Assistance Animals and Working dogs policies

Assistance dogs

Individuals are prohibited from bringing animals inside any University owned, leased or controlled buildings, vehicles or structures. However, the University recognises that a disabled person (as defined by the Equality Act 2010) may require an animal, most usually a dog, who wholly supports them in carrying out essential day-to-day activities to enable them to manage their disability.

Please note that animals used in therapeutic interventions which might ordinarily be called “Therapy animals” and family pets owned by staff, students or visitors are not permitted on campus and this includes inside any University owned, leased or controlled buildings, vehicles or structures. In the light of this, the University has taken a risk-based approach to enable it to meet its statutory duties.

If you would like to seek permission to bring an assistance dog onto campus you are required to complete an application form which will then be submitted to the Disability and Inclusive Practice Service for review. Please be advised that if you are identified as eligible to complete the full application form you will be asked to upload your dog's insurance, vaccine, and accreditation certificates (where available) as well as a photo of your dog so please ensure that you have these to hand.

To learn more about roles and responsibilities for managing assistance dogs and working dogs please go to the Assistance Animals Arrangements Policy pdf document. There is also a Word version of the Assistance Animals Arrangements Policy Word.

Working dogs

Similarly, working dogs such as those used for pest control and law enforcement will also be permitted. This is required to take place in such a way as to ensure the health and safety of staff, students and visitors. In the light of this, the University has taken a risk-based approach to enable it to meet its statutory duties.