You can watch Lancaster’s graduation ceremonies live via YouTube or alternatively via the live stream on our own website.
Visit our main graduation page for an overview of graduation day and information for students and guests.
Live and recorded coverage of Lancaster University graduation ceremonies.
You can watch Lancaster’s graduation ceremonies live via YouTube or alternatively via the live stream on our own website.
Visit our main graduation page for an overview of graduation day and information for students and guests.
Lancaster University Management School - Centre for Training and Development; Ghana Business; Management Science; Organisation, Work & Technology. University of Cumbria.
Lancaster University Management School - Entrepreneurship & Strategy; Ghana Business; Marketing; Management School Postgraduate Office; Sunway Business School.
Faculty of Science and Technology – Chemistry; Computing; Lancaster Environment Centre. Lancaster University Management School – Accounting & Finance; Economics.
Faculty of Health and Medicine – Biomedical and Life Sciences; Division of Health Research; Medical School. Faculty of Science and Technology – Engineering; Physics; Psychology; School of Mathematical Sciences.
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - English Literature & Creative Writing; Educational Research; History; Law; Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts; Linguistics and English Language; Warsaw.
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – Politics, Philosophy and Religion; School of Global Affairs; Sociology.
Lancaster's graduation ceremonies are available to watch again on our YouTube channel.
Lancaster University on YouTube