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 Ling 131: Language & Style

Topic 3 (session B) - Patterns, Deviations, Style and Meaning > Foregrounding Checksheet

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Session Overview
Extended parellelism: non-litererary examples
Extended parellelism: literary examples
Parellelism, deviation and 'The brain - is wider than the sky -'
Foregrounding Checksheet
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Foregrounding Checksheet

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A. Note down each deviation and parallelism you can find in the text:


(a) Is the deviation internal (deviates from some established pattern internal to the text) or external (deviates from some norm external to the text)?
(b) If the deviation is external, what external norm does it deviate from (e.g. the norms for English, the norms for the genre, the norms of the particular author)?
(c) At what linguistic level does the deviation occur:




(d) Are there any other deviations occurring at the same place in the text (if so, re-apply (a)-(c)). Note the extra foregrounding.

(e) Do the deviations lead to new, non-literal meanings for the text-parts concerned? If so, what are they in each case?


(f) Are there any parallelisms? If so, note the linguistic levels at which they occur by using the list of levels in (c) above (note that parallelism may occur at more than one linguistic level at the same time).
(g) Does the 'parallelism rule' (look for same or opposite meaning) apply? If so, what is the meaning-result?

B. Examine cohesion and function of foregrounding

(h) How do the foregrounded portions of the text relate together and contribute to the interpretation of the poem as a whole? Does looking at the whole pattern help you in any way (i) to interpret particular deviations or parallelisms that you could not satisfactorily explain before, or (ii) to reinterpret others?
(i) Note down any other points which occur to you.


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