Security & Portering
The University provides a team of trained Security Officers, led by the Security Operations Manager. The Security Lodge open 24/7, 365 days of the year is located on Bowland Avenue South, near the main roundabout as you arrive on Campus.
In an emergency dial 999 or 444 from any internal telephone line. This will connect the caller to the Security Reception, which is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
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Here to help
The prime task is to ensure the safety and security of students, staff and visitors alike whilst on Campus and other University sites. We aim to maintain a safe and secure environment at all times. Security staff are a visible presence for crime prevention and reporting of incidents, including mobile patrols in liveried vehicles. Building security is high on the list of responsibilities, ensuring that the numerous departments and colleges are correctly accessible when required, especially at weekends. Another such responsibility is parking control and enforcement of the University parking regulations, a vital requirement to ensure access for all to Campus. The Lost and Found property register and store are also kept at the Security Lodge.
Lost Property
Property is found all over Campus every day. Whilst many people hand such items in at the nearest suitable point such as a College Porters Lodge, the main repository for found property is the Security Lodge. All property is forwarded to the Security Lodge if unclaimed for further enquiries and to attempt to trace the owner. A register is also maintained for lost property. Property is retained for two months, after which it is disposed of; dependant on its worth, by donation to charity.
Each of the University's colleges has a dedicated Porter team, providing 24 hour assistance to students, staff and visitors during term time.