Drawing the Hospital Managers’ Teeth? Reflections on the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act 1983
Dr Tom Webb reflects on the recent independent review of the Mental Health Act 1983 and argues that the proposals relating to the Hospital Managers' s.23 discharge power are problematic.
The Nature and Enforcement of Choice of Law Agreements
This blog post presents a condensed version of Dr Mukarrum Ahmed’s article in the December 2018 issue of the Journal of Private International Law. The blog post includes specific references to the actual journal article to enable the reader to branch off into the detailed discussion. The journal article is a companion publication to the author’s recent book titled The Nature and Enforcement of Choice of Court Agreements: A Comparative Study (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2017).
An Introduction to Law's Complexity
If you have seen a starling murmuration then you are familiar with the notion of complexity. No one bird is in charge of the way the murmuration evolves over time. The pattern is the result of the actions and interactions of the individual birds. It changes as individual birds respond to the movements of other birds, and external factors, like the appearance of a hawk, but in ways that cannot be predicted in advance because of the multitudinous possibilities of action and reaction.
Prof David Milman reflects upon his latest monograph, The Company Share
This author’s legal exposition on The Company Share: Legal Regulation and Public Policy (Edward Elgar, 2018) took longer to write than was initially anticipated. This may be due to the fact that he had been teaching Company Law for 40 years and had been studying it as an undergraduate/postgraduate for several years beyond that.
Visiting LU Ghana
Dr Amy Lawton shares her experiences from her 6-day visit to the Law School at LU Ghana in July.
EU health law and policy: Shaping a future research agenda
Dr Mary Guy shares details of her new research project ‘EU Health Law and Policy – Shaping a future research agenda’ in collaboration with Dr Eleanor Brooks (Edinburgh) which is being funded by a BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant.
Brexit and Climate Change Policy
Prof. David Campbell writes about the potential consequences of Brexit for the UK's Climate Change Policy. This blog post has previously appeared in The Reporter, the newsletter of the Society of Legal Scholars.
How do pharmacists balance professional expectations and personal values? Conscientious objection in health care practice
Dr Sara Fovargue shares details of her research project; 'Pharmacists' perceptions of ethical conflict and professional guidance in light of the revised General Pharmaceutical Council Standards of Conduct, Ethics and Performance.' The pilot study, a collaboration with Dr Mary Neal (University of Strathclyde) is being funded by a BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant.
Vivisecting veganism: the double-edged sword of dairy's exclusive ownership of words
Dr Jeanette Rowley comments on the European Court of Justice decision in Verband Sozialer Wettbewerb eV v TofuTown.Com GmbH.
Musine Kokalari: An Albanian Story
It is a timely moment, in the Albanian writer and political dissident Musine Kokalari’s centenary year, to reflect on the contribution that this remarkable individual has made to Albania’s cultural and political life.