Great Hall main entrance accessibility works to take place

Great Hall main entrance

From Monday 27th March until early April, update works will take place on the Great Hall main entrance doors to improve accessibility for all users. The main entrance doors are located on the western side of the Great Hall opposite the water fountain, and give access to the Great Hall foyer. The works will include the installation of an accessible entry door system with an automated opening functionality.

The door closure will be signposted throughout the duration of the works, with an alternative entrance to the building available via the Great Hall’s North Spine Entrance doors. The Peter Scott Gallery, Jack Hylton Music Room, Nuffield Theatre and other facilities within the Great Hall will remain in use throughout the duration of the works, but will not be accessible via the main entrance doors.

Some initial enabling works will take place from Wednesday 22nd March and some minor additional works will be undertaken following completion of the project, but Great Hall access through the main entrance will be maintained during these times.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you require further information in relation to this project or have any issues concerning access to the Great Hall during the works period, please direct enquires to the Facilities Communications inbox:

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