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Keynotes and PresentationsOn this page, the various invited keynotes and papers are listed through which CPERC directors disseminated ideas on CPE as a research paradigm. See also Publications for elaborations of these talks. For project-related presentations and publications see the webpages of the Cultures of Competitiveness project and the Great Transformations project. Note that this page is currently not being updated. Bob Jessop2012 'Regulatory Imaginaries and the Challenge of Post-Disciplinarity'. Lecture given at the Seminar Series on Regulation Imaginaries, Regulatory Imaginaries and the Challenge of Post-Disciplinarity at the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, 22 February. Download the powerpoint 2012 'Capitalist Diversity, Variety, and Variegation: the World Market and Governance Failure'. Presentation given at the conference 'Comparison, Analysis, Critique – Critical Perspectives on the Diversity of Contemporary Capitalism(s)' organised by AkG (Association of Critical Social Research) and the International Political Economy Working Group of the British International Studies Association (BISA-IPEG), Wiesbaden, 11-12 February 2011 ‘The Green New Deal: Competing Interpretations and Policy Implications’, Political Studies Association Annual Conference, London, 21 April 2011 ‘Finance-Dominated Accumulation, the Knowledge-Based Economy, and the Green New Deal: a Cultural Political Economy of Crisis-Management’, Open University, Milton Keynes, 9th March 2011 'Cultural Political Economy: the Dialectic of Discursive and Material Logics (with Illustrations from the Green New Deal)', Centre for Theoretical Studies, University of Essex, 23-24 February. 2010 'Cultural Political Economy: Making the Cultural Turn Productive in Economics', Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, 15 November. 2010 'Varieties of capitalism and their legal regulation, variegated capitalism and its meta-governance', Keynote, Conference on The Regulation of Competition: the Case of Asian Capitalism, Dublin, 30 September. 2010 'The Regulation Approach Paradox revisited: the regulation approach and the global economic crisis', Karl Renner Institute, Vienna, 8 June. 2010 'A Cultural Political of the Financial Crisis and the Remaking of Governance', International Graduate Workshop', Chung-Ang University, Seoul, 27 March 2010 'A Cultural Political Economy of Crisis Management', Plenary Lecture, Annual Conference of the Finnish Sociological Association, Jyväskäla, Finland, 19 March. 2010 'The Cultural Political Economy of Policy Rhetorics, Implementation, and Policy Failure', International Workshop on Rhetoric of Innovation in Contemporary Society, University of Helsinki, 8 February. 2009 'Cultural Political Economy of the Knowledge-Based Economy', Institute of Education, London, 3 June. 2009 'CPE of Competition, Competitiveness, and the Competition State', Copenhagen Business School, 26 March. 2008 'Cultural Political Economy: Reflections on a Research Programme', University of Bamberg, Germany, 26 November. 2008 'Cultural Political Economy, the Knowledge-Based Economy, and Competitiveness', IAS Summer School, Lancaster University, Lancaster, 2 July. 2008 'Cultural Political Economy: Making the "Cultural Turn" Productive in Economics', University of Essex, Colchester, 24 January. 2007 'Cultural Political Economy: or Making the Cultural Turn Productive in Economics', European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Istanbul, 3 November. 2006 'Cultural Political Economy: or Making the Cultural Turn Productive in Economics', Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, Conference, 8-10 December. 2006 'Cultural Political Economy: or Making the Cultural Turn Productive in Economics', National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, 10 April. 2006 'The CPE of the KBE', Montreal, Concordia University, Canada, 8 March. 2005 'How Cultural Political Economy Enables Us to Move Beyond the Regulation Approach', Max Planck Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln, Germany, 28 April. 2005 'The Cultural Political Economy of the Knowledge-Based Economy', Plenary Lecture, National University of Singapore, 8 March. Ngai-Ling Sum2012 'A Cultural Political Economy of Crisis Responses: the (Re-)Invention of 'BRIC' and the Case of China'. Presentation given at the at the Northern International Political Economy network meeting at Lancaster University, 17 February 2012 'A Cultural Political Economy of BRIC: the Construction of Hope and the Case of China’, Dept. of European Studies, King’s College London, 25 January 2011 'Hong Kong and China: Politics of Fear and Hope’, Centre for the Studies of Hong Kong, Macau, and Pearl River Delta, Sun Yat-sen University, China, 14 October 2011 'The Making of a Competitiveness-Integration Order Across Borders: Hong Kong’s Politics of Hope/Fear and China’s Development’, presentation given at the International Conference on Hong Kong in China, Lam Woo International Conference Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 12-13 October 2011 'A Cultural Political Economy of the Crises: BRIC, US and China', Workshop on "Triple Crisis", Centre for Theoretical Studies, University of Essex, 23-24 February. 2011 ‘The Centring of Emerging Economies: Cultural Political Economy of BRIC and the Case of China’, Centre for Mobilities Studies, Lancaster University, Leverhulm International Network Seminar, January 15-17 2010 'Centring the Peripheries: the Construction of BRIC', "Beyond the Regulation Approach" Workshop, Karl Renner Institute and University of Vienna, Austria, 7-8 July. 2010 'Financial Crisis and Rise of Peripheral States: 'BRIC' and the Case of China', "After the Crisis" Workshop, Pufendorf Institute, Lund University, Sweden, 17-18 June. 2010 ‘A Cultural Political Economy of Financial Crisis: the Turn to ‘BRIC’ and the Case of China’, 1st EU-COST Working Group on ‘Systemic Risks, Financial Crisis and Credit, Stockholm, Sweden, September 7-8 2010 'A Cultural Political Economy of a Global City Region: the Making of a Competitiveness-Integration Order in the Pearl River Delta', Urban Salon, Dept. of Geography, LSE (co-hosted by University College London), 24 May. 2010 'A Cultural Political Economy of the Crisis and the Turn to BRIC: Some Socio-Cultural Implications', International Conference on "Financial Crisis and Socio-Cultural Aspects", Chung Ang University, Seoul, South Korea, 26-27 March. 2010 'A Cultural Political Economy of Knowledge Brands: Upgrading Clusters and Facilitating System of Innovation', International workshop on "Discourses of Innovation", Dept. of Behavioural Science, University of Helsinki, Finland, 8-9 February. 2010 'Cultural Political Economy of Global City Region: Competitiveness-Integration Order in the Pearl River Delta', Joint International Symposium organized by Beijing and Minnesota Universities on "Making Global Cities and World Economic Crisis", Shenzhen, China, 4-8 January. 2009 'Crisis Management and the Turn to the BRIC Bloc', paper presented at the "Re-embedding the Market: Crisis and Reinvention?" Workshop, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Köln, Germany, 16 November. 2009 'Cultural Political Economy of Crisis Management: the (Re-)Invention of BRICs', "Financial Crisis and Development" Workshop organized by the Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan and International Development, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2 November. 2009 'Cultural Political Economy', plenary speech at the 4th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis on "Discourse and Power in Global Political Economy", Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kassel, Germany, 25-27 June. 2009 'A Cultural Political Economy of Border Governance: the Case of the Pearl River Delta in Southern China', paper presented at the Border Dynamics Workshop, University of Oulu (Finland), 25-26 May. 2009 'Cultural Political Economy of Competitiveness: Competitiveness, Capacity Building and Poverty Reduction', paper presented to the "Welfare State Transformation Since 1970: Comparative International Perspectives.", the University of Chicago's Centre in Paris (France), 24-25 April. 2009 'Developing a Cultural Political Economy: Connecting Discourses and Materialities', public lecture given at Nehru Museum and Memorial Library, New Delhi, India, 2 April. 2008 'A Cultural Political Economy of Knowledge Brands: the Porterian 'Competitiveness' Discourse and its Recontextualization in the Urban Redevelopment in Hong Kong/Pearl River Delta', paper presented to the 5th East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography, National University of Seoul, Korea, 13-16 December. 2008 'Towards a Cultural Political Economy: Discourses, Material Power and (Counter) Hegemony', IAS Summer School, Lancaster University, Lancaster, 2 July. 2008 'A Cultural Political Economy of Knowledge Brands: the Porterian 'Competitiveness' Discourse and its Recontextualization in the Urban Redevelopment in Hong Kong/Pearl River Delta', paper presented to the Institute of Humanities, Human and Social Sciences-Sponsored International Symposium on 'Globalization and Nation-States' in Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, 27-28 March. 2008 'The Cultural Political Economy of Neo-Liberalism: the Production of 'Competitiveness' as Hegemonic Logics', paper presented to the Turkish Social Sciences Association's conference on 'Transition to Neoliberalism in Middle Income Countries', Middle Eastern Technical University, 14-15 February. 2007 'A Cultural Political Economy of Socio-Spatial Changes: Knowledge Brands and the (Re )Making of Developmentalities in the Pearl River Delta', paper presented to the EAEPE conference in Porto, Portugal, 1-3 November. 2007 'The Cultural Political Economy of New Capitalism: the Production of "Competitiveness" as a Global Hegemonic Logic', paper presented to the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, specialized panel on 'Politics of Global Competitiveness', University of Pisa, Italy, 6-7 September. 2007 'Cultural Political Economy of Knowledge Brands and Hong Kong's Economic Restructuring', paper presented to the international workshop on Development Models and Logics of Socio-Economic Organization in Space (DEMOLOGOS), funded by the EU Framework Six Priority 7 Programme on 'Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-Based Society', University of Science and Technology in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2-3 July. 2007 'The Cultural Political Economy of Socio-Spatial Changes', paper presented to the 'Economic and Social Innovations' conference, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 5-6 July. 2007 'The Cultural Political Economy of New Capitalism: Competitiveness as the New Hegemonic Logic', Joint IAS-Ritsumeikan University conference, IAS, Lancaster, 26-27 March. 2006 'The Cultural Political Economy of New Capitalism: "Competitiveness" and the "Knowledge-Based Economy" as New Objects of Governance and Norms of Development', paper presented at the conference on Marxism and New Capitalism, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China, 5-6 December. 2006 'The Cultural Political Economy of Knowledge Brands: the Making of Competitiveness Advantage and its Resulting Tensions in Development Trajectories' paper presented at the EAEPE conference, the Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-4 November. 2005 'Culture, Discourse, Ideology and Hegemony', , paper presented to the international workshop on Development Models and Logics of Socio-Economic Organization in Space (DEMOLOGOS), funded by the EU Framework Six Priority 7 Programme on 'Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-Based Society', University of Reggio Calabria, Italy, 14-15 December. 2004 'Towards a Cultural Political Economy', paper presented to the international workshop on Development Models and Logics of Socio-Economic Organization in Space (DEMOLOGOS), funded by the EU Framework Six Priority 7 Programme on 'Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-Based Society', Vienna Free University, 27-28 August. 2003 'Towards International Cultural Political Economy', BISA, a special panel on IPE and Postmodernism, University of Birmingham, 15-17 December. Sum and Jessop2010 'The development of critical cultural political economy at the Cultural Political Economy Research Centre, Lancaster University', Latin American Studies Association Annual Conference, Toronto, 6 October 2009a 'Foundations of Cultural Political Economy', Bristol University, Bristol, 22 January. 2009b 'Cultural Political Economy', Plenary Lecture presented at the 4th International Conference of the Interpretative Policy Analysis: Discourse and Power in Critical Policy Studies, University of Kassel, Germany, 25-27 June.
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