News from 2016
"Lab in a bubble"
Mathematical Physicists at Lancaster are involved in a £4.5m project to investigate extreme physical phenomena in laboratories so tiny that their diameters are equivalent to one tenth of the width of a human hair.
MSc Finance rises to 30th in world rankings
Lancaster’s MSc Finance has risen 10 places to be ranked 30th in the world by the Financial Times.
Genetic clue to how patients respond to treatment for Parkinson's Disease
Researchers have identified a gene variant which explains why some patients with Parkinson’s Disease respond well to drug treatment and other do not.
ISF team take their Mobile Utopia to Somerset House
How will we be living in 2051? How do we want to be living?
New play captures ‘red hot’ post-war news story
The secret history of a Watford council estate will be brought to life at the Watford Palace Theatre in July.
Bright spots shine light on the future of coral reefs
Researchers have discovered a handful of ‘bright spots’ among the world’s embattled coral reefs, offering the promise of a radical new approach to conservation.
A ‘real life’ glimpse of a community at war
A local history project is all set to launch an interactive website packed with fascinating true-life stories about the Lancaster and district community during the First World War.
New research shows dramatic decline in female job satisfaction since early 1990s
- Women’s expectations now more closely match reality and as a result these more closely match the expectations of men. - Paradox of “contented female worker” has vanished as there is no longer a job satisfaction gap between men and women.
University backs sixth form honours scheme
Lancaster University has entered a strategic partnership with Barrow Sixth Form College under a formal academic link that will open up new opportunities for students.
What is the future?
An influential scholar who shaped several fields of sociology will be remembered at a special event to mark his work which will also include the launch of his last book.