News from 2016
Animal ‘roles’ Could Provide Key to Accurate Forest Restoration Findings - Says New Study
Replanting cleared forests can recover animal communities and important ecological processes relatively quickly, says a new study.
Mix up Plant Species to Keep Soil Healthy
When it comes to keeping our soil healthy, maintaining plant species diversity is key, according to new research published this week in the journal Ecology Letters.
Towards Smarter Crop Plants to Feed the World
Plant scientists have made an important advance in understanding the natural diversity of a key plant enzyme which could help us address the looming threat of global food security.
Was it all Greek to the Elizabethans?
What would the Elizabethans actually have made of Shakespeare’s language?
New Fellow will help champion AHRC priority area
A Lancaster University academic is set to take a pivotal role in shaping the research landscape in design.
Driving through Twentieth-Century Consciousness
Although driving is now more commonly associated with road-rage than relaxation – at least in congested urban areas – research into the ways in which the concentration required for driving can positively direct and structure thought raises interesting questions for a ‘driverless’ future.
Lancaster University wins two national employment awards
A Lancaster student and a member of staff both received national honours at the Student Employee of the Year Awards on 7 July.
Research underway to develop novel pest control technology
A Lancaster University scientist has been awarded new funding to develop human and bee-friendly pesticide technology.
History repeats itself for the Wilsons
Graduation from Lancaster University is a family affair for the Wilsons.
Is schizophrenia a disorder of the immune system?
Using data from the largest ever genetic study of schizophrenia, researchers have shed light on the role of the immune system.