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 Topic 7 (session A) - The grammar of complex sentences > Complex SPOCA self test

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Complex SPOCA self test

It's time to test yourselves again!

Work your way through the test, there are ten questions in total. Select the answer which you feel is correct. At the end you can see what score you got and view the correct answers.

1. How many main clauses and how many nested clauses are there in the following sentence?

The computers crashed, the students cheered, the embarrassed tutors wanted the earth to swallow them up and the professor with the bow tie decided to go back to his word processor.

2. What kind of clause is the highlighted part of the following sentence?

When the car arrived, the gangsters jumped in.

3. What kind of clause is the highlighted part of the following sentence?

If we finish work at 10 o'clock, we can have a couple of drinks at the pub John drinks in before we catch the bus back.

4. What kind of clause is the highlighted part of the following sentence?

The students presented the little professor with a bigger bowtie than he had ever seen in his life.

5. What kind of sentence is the following sentence?

The students asked for an extension for their essays but the tutors said departmental rules did not allow it.

6. What kind of clause is the highlighted clause in the following sentence?

The students finished the workshop early by skipping the self-test.

7. What kind of clauses are Relative clauses?

8. What kind of structure does the following sentence have?

Read, learn, inwardly digest.

9. Which of the descriptions below applies to the following sentence?

What you see is what you get.

10. How many RCls are there in the following sentence?

This is the dinosaur which swallowed the dog that chased the cat that ate the rat which was eating the corn stored in the house that Jack built.


If you would like to have another go use the start again button below, alternatively you can view the correct answers.

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