rocks formed at the sea bed to be pushed over 8 kms upwards?
“This lecture will look at how the Himalayas formed, and how geologists use information they collect in the field and lab to determine the ways in which our land evolved millions of years ago.”
To book a place, please register using either the Eventbrite link below each lecture, or by contacting Kate Hutchinson on or 01524 593952.