Work starts on campus for new PV Solar Farm electrical connections
The first phase of work starts on campus from Wednesday 14 August 2024 for Lancaster University’s new Photovoltaic Solar (PV) Farm. Electrical cables will be installed from Visitor Car Park K to the south of campus, onto Hazelrigg Lane up to Forrest Hills where the PV Farm will be located.
The timing of the works has been carefully planned to reduce the impact as far as possible but there will be some disruption to the following areas as the electrical cables are installed underground. The contractors (Vital Energi and subcontractor Excalon) will start to setup a works compound in Visitor Car Park K.
- Wednesday 14 August – Tuesday 27 August: Footpath in front of the 3G pitch, access will be restricted along that section due to the width of the footpath.
- Wednesday 14 August – Wednesday 11 September: Alexandra Park BBQ area to past the Eco Hub. Car parking spaces will be closed along the route on one side only.
- Monday 19 August – Wednesday 21 August: Bottom of Green Lane - Temporary traffic lights will be in place on Green Lane. Access to Lancaster House Hotel will remain open.
- Thursday 22 August – Monday 2 September: Footpath in front of the astro turf pitches. Access to the pitches will be maintained.
- Monday 2 September – Sunday 22 September - both the entrance and exit junctions from Alexandra Park Drive to the Perimeter Road will simultaneously close to all vehicles. There will be no vehicle access from the Perimeter Road into Alexandra Park or Alexandra Park to the Perimeter Road. Access to Alexandra Park only will be maintained from Hazelrigg Lane. There will be no vehicle access to main campus from Hazelrigg Lane. Vehicle users should use the main entrance to campus during the work. Traffic lights and signage will be in place during the work. Information on the changes to bus services is available here.
- Pedestrian access routes will be available throughout.
Work in this area will also include the installation of new District Heat Network pipes as part of the Net Zero Infrastructure project.
- Thursday 12 September – Monday 16 September: Visitor Car Park K closure.
Please note, the British Cycling Northwest Youth Tour on Monday 26 August and Triathlon event on Sunday 8 September will be unaffected by these works.
We apologise for any disruption caused while we work to improve the campus. For more information regarding these projects please contact the Facilities Helpdesk 01524 593333
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