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Exploring sociotechnical theories of learning technologySymposium Organisers: Linda Creanor IntroductionResearch into learning technology has often been criticised for being mechanistic (e.g. Laurillard, 2005), with a technological determinism implicit in many of the assumptions about the relationships between people, technology and learning. More recent research has begun to recognise the social elements of technology, as in the emphasis on the learner perspective (e.g. Hardy & Bates, 2009) which provides a highly important, though incomplete corrective to technology-centred views of the learning experience. However there are traditions of studying technology generally, and information and communications technology in particular, which view it as the outcome, rather than the instigator, of complex interactions between people and the material world (Law and Hassard, 1999). These traditions include social informatics (Kling, 2000), social shaping of technology (Mackenzie & Wacjman, 1999), soft systems (Checkland & Holwell, 1998), sociotechnical systems (Trist & Bamforth, 1951) and others. They have yielded a rich heritage of ‘mid-range’ theories and concepts which, we suggest, have been under-utilised in studies of learning technology. Further, this lack of consideration of the interaction between social agency and learning artefacts has frequently resulted in stark discrepancies between the claims made about the potential of particular technologies and the subsequent realities of their use, particularly in a learning context (e.g Selwyn, 2007). Learning theories themselves have been small in scope, looking at changes within and between individuals, whereas learning with technology is associated with changes of increasingly large scope, in organisations and in society in general, and impacting on more individuals, engaged in formal and informal learning. The increased scope makes the impact of unrealistic claims even greater. The aim of this symposium is to highlight these theoretical traditions and to instigate discussion around their potential contribution to research and practice in learning technology and networked learning. By addressing theories for research alongside impact on practice, it draws together two of the main conference themes. The format of the symposium will be short presentations of each paper, followed by a round table discussion of the issues raised and possible ways forward in developing sociotechnical perspectives on networked learning. The four papers, listed below, illustrate the application and significance of distinct sociotechnical perspectives to cases of learning technology and consider their potential future relevance.
The first paper (Creanor & Walker) sets the scene by outlining the case for sociotechnical theories and providing an illustrative example, drawing on the social informatics literature and the concept of the sociotechnical interaction network. in the second paper (Bell) compares and critiques connectivism and actor network theory in to explore how they might help a range of stakeholders to understand change and make plans for taking action in a fluid context. Paper three (Bissell) addresses the issue of technological determinism directly by making the case for the social construction of educational technology by users and teachers. Finally, paper four (Kear) focuses on the concept of social presence and how it is influenced by the behaviour and interactions of participants, as well as by the characteristics of the communication medium This will form the basis of a discussion organised around the following questions: - Can, and if so how, can sociotechnical theories inform and enrich our understanding of the complexity of the relationships between ICT and both formal and informal learning? - What are the particular strengths and weaknesses in the differing formulations the papers offer of the relationship between the technical and the social, in particular as they relate to learning technologies? - Do such approaches help us to consider the changing scope of learning with technology?
Interpreting Complexity: a case for the sociotechnical interaction framework as an analytical lens for learning technology researchLinda Creanor AbstractIn this paper we highlight challenging issues in current learning technology research, particularly in relation to emerging collaborative technologies and the growing body of evidence on the learner experience. The complex nature of the interplay of social, technical and environmental factors is examined along with an overview of the key theoretical models which are currently in play. Limitations are identified in the learning technology literature in which a technological determinism is often evident, despite repeated calls for an approach which takes fuller account of the technology’s pedagogical, organisational, social and technical aspects. We propose that interdisciplinary collaboration has the potential to help us address the demanding task of analysing these interconnected factors, and may also go some way towards mitigating over-charged claims of the impact and effectiveness of learning technology against the reality of its use. The focus of this paper is on sociotechnical approaches, particularly those derived from a social informatics tradition, which to date appear to have received little attention in learning technology research. We identify potential benefits in applying these approaches to today’s learning environment which encompasses fast-moving technology developments along with changing communicative behaviours among learners, whether on campus, in the workplace or in everyday life. Most importantly, sociotechnical frameworks address the issue of technological determinism by explicitly recognising that agency also resides in individual learners, social structures, the design of learning artefacts and context in which the learning takes place. In order to demonstrate the value of such approaches, we go on to outline findings from the application of one of these concepts, namely a sociotechnical interaction network (STIN), to a transnational networked learning context. The paper concludes by proposing that these approaches in general, and the sociotechnical interaction network concept in particular, are important conceptual tools in dealing with issues currently confronting contemporary learning technology research, such as the spread of web 2.0 and mobile technologies and the increasingly complex social and technological contexts of many learners. They may also provide a valuable means of exploring the increasingly blurred distinction between abstract and formal learning, and situated informal learning, particularly in relation to the workplace.
Network theories for technology-enabled learning and social change: Connectivism and Actor Network theoryFrances Bell AbstractLearning never was confined to classrooms. We all learn in, out of, before, during and after episodes of formal education. The changing sociotechnical context offers a promise of new opportunities, and the sense that somehow things may be different. Use of the Internet and other emerging technologies is spreading in frequency, time and space. People and organizations wish to use technology to support learning seek theories to frame their understanding and their innovations. In this article we explore Connectivism, that is positioned as a theory for the digital age, in use on a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, in 2008. We then compare Connectivism with another network theory, Actor Network Theory, to explore possible synergies. We found that Connectivism enables educators and learners to legitimise their use of technology to support teaching and learning. Connectivism, a relatively new theory, can benefit from a richer empirical base as it develops. Since the scope of educational change can vary from a specific learning setting through organisational and societal settings, we can develop theories through empirical exploration of cases across the range of settings to support our understanding and actions.
The social construction of educational technology through
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