An afternoon with Barry Lees, former Police Officer turned Crime Writer

Wednesday 5 February 2025, 4:00pm to 5:30pm


Private Dining Rooms

Open to

Staff, Undergraduates


Free to attend - registration required

Registration Info

Registration required. Please use the event details link provided.

Event Details

Barry Lees joined Lancashire Police at the age of sixteen...

Barry Lees joined Lancashire Police at the age of sixteen. In a thirty-year career, spent mainly in Lancaster & Morecambe, he went from uniform bicycle patrol to surveilling drug dealers and investigating murders. Dodging burning missiles in riots, preparing complex court cases and training new recruits all contributed to the variety.

Once retired, Barry graduated in English & Creative Writing and commenced a second career as a lecturer in Policing and Criminology. In parallel to this, he began writing crime thrillers, several of which have been published in the USA, Australia and the UK. Many of the settings for his work come from the Lancaster area. He is now a full-time writer, working on his eleventh book. To balance the solitude of writing fiction, Barry writes the newspaper match reports for his other passion, the Vale of Lune Rugby Club.

This event is free to attend, however donations for St John's Hospice will be collected at the event. Copies of Barry's books will also be available to purchase at the event. Refreshments provided.

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