When will I graduate?

Future ceremony dates

Summer graduation: 14-18 July 2025 (undergraduate and PhDs)

Winter graduation: 10-11 December 2025 (postgraduate taught and postgraduate research degrees)

Please note that all ceremony dates are subject to change.

The session at which you graduate depends on what type of qualification you will be receiving, and when your results are confirmed. There are different processes for undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research programmes.

Your place at a graduation ceremony is subject to your degree being approved by your department’s exam board and confirmed by the University's Senate. Please note that final confirmation of you passing your degree may not be made until after the deadline to register for graduation.

  • Students with outstanding debts to the University will not be eligible to graduate. Please arrange to pay all outstanding debts to the University before the end of your studies to ensure you will be eligible to attend.
  • Students who are due to graduate will be invited to register in spring for July graduation ceremonies and early autumn for December graduation ceremonies. If you think you should be graduating, but have not received an invitation to register by the middle of March for July graduations, or the middle of October for December graduations, please contact your department or the Student Programmes and Administration to check if you are eligible to graduate.

Tab Content: Undergraduates

The next undergraduate ceremonies are planned for 14th - 18th July 2025.

All dates are subject to change.

Tab Content: Postgraduate Taught Courses

Postgraduates on taught courses (Master's MA, MArch, MRes, MSc, PG Diplomas) are normally invited to attend December graduation ceremonies in the year they complete their degree. The next postgraduate ceremony session is planned to take place in December 2025.

Students are arranged into a ceremony by their faculty, and sometimes faculty ceremonies are also split by the department.

Tab Content: Postgraduate Research Courses

To attend the Summer 2025 ceremonies, as a PhD student, you must have submitted and completed all steps by Friday 28th February 2025.

There are different deadlines and eligibility requirements for Doctoral Candidates, DClinPsy and other research students.

Doctoral candidates (PhD, DSc, DLitt, DMgt, EngD, MD) (excluding DClinPsy)

Doctoral candidates (excluding DClinPsy) are invited to the next available ceremony session. To be invited you must have completed the following steps by the eligibility deadline:

  • Have had your viva voce examination;
  • Made any required changes from your examiners;
  • Have had your changes formally approved by your examiners;
  • Have your degree award signed off by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education;
  • Have uploaded a copy of your final thesis to the Library’s online repository;
  • Have cleared any outstanding debts.

Eligible graduands will be invited in October for the winter graduation and in March for the summer graduation.

Other research degrees (e.g. DClinPsy, MPhil, Master's by Research)

Other research degrees are only invited to postgraduate graduation sessions; the next session is currently scheduled for December 2025.

To be eligible to graduate you must have had your degree confirmed by your department’s exam board (for Master's by Research degrees), had your viva voce examination, and met the same requirements that are set out in the section above before you can graduate.

The eligibility deadline varies depending on your programme but is no later than mid-November. You may receive an invitation to attend graduation while your degree confirmation is still pending.

If you have any questions about which ceremony session to which you are due to be invited, please contact the Graduation team, providing your student ID number.

For queries related to your eligibility to graduate, please contact your department in the first instance.

If you need to update aspects of your student records, such as your address, contact Student and Programme Administration 

When you register for your graduation ceremony, you will be sent a letter confirming your eligibility to attend, which can be used as a supporting document for applying for a visa to attend graduation. For further information on visas, Student-Based services has information on applying for a visa for Graduation.

If you have any questions not covered here, get in touch with the Graduation Team by emailing ceremonies@lancaster.ac.uk. 

Need more info on what you need to do before graduation day?

What do I need to do before Graduation?