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PublicationsOn this page, recent books, major book sections, refereed journal articles, and recent working papers are listed that present cultural political economy in the way it was developed at CPERC in Lancaster. The references are sorted into the categories: working papers, collaborative work, Bob Jessop's selected publications, and Ngai-Ling Sum's selected publications. Outcomes of particular research projects authored by project members can also be found on the project pages of the Cultures of Competitiveness project and the Great Transformations project. CPERC Working PapersKutter, Amelie: Totgesagte leben länger. Die Fortschreibung ökonomischer Ordnung in Krisenlektionen der deutschen Finanzpresse [State Redux? Economic Imaginaries in the German Financial Press], CPERC Working Paper 2012-03 This paper is outcome of the Great Transformations project Jessop, Bob: Cultural Political Economy, Spatial Imaginaries, Regional Economic Dynamics, CPERC Working Paper 2012-02 This paper is outcome of the Great Transformations project Sum, Ngai-Ling: Towards a Cultural Political Economy: Discourses, Material Power and (Counter-)Hegemony. EU Framework 6 DEMOLOGOS SPOT PAPER (2005), CPERC Working Paper 2012-01 This paper is outcome of the DOMOLOGOS project which was linked to the ESRC Seminar Series Changing Cultures of Competitiveness
Collaborative Work2013 (forthcoming) Heinrich, Mathis and Kutter, Amelie 'A Critical Juncture in EU Integration? The Eurozone Crisis and its Management 2010-2012.' In: F. E. Panizza and G. Philip (eds) The Politics of Financial Crisis. Comparative Perspectives. London: Routledge. This book section is outcome of the Great Tranformations project 2013 Kutter, Amelie 'Totgesagte leben länger: die Fortschreibung ökonomischer Ordnung in der Finanzpresse [Their death was prematurely reported: imaginations of economic formation in the financial press].' In: J. Maeße (ed) Ökonomie, Diskurs, Regierung: Interdiszplinäre Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 95-120. This book section is outcome of the Great Tranformations project 2013 Sum, Ngai-Ling and Bob Jessop: 'Competitiveness, the Knowledge-Based Economy, and Higher Education', in: Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 4 (1) 1-24 2012 Jessop, Bob and Ngai-Ling Sum: 'Cultural political economy, strategic essentialism, and neo-liberalism', in: M. Mayer and J. Künkel (eds.): Neoliberal Urbanism, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 80-96. 2012 Sum, Ngai-Ling and Bob Jessop: Towards Cultural Political Economy: Bringing Culture Back into Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar2010 Jessop, Bob and Ngai-Ling Sum: 'Cultural political economy: on logics of discovery, epistemic fallacies, and the potential of the cultural turn', in: New Political Economy, 15 (3) 445-451. 2010 Sum, Ngai-Ling and Bob Jessop: 'Critical discourse analysis, cultural political economy and economic crisis', in: R. de Cillia, H. Gruber, M. Kryzanowski, and F. Menz (eds.): Discourse-Politics-Identity, Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 95-103. 2008 Fairclough, Norman, Bob Jessop and Ruth Wodak (eds): Education and the Knowledge-Based Economy in Europe, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. See the pre-copy-edited version in Lancaster ePrints. 2006 Jessop, Bob and Ngai-Ling Sum: Beyond the Regulation Approach: Putting Capitalist Economies in their Place, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. This book won the EAEPE Gunnar Myrdal Prize 2006. 2006a Jessop, Bob and Ngai-Ling Sum: Towards a Cultural Political Economy: Post-Structuralism and the Italian School, in: M. De Goede (ed.) International Political Economy and Poststructural Politics, New York: Palgrave, 157-176 Bob Jessop2013 (forthcoming) 'Beyond finance-dominated capitalism? Reflections on growth regimes,' Capital & Class This article is outcome of the Great Transformations project 2013 'Recovered imaginaries, imagined recoveries: a cultural political economy of crisis construals and crisis-management in the North Atlantic Financial Crisis, in: M. Benner (ed.): Beyond the Global Economic Crisis: Economics and Politics for a Post-Crisis Settlement, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Download the pre-copy-edited version This book section is outcome of the Great Tranformations project 2012a 'The world market, variegated capitalism, and the crisis of European integration’, in P. Nousios et al. (eds) Globalisation and European Integration, London: Routledge, 91-111. This book section is outcome of the Great Transformations project 2011 'Rethinking the diversity of capitalism: varieties of capitalism, variegated capitalism, and the world market', in G. Wood and C. Lane (eds) Capitalist Diversity and Diversity within Capitalism, London: Routledge, 209-237 2010 'On historical semantics, state forms, & political regimes', Sociologica, 2 2010a 'Thinking state/space incompossibly', Antipode (co-authored with M.R. Jones), 42 (5), 1119-1149. 2009 'Cultural political economy and critical policy studies', Critical Policy Studies 3 (3-4), 336-356. 2008 'Theorizing socio-spatial relations' (co-authored with N. Brenner and M.R. Jones), Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 26 (3), 389-401. 2008a 'A cultural political economy of competitiveness and its implications for higher education', in B. Jessop, N. Fairclough, and R. Wodak (eds): Education and the Knowledge-Based Economy in Europe, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 11-39. 2007 'From micro-powers to governmentality: Foucault on statehood, state formation, statecraft and state power', Political Geography, 26 (1), 34-40. 2007a 'Cultural political economy: on making the cultural turn without falling into soft economic sociology' (co-authored with S. Oosterlynck), Geoforum 39 (2008), 1155-1169. 2007b State Power: a Strategic-Relational Approach, Cambridge: Polity 2006 'State- and regulation-theoretical perspectives on the European Union and the failure of the Lisbon Agenda', Competition and Change, 10 (2), 145-65. 2005 'The political economy of scale and European governance', Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 96 (2), 225-30. 2005a 'Gramsci as a spatial theorist', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 8 (4), 421-37. 2005b 'Critical realism and the strategic-relational approach', New Formations, 56, 40-53. Ngai-Ling Sum2013 'A Cultural Political Economy of Crisis Recovery: (Trans-)National Imaginaries of 'BRIC' and Subaltern Groups in China', Economy and Society, 42 (1) 24-44 2012 'Cultural Political Economy of Competitiveness, Competition Law and Competition Policy', in: Dowdle M. (ed) Competition Law and Capitalism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (under review) 2011 'A Cultural Political Economy of Crisis Recovery: (Trans-)National Imaginaries of 'BRIC' and the Case of China (submitted to Economy and Society in March 2011). 2010 'The Centring of (Semi-)Peripheral Economies: A Cultural Political Economy of 'BRIC' and the Case of China', Prokla - Journal of Critical Social Science 160, 543-566 (in German). 2010 'The Cultural Political Economy of Transnational Knowledge Brands: Porterian Competitiveness Discourse and its Recontexutalization to Hong Kong/Pearl River Delta', Journal of Language and Politics, 9 (4), 546-573. 2010 'The Making and Recontextualization of Knowledge Brands Across Different Sites and Scales', Geographies of Brands, in: A. Pyke (ed) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (accepted by the editor). 2009 'The Production of Hegemonic Policy Discourses: "Competitiveness" as a Knowledge Brand and its (Re-)Contextualization', Critical Policy Studies, 3 (2), 184-203. 2009 'Cultural Political Economy of Neoliberalism: The Production and Negotiations of 'Competitiveness' as Hegemonic Logics', Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-Income Countries, ed. A. Saad-Filho, & G. Yalman, London: Routledge, 47-61 2008a 'Struggles Against Wal-Martization and Neo-liberal Competitiveness in (southern) China: Is Post-Neoliberalism an Alternative?', Development Dialogue, 51, 67-81. 2008b 'Neoliberalism and Cultures of 'Competitiveness' in East Asia: Numbers, Clusters and Chains', Memoirs of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, 50-67. 2005 Towards a cultural political economy : discourses, material power and (counter-) hegemony. Spot Paper. DEMOLOGOS. |
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