Hi, I’m Catherine, a first-year Theatre student here at Lancaster. Taking a degree in Theatre was a difficult decision for me, as despite doing a lot of research it was hard to find out how combining performance with academia would work, and if I would like it. As I’ve found I love the Theatre course at Lancaster so far, I thought that writing down what I get up to this week could give those of you who love drama some insight into whether a degree in Theatre could be something you’d like to pursue.
Wednesday 15th January
Every Wednesday I have a 10am lecture, looking at a new topic each week. Last term we covered drama through the ages ranging from Shakespeare in the 1600s to more contemporary practitioners such as Brecht. To start the new term off we’re continuing this timeline of theatre and looking at postmodern practice. My lecture this morning, therefore, focused on the relatively new ‘applied theatre’, where theatre is used to aid the community, such as in education or within the NHS. As I’m interested in teaching, I found this lecture particularly interesting and something to think about researching further for our practical group pieces which we will be starting in the next couple of weeks.