A Maths student at work in the Postgraduate Statistics Centre

Mathematics and Statistics offer holder event

Welcome to Lancaster University's Mathematics and Statistics online offer holder event.

Join us

Congratulations on receiving your offer and a warm welcome to the Mathematics and Statistics Department. We hope our online offer holder event will provide you with what you need to know about studying at Lancaster. Please note, this event is for offer holders on both single and joint-major degrees.


10:00am Welcome to Mathematics and Statistics
Welcome from the Head of Department, followed by an introduction to the Mathematics curriculum and an opportunity to hear from staff and students in the department.
10:40am Taster talk: Mathematics, statistics and machine learning
Machine learning is a popular research area, responsible for innovations such as self-driving cars and artificial intelligences which can defeat world champions at chess, go and the computer game Star Craft II. In this talk, PhD student Alan Wise discusses his research into machine learning and how a mathematics degree provided him with the perfect set of skills to tackle machine learning problems.
11:00am Careers and employability
We will briefly explore the career options for Mathematics and Statistics graduates. After this, you'll get the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of a final year student on a Placement Year degree.
11:30am End of the event

One to one talks

Following the event, if you would like to have the opportunity for a one to one chat with an academic, please email mathematics@lancaster.ac.uk to arrange one. Equally, if you have any questions following this event, please feel free to contact us.

Congratulations on your offer

You've got your offer, what should you do next? Find out more about Lancaster’s accommodation and campus life, get advice on student finance and start to research your course in more detail.

My offer

Help with online events

We use Microsoft Teams to deliver our online events. For the best experience, you may find downloading the app will help.

Online events will be live from 10 minutes before our scheduled start time.

If you have any queries about joining an online event, email us at digital-events@lancaster.ac.uk.

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