Dr Mike Whitfield, Development Coordinator at New Phytologist, invited a group of Lancaster University plant scientists to give their views of what makes a journal work for researchers
This was the complex question posed to experts on food production at a recent N8 conference: Dr Shane Rothwell, a Knowledge Exchange Fellow at Lancaster University, reflects on what was learnt
A recently passed agricultural land law gives rural communities in Mali new rights to their traditional lands. On a recent research trip to Mali, Professor Camilla Toulmin interviewed Professor Moussa Djire, rector of the University of Bamako Sciences Politiques et Juridiques about this historic law.
Successful PhD student Dr Lucy Magoolagan explains why her research, on the song of Britain’s only aquatic songbird, captured the imagination of the producers of the BBC Springwatch programme
Dr Yani Najman joined 40 other scientists from around the world on an international expedition to research how climate change is affecting the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Innovation fellow Zoe Detko is inspired by a Parliamentary training session for young researchers, suggesting ways you can input your science into the policy making process
Professor Gordon Walker, co-director of the Demand Centre, argues that de-carbonising the energy system is vital, but it is not enough on its own to realise a just energy transition. De-energising has an equally important part to play.
Biological Sciences student Jenny Mitchell used a university scholarship to fund a volunteer trip to South Africa, monitoring wild dogs and other animals.
Dr Nils Markusson urges policy makers to look beyond the simplistic definitions and classifications of climate changing technologies to understand better the risks involved.
Professor Nigel Paul, who was at the meeting which agreed the recent Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, explains why it will make such a difference