Introduction to publications
The project has produced a DVD: Literacies for Learning
in Further Education, designed as a resource for initial and continuing teacher education and development, and a book entitled Improving learning in college: Rethinking literacies across the curriculum written in conjunction with the Bilingual Literacies for Learning in FE project.
This section provides information about other project publications and conference presentations. Many of the items in these sections are available for download. Further details and access is provided by the Teaching and Learning Research Programme through its 'Dspace' search engine:
We have made an annotated selection of articles in journals intended for practitioners
and an annotated selection of articles oriented to educational research and practice.
If you want to go beyond these, there is a full chronological listing of all the project publications.
The project also has a number of papers in press and working papers
The project published five newsletters which can be viewed and downloaded in .pdf format. This section also includes newsletters published by the Lancaster Literacy Research Centre.
Material that project members have presented at conferences can be viewed or downloaded as Powerpoint presentations .
We provide a list of the many acronyms used in the publications and on the LfLFE site more generally.
We also provide links to some relevant external publications. If you have any papers or books that you think are suitable to be included here, please let us know (