Double win as Lancaster is named ‘university of the year’ at the Educate North Awards

The Educate North Awards stage before the awards © ER Photography

Lancaster University won University of the Year, while the University’s Regional Heritage Centre were joint winners of the Community Engagement Award – University Sector award, alongside Edge Hill University.

The annual winner of Educate North’s University of the Year award is decided by a panel of judges. The award commends leading institutions across the North of England.

The judges aim to recognise an institution which is performing well across a range of areas, including teaching, research, student experience, internationalisation, innovation and economic impact.

On nominating Lancaster for this year’s award, the Educate North judges said: “The 2023 judging panel consider Lancaster to be an outstanding example of an institution committed to achieving the highest possible standards for its students and for the communities it serves.

“It ranks high on key metrics from student satisfaction and expertise of its teaching staff as well working hard to develop key sustainable and environmental initiatives.

“Educate North strives to encourage excellence and continual improvement and in the 2023 winner of University of the Year we have a model to inspire others.”

Reacting to the win, Vice-Chancellor Professor Andy Schofield said: “The honour of being nominated for this award, when we consider our place alongside universities which carry such strong national and global reputations, is not lost on us.

“The credit certainly belongs to our staff and our students. From academics, professional services, library and facilities colleagues, our staff have been working tirelessly to pursue teaching and research of the very highest calibre, all the while giving our students what I think is a wonderful environment to live and to learn in. Our students take what they learn, and then do us and themselves proud as they embark on their lives and careers.

“So, it’s on their behalf that I’d like to thank the judging panel for nominating Lancaster for this great award – and my congratulations of course to all the other winners and nominees.”

Professor Andy Schofield acceptiong the Educate North University of the Year award via video

Professor Andy Schofield accepting the Educate North University of the Year award via video. © ER Photography

Meanwhile Lancaster University’s Regional Heritage Centre (RHC) were joint winners of the Community Engagement Award – University Sector award, alongside Edge Hill University.

The Educate North judges commended the RHC’s “great reach into Northern communities bringing human stories and history alive.”

Fiona Edmonds, Professor in Regional History at Lancaster University, said: “The Regional Heritage Centre team are delighted to have won an Educate North Award for our community engagement activities. Although the award reflects our most recent work, it is exciting to receive this accolade in the centre’s fiftieth anniversary year, when we celebrate the long contribution of the RHC and its predecessor, the Centre for North-West Regional Studies, to the history and heritage of North West England.”

From left to right: Dr Sam Riches, RHC Academic Co-ordinator; Professor Fiona Edmonds, Professor in Regional History and RHC Centre Director; Dr Sarah Rose, Research Associate and RHC Assistant Editor

From left to right: Dr Sam Riches, RHC Academic Co-ordinator; Professor Fiona Edmonds, Professor in Regional History and RHC Centre Director; Dr Sarah Rose, Research Associate and RHC Assistant Editor. © ER Photography

About the Educate North Awards

The Educate North Awards launched in 2015 with the aim of celebrating, recognising and sharing best practice and excellence in the education sector in the North of England. Prizes are awarded over 23 categories during an evening awards dinner, held this year at The Midland Hotel in Manchester. Find out more on the Educate North website.

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