About this Centre
With productivity flat-lining in the UK since the recession in 2008/09, ranking us fifth out of the G7 leading industrial nations, there is a real need to understand this phenomenon.
Improved productivity, a measure of the output produced, either per worker or per labour hour, can lead to better wages, living standards and public finances. So it is critical to society’s wellbeing.
We believe the true nature of productivity and innovation can only be understood by bringing together all the LUMS disciplines and departments, an approach that is unique to us. We also work as part of a thriving international research community, which brings many perspectives to this fascinating area of study.
This Centre considers productivity and innovation from multiple perspectives, from economics, operations, and supply chain management to entrepreneurship, work and employment studies, accounting, and strategy. We also consider them from the level of the individual manager or employee to the successively larger scales of firms, supply chains, sectors, and localities.
Our work is funded by several sources, including the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, the ESRC, the British Academy, and the European Commission. We co-produce research with various stakeholders in business, government, and civil society. To maximise impact, we also link our research to LUMS management development programmes and to the Work Foundation’s programme of applied research.