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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 13 - Shared knowledge and absurdist drama (Session A) > More about shared schematic knowledge > Task C skip topic navigation

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Shared knowledge
More about shared schematic knowledge
Our schematic knowledge of a typical tutorial
Educating Rita
Analysing Rita
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More about shared schematic knowledge

Task C – Schematic knowledge about places and situations

Part b - Script knowledge

First of all, think about what events you would expect to happen in a lecture theatre, and in what order. Then look at the set of events described below.

Remove the events which do not prototypically occur in lectures. Then rearrange the events you think can occur in lectures into what you think is the most likely chronological order.

When you have done this you can see if you get the same answers as us, and at the same time compare more generally your assumptions about lecture scripts with ours.

1. The lecturer distributes the handouts.
2. A student distributes the handouts for the lecturer.
3. A student gives the lecturer a cup of tea and an apple.
4. An ice cream seller walks up and down the steps of the lecture theatre, selling ice creams.
5. The lecturer summarises what the lecture will be about.
6. The lecturer arrives.
7. The lecturer switches off the overhead projector.
8. The students rush in and sit eagerly as near to the lecturer as they can.
9. The lecturer tells the students what they need to do in between the lecture and before the seminar which follows it.
10. The students start to take notes.
11. The lecturer reads out a text.
12. The lecturer switches on the overhead projector to display a text.
13. The students saunter in and sit as near to the back of the lecture theatre as they can.
14. The students wait until the lecturer has finished and then put their notepads away.
15. The students leave after the lecturer has finished.
16. While the lecturer is still talking the students start putting their notepads away and some begin to leave.
17. The lecturer analyses a text using a copy of it on the overhead projector.
18. The students who were late each receive 20 lashes as punishment for their rudeness.


our answer


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