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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 8 - Discourse structure and point of view > Ideological viewpoint > Task B > Our answer

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Session Overview
Discourse structure and point of view
Discourse structure of 1st and 3rd person novels
Being the author!
Different kinds of point of view
Linguistic indicators of point of view
Ideological viewpoint
Point of view in a more extended example
Point of view checksheet
Topic 8 'tool' summary
Useful Links

Ideological viewpoint

Our answer for task B [2]

We have

Army, Navy and Air Force
Reporting guidelines
Press briefings

They have

A war machine

Here we can see that the items in the first column (which the British side have) seem neutral, whereas the term for the equivalent referent on the Iraqi side has obvious negative connotations in each case. This is clearly the contrasting lexical behaviour in the (mainly) tabloid press that the Guardian writer is 'critiquing'. The (correct) implication is that the British press was selecting lexical items to put the opposing side in as bad a light as possible.








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