19 February 2016
DSI held its second annual workshop for Company Partners to share ideas and work on a strategy for data science within their organisations.

Representatives of 36 of DSI's partner organisations gathered at the Lancaster House Hotel for a series of workshops to consider the changing nature of business information usage. The event allowed DSI Partners to hear about the latest trends in data strategy, evaluate their organisations' best response to the emerging opportunities and to formulate a plan for implementation. The partner representatives were able to discuss their ideas with over 30 academic members of DSI and have identified areas of potential collaboration. Both academics and company partners reported the benefits of the conversations that were held and we anticipate a new range of DSI-Industry partnership projects getting underway as a result.

DSI sees working with Industry Partners as integral to its mission and is committed to building long-term beneficial links with Industry. Please contact our Business Engagement Manager Dr Simon Tomlinson if you would like to discuss working with DSI.