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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 13 - Shared knowledge and absurdist drama (Session A) > More about shared schematic knowledge > Task C skip topic navigation

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Shared knowledge
More about shared schematic knowledge
Our schematic knowledge of a typical tutorial
Educating Rita
Analysing Rita
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More about shared schematic knowledge

Task C – Schematic knowledge about places and situations

Answer to Part a, scene knowledge

Although rabbits, teddy bears and frogs might, on occasion, turn up in lecture theatres, they are pretty rare, we think. Prototypically, a lecture theatre will have a blackboard, OHP machine and a screen at the front (though blackboards seem to be gradually disappearing as the OHP, video, computer etc. and data projector take over). We schematically assume one lecturer giving the lecture, with many students facing the lecturer in rows, taking notes. Large lecture theatres are often raked, to make it easier for those at the back to see. And students typically sit as far away from the lecturer as they can (why is that? - not 'cool' to sit at the front?)



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