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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 12 - Meaning between the lines (Session B) > Politeness and impoliteness > Task C skip topic navigation

Session Overview
Politeness and impoliteness
Top Girls revisited - with politeness in mind
Politeness and characterisation
Topic 12 "tool" summary
Useful Links

Politeness and impoliteness

Task C - Getting some of the terminology straight

We have used some new terminology in the first couple of tasks without explaining it fully. Let’s see if you have got it straight.

Discuss with your partner what we mean by each of the following expressions and then check your understanding with our account by clicking on the relevant expression.

Positive politeness

Negative politeness

Positive face

Negative face

Enhancing someone’s face

Threatening someone’s face

Linguistic mitigation

Linguistic indirectness


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