News from 2013
Minister announces agreement between Lancaster University and Guangdong Province
Universities and Science Minister David Willetts has announced a formal agreement involving Lancaster University that will boost business links between the UK and China.
Lancaster University expertise supports economic growth in 16 cities across the UK
Lancaster University is taking a unique leading role in a £32 million Government programme to boost economic growth in cities across the country.
Researchers investigate new way to improve end of life planning
Lancaster University is to share in a £4 million European research project, the first of its kind in end of life care planning, which will inform Government and European policy.
130 North West SMEs to benefit from £2 million Lancaster University ICT programme
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) across North West England are to benefit from a £2million extension of a successful Lancaster University Business Support programme.
‘World leading’ Environmental Scientist awarded Medal
A Lancaster University Environmental Scientist has been recognised for her ‘world-leading’ research using magnetism to shed new light on climate change.
Explore the World at Lancaster
Lancaster students were given a glimpse of the international opportunities on offer on their doorstep last month.
Investment to train tomorrow’s engineers and scientists
Lancaster University is to share in a total of £350m in the UK’s largest ever investment in postgraduate training in engineering and the physical sciences.
Hat trick award for Lancaster University
Lancaster University has been highly commended in three categories of the Prospects Postgraduate Awards 2013.
InfoLab21 software company reaches final of ‘hackathon’ competition with energy-saving idea
An InfoLab21-based technology company has been awarded £10,000 to develop an energy saving idea to help reduce electricity demand at peak times.
Lancaster University Management School to deliver new business programme to boost Cumbrian SMEs
A new business programme developed by experts at Lancaster University Management School will help 50 ambitious SMEs in Cumbria on the path to greater growth.