Accessible Campus Works Commence at Bowland
The works for w/c 5th November include:
- Investigative works to inspect the lower level stairwell leading to Flat 6 – The ground floor entrance to the stairwell will be closed on Wednesday 7th November for one day whilst this work is undertaken and a diversion will be signposted. Some noise is expected for short durations.
- Replacement of paving to cycle parking pays in Bowland Main and North Quad’s – The cycle bays will remain open throughout the works and will be managed locally by the contractor. Some low level noise is expected throughout the next couple of weeks, as this work is undertaken. Steps have been taken to mitigate this where possible.
This update will be issued weekly and will be posted to the Works Updates section of this website.
If you have any concerns or questions about the work here, contact the Facilities Helpdesk on 01524 593333 or email