Honorary degrees for high flyers

Two people distinguished in their field have received honorary degrees at the December postgraduate ceremonies.
Sarah Hall
Doctor of Letters DLitt
Sarah Hall is the author of seven novels and three short story collections and the only author to have twice won both the BBC National Short Story Award and the Portico Prize for Fiction.
She has been nominated for the Booker Prize twice and been recipient of the American Academy of Arts and Letters EM Forster Award. She was included in the 2013 Granta Best Young British Novelists list.
Her work is published throughout the world and she has judged a number of prestigious literary prizes. She has also taught creative writing at a variety of institutions and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
Dr Dame Frances Saunders DBE CB FREng HonFinstP
Doctor of Science DSc
Frances worked as an Electronic Engineer in the motor industry before joining the Scientific Civil Service to undertake research in Liquid Crystal Devices.
Her career has included a variety of research leadership and science and technology management roles within MoD and also in DTI (now DSIT), where she was responsible for the interface with the Research Councils. In that role she set up the Diamond Light Source, supported the activities of the British Antarctic Survey and represented the UK at the Council for CERN.
The culmination of her Civil Service career was as Chief Executive of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), which she held from 2006 until retiring in 2012.
Frances now has a portfolio of advisory work including: chairing the Board of the Cockcroft Institute; external advisory boards for Photonics and Quantum Technology research Hubs; input to UKRI Infrastructure activities; and grant funding schemes for the RAEng and the Royal Commission for the Exhibition 1851.
Frances was awarded a CB for services to the MoD in 2011 and was President of the Institute of Physics from 2013-15. In 2018 she was appointed as a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to Science and Engineering.
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