Campus in the city

 Day Two: Friday 12 April 2024

our planet from space with the northern lights shining green
campus in the city circular logo

When and where is it?

Friday 12 April, 10am - 4pm

The Storey, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1TH

Lancaster Castle, Castle Hill, Lancaster,

The Gregson Community and Arts Centre, 33-35 Moorgate, Lancaster, LA1 3PY

Programme of activities

Day Two of campus in the city brings you a packed programme of drop-in activities, exhibitions and prebookable workshops and talks.

The Gregson Community and Arts Centre is hosting a Feel Good Friday with researchers from Faculty of Health and Medicine at Lancaster University exploring the concept of 'pleasure'. Please note that booking for this event is essential and is 18+ only.

The Gallery in The Storey will be home to a large range of drop in activities throughout the day as well as exhibitions to view. There are also a number of bookable workshops where numbers are limited so please book in advance. These take place in the Lecture Room and the Reading Room and also just a short walk away in the Castle Suite at Lancaster Castle.

Full details of the programme can be found below.

Activities to book in advance

If you are interested in the following activities, please book a ticket. Places on the day cannot be guaranteed but will be available if the activity is not fully booked in advance.

Please note booking is essential for Feel Good Friday at the Gregson Centre.

Feel Good Friday

Calling all pleasure seekers! Pleasure is good for us but it is often overlooked because we don’t have the time, money or support to find it. To change this, join our 'Feel good Friday'. Suitable for ages 18+. Booking essential.

This is a fun, feel-good event hosted by The Gregson Centre and researchers from Faculty of Health and Medicine at Lancaster University. The event will involve:
- Researchers sharing about the role of pleasure for health
- Facilitated conversation activities
- Free hot lunch
- Feel good taster sessions events for you to get involved with (full list available soon, 2 sessions per person)
- Take away ‘pleasure buffet’ i.e. your choice of treats to take home at the end of the day!

Suitable for ages 18+ only. Booking essential

Book now for the Feel Good Friday event

feel good friday in big pink letters
At the Gregson Centre. 18+ only. Booking essential.

Gaming and the future city

How do we think about the future, how can we use computer games to build our visions? How do we think about the city that we live in? Join us for a gaming event using a city-building simulator game to design your own vision for Heysham, Morecambe and Lancaster. Suitable for ages 7+

This accessible event is open in two-hour workshops. Workshop 1, 10am - 12pm and Workshop 2, 1pm - 3pm, for 7+ years and parents

Participants will be playing Paradox Interactive’s Cities: Skylines on a real-world map of Lancashire to design your own future city, considering transport, health, education and other elements. You will be supported by advice from Lancaster City Council and Specialist academics to help you plan your game build.

No experience necessary!

Book now for Gaming and the future city

an aerial view of an imagined city at night
Bookable workshop. 10am - 12pm ages 7 - 14. 1pm - 3pm ages 13+ (all under 16s to be accompanied by an adult)

Why lived experience matters in health research

The impact, value, and importance of people’s lived experiences of living with health conditions and using health services in research (and how to get involved!) Suitable for ages 15+

What is patient and public involvement in health research?

Join us for this informative session to find out how your experiences of using health services and living with health conditions can play a vital role in research teams work to improve healthcare with Lancaster University’s Faculty of Health and Medicine.

Hear about the benefits that can arise from being part of a community of people who are supporting and contributing to innovative research work.

Book for the why lived experience matters session

an infographic of some hands holding light bulbs
Pre-bookable presentation

Are we healthier than ever?

Over thousands of years on Earth, humanity has evolved, although it may not always seem for the better. Discover how the health of the population has changed over the last 100 years. Suitable for any ages 7+

Over thousands of years on Earth, humanity has evolved, although it may not always seem for the better. In this session, we will give you an overview on how the health of the population has changed over the last 100 years.

Starting at 1.30pm in the Lecture Theatre in The Storey, this is a presentation of around 30 minutes suitable for any ages 7+. You will have an opportunity to ask questions at the end.

Book here for Are we healthier than ever?

plant shoots increasing in size grow out the soil
Pre-book. Recommended age 7+

You be the judge! Has Lancaster University Got Talent?

Be the judge and vote for the most engaging presenters! Hear PhD students talk about what their research is all about. Students will be talking about a variety of topics so if you want to learn about different topics in a short space of time, this event is for you! Suitable for ages 10+

This event is based on The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition. The competition challenges PhD and MPhil students to deliver a succinct presentation on their thesis and its significance within three minutes, before a live public audience.

As a member of the audience, you will have the opportunity to judge PhD students’ presentation on 'comprehension and content' and 'engagement and communications'.
Your vote will decide who the winner and runners-up are.

This event is suitable for ages 10+.

Book for Has Lancaster University Got Talent

an image of a microphone on a stage in front of empty seats
Presentations. Recommended age 10+

Drop in activities

The following activities are all drop-in. Just turn up and have a go!

Do other planets have the northern lights? A journey through our solar system.

Meet space physicists from Lancaster University and discover auroras on other planets in the solar system! Hear about world-leading planetary research and share your ideas about exploration of new worlds. Suitable for all ages

Did you know that other planets have auroras? The northern lights or auroras are one of the most spectacular light shows in nature. The auroras can help us understand what is happening at other planets far away and tell us about how they interact with the sun and their moons.

Take a visual tour of our solar system and explore what the auroras are like on other planets. Talk to space scientists about their research and find out what the auroras can tell us about electricity in space. Share your ideas about planetary exploration as humanity enters a new space age.

Join us on a discovery journey through the solar system.

Suitable for all ages.

the northern lights above our planet shine green
Drop in activity. Image credit: NASA

Fan studies Lancaster: Zine making workshop

Make your own zine, aka a topic specific small magazine! Delve into the fantastic world of fan studies research at Lancaster University. Suitable for ages 7+

Zines are rapidly produced small magazine pamphlets that focus on a particular topic and convey information in a fun and creative way. They can include many types of content including drawings, writing, collages, and poetry are often photocopied for sharing with many people. Zines are often produced by people with a particular specialist interest; fans of music, or sports, or by people who are part of cultural and political movements. At this workshop we provide materials to help you to create your own zine based on your favourite subject.

Suitable for ages 7+

someone making a collage out of magazines
Drop in activity. Suitable for all ages

Story of the Chinese Dragon

Discover the story and aesthetics of the Chinese dragon with hands-on experience of Chinese calligraphy and craft-making. Suitable for all ages.

This one-hour activity brings you the story and aesthetics of Chinese dragon with hands-on experience of Chinese calligraphy and craft-making in the Year of Dragon. The event includes Chinese dragon storytime, dragon drawing and craft-making and Chinese calligraphy for "dragon" (龍/龙).

Taking place at 10-11am, 11.30-12.30, 1-2pm, 2.30-3.30pm. No need to book, just turn up at the start time.

Chinese calligraphy on red paper
One hour workshop. No need to book. Just turn up!

Teddy bear hospital

Do you have a cuddly toy with an injury or is it feeling a little unwell? Bring them along and visit our wonderful Medical School who will help diagnose and treat any ailments, real or imagined! Suitable for all ages

Has you or your little one's cuddly toy been injured or is maybe feeling a little unwell? Bring them along and visit our wonderful Medical School who will help diagnose and treat any ailments, real or imagined!

a brown teddy sits in bed with a plaster on its head
Drop in activity. Suitable for all ages

A journey through psychology

Off we go on a journey through the fascinating world of psychology! Explore everything from human development, learning and memory, to moral decision-making and anti-social behaviour.

Off we go on a captivating journey through the fascinating world of psychology! Come along for an enriching experience suitable for the whole family. Explore hands-on demonstrations and interactive displays across three key themes:

Day 1, 2 and 3 Developmental Psychology
Explore the intriguing world of human development, from before birth through adolescence. Learn more about the work here at Lancaster University Babylab and uncover the intricate journey of growth and change. Discover how sensory experiences before birth shape our abilities and preferences after birth, from what we hear, see, taste, and feel in the womb. Experience interactive demonstrations on how children learn language. Explore the complexities of understanding sex role/gender stereotypes and the interplay between appearance and reality.

Day 2: Understanding human behaviour
Immerse yourself in the psychology of pro-social and anti-social behaviour, moral decision-making, and the dynamics of security and trust. Unveil personalities through writing exercises and explore the concept of bystander behaviour. Examine the dynamics between the police and the public using real police body-worn camera footage.

Day 3: Neuroscience across the lifespan
Uncover the mysteries of how humans understand and process the world. Delve into the mesmerizing world of brain activity measurement, test your balance, and explore your cognitive skills with insightful tests. Witness firsthand how our minds can control robotic claws. Explore the amazing world of hearing and listening, which influences us throughout our lives. Discover how well you hear, understand how ears work together, and experience music with a cochlear implant.

Children using VR headsets
Drop in activity. Suitable for all ages.

Your microbes and you

Discover how our gut bacteria are important for our health and what you can do to take care of them. Suitable for all ages

Have you heard about the importance of your gut microbes? Do you wonder why we haven’t heard about these before? There are trillions of good microbes that live within us that help us digest food, make vitamins, and make us feel happy!

If you want to learn how to look after your ‘good’ bacteria, come and try our ‘hands-on’ experience, learning which foods feed ‘good’ or ‘bad’ bacteria. Participants can ‘sort’ foods into good or bad ‘bacteria boxes’ – with each correct answer they reveal a benefit that our microbes provide for us!

an AI image of some microbes
Drop in activity, 10 - 1pm

All about DNA

Can YOU extract DNA from a strawberry? Ever wondered about the ethics of DNA editing? Come and learn “all about DNA” with a hands-on, fruit-squishing experiment and an interactive display on gene editing. Suitable for all ages.

How do you extract DNA from a strawberry you ask? Well here's your chance to find out and have a go at a mini, hands-on experiment! Discover how DNA is in every living thing and why it is important for health, medicine and wildlife conservation.

Explore our "Ethical washing line" in relation to genetic modification. Learn about a key method that can be used to alter DNA and consider when this technique could, in theory, be used.

This activity also takes place on Day One of CITC.

a pile of strawberries
Drop in activity, 1pm - 4pm

Exploring seaside memories with Lancaster University's Library

Explore Lancaster University's Library archives and the stories they tell about our region. Find out how you can become a library member and participate in an exciting new community research project. Suitable for all ages

Our Library, collections and archives are open for everyone to use. This event will introduce you to our collections and archives; there really is something for everyone. You can register for our free community card; be inspired by our archive collections to create your own Edwardian postcard; or get involved in our new project with Mirador Arts to capture the history of the boom in youth culture which followed the introduction of the Jukebox to northwest seaside towns in the 1950s. This event is open to people of all ages but there will be specific activities aimed at people aged 75 and over and their families

a postcard of a beach scene
Suitable for all ages but with specific activities aimed at those 75+

Connectivity is everything: Ruskin VR and ConnectLU App

Explore the past, collaborate for the future. A virtual reality journey through time bringing The Ruskin Museum and Research Centre to life. Then dive into the future of collaborative workspaces with our ConnectLU App! Some VR experiences suitable for ages 12+.

Embark on a journey through time with our Ruskin VR experiences, immersing yourself in the fascinating mind of John Ruskin. Perfect for all ages and interests, discover the legacy of John Ruskin and his profound connections with nature and the arts. If the past is not for you, that’s not all we’ve got! Dive into the future of collaborative workspaces with our ‘ConnectLU’ App. This collocation app redefines collaboration by offering shared spaces and desks for innovative projects and partnerships. So don’t miss out! Join us at our showcase to uncover the past, shape the future, and witness the power of connectivity in action. Some of our VR experiences may only be suitable for ages 12+ due to complex use.

some students try out VR headsets
Drop in activity. Some of the VR experiences are 12+ due to the complex use

Open Access Escape Room

Try and solve tricky puzzles against the clock while learning about what open access is! Suitable for all ages.

An “escape room in a box”, with different types of puzzles and a gamemaster to give some clues if you get stuck! Open Access benefits the general public as well as academics as it allows free and open distribution of research, and by gamifying this concept, we hope to spread this knowledge to a wider audience! Lancaster University library has lots of Open Access resources available to all! Suitable for all ages.

Key with an open padlock
Suitable for all ages.

Cabinet of curiosity: What’s engineering got to do with it?

What questions will you have about the contents of our cabinet of curiosity. Puzzle over objects designed by engineers to solve problems and improve lives. What are they for? What do they do? Did you know that engineering is everywhere? Suitable for all ages

Get up close to a range of prototypes designed and tested by engineers carefully selected for our cabinet of curiosities.

What do they tell you about what Lancaster University’s engineers are working on and what questions they are trying to answer?

What problem would you solve?

What invention would you create?

a grown up and a child look at an exhibition

Research impact showcase: Faculty of Science and Technology

What difference does research at Lancaster really make? This is Lancaster, Science and Technology: A global research community changing lives across the world. Suitable for all ages.

How has research from physics improved forest fire detection techniques?

How many children are now engaging with computer coding as a result of our work?

How are colleagues in Engineering helping to reduce radioactive waste at Sellafield Nuclear Power Station?

Discover the answers to these questions at this showcase of posters highlighting the research being undertaken by the Faculty of Science and Technology and the differences it has made on a local, national, and global scale.

small circular images of some research over a background image of a person in some ferns