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Topic 3 (session B) - Patterns, Deviations, Style and Meaning > Extended parallelism: literary examples > Task C |
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Extended parallelism: non-literary examples |
Extended parallelism: literary examples |
Parallelism, deviation and 'The brain - is wider than the sky -' |
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Topic 3 'tool' summary |
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Extended parallelism: literary examplesTask C - The Corpus Christi CarolBelow is a complete poem, a version (one of many) of a late medieval ballad usually called 'The Falcon' or 'The Corpus Christi Carol'. We have modernised the spellings. After you have familiarised yourselves with it, we will analyse it. Read the poem carefully two or three times to familiarise yourselves with it. After you have done this use the button to view our initial commentary of the poem. After reading through our commentary view and answer the questions. We have also provided two alternative sung versions of the poem for you to listen to: Version 1: The Corpus Christi Carol Version 2: The Corpus Christi Carol (sung by three first-year students (2012) Alina Hancox, Devon Davies and Beccy Denby) For reasons of space, the refrain is only repeated at the beginning and end of the poem for you. But traditionally it would have been repeated at the end of each stanza, as it is in the sung version of the ballad.
Please note: - you can see (and hear!) a version which is more faithful to the original language.